Taibai widened his eyes and looked at the Jade Emperor in amazement.

Big brother, don't play with me.

How can my small body play with those big gangsters and interpreters?

Aren't you going to let me die?

"Why, do you even want to oppose me?"

Taibai's expression suffocated, how dare I?

Holding the Jade Emperor's decree in his hands, he headed towards the Ziwei Palace in the North Pole Zhongtian.

Soon, although Emperor Ziwei felt inexplicable, the Jade Emperor sent Taibai to personally bring the decree to invite him.

He is also not good at sweeping the face of the emperor.

I can only dress up and go to the Lingxiao Palace.

The same is true for Antarctica Xianweng, he is not a disciple of interception.

Although he has a smile on his face, he is good at mmp behind his back.

"Xingjun go first, I will be there later!"

Finally, Taibai came to Doumu Palace.

Without saying a word, he shook off the decree and preached, "The Jade Emperor has a decree, so that you and other disciples who intercepted the teachings will quickly go to the Lingxiao Palace to go to court, but those who resist should not blame the ruthless laws of the heavens!"

As soon as these words were said, many disciples in the Dou Mu Palace laughed out loud on the spot.

"Hahaha~~~ Old Taibai, are you here to be funny?"

"The Jade Emperor loves to toss it up to him, but I intercept the disciples and go to the Lingxiao Palace if I want. I don't want to go to his decree."

A group of intercepted disciples stepped forward and surrounded Taibai fiercely.

Taibai kept on his hind legs, and when he found a position to prepare for a bad one, he ran away immediately.

"This... don't embarrass me, everyone, this old man is just a messenger!"

Helpless, whether this is the interception or the Jade Emperor.

It's all he can't afford to offend.

Doing this errand is really a double sin.

It's really Nima's shit.

"Go back and tell the Jade Emperor, I am waiting for the most important things to do for freedom, maintaining the order of the Three Realms, and exercising the responsibilities of my gods are the top priorities at present!"

The words of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit did not make it clear.

But he was also mocking in secret, that Jade Emperor was just a person who couldn't do business.

A fool who only knows how to do things every once in a while.

It is different for us to intercept and teach disciples.

There are still a lot of things to do in the Three Realms, so you won't be mad at the Jade Emperor.

It is not without foundation that Our Lady of the Golden Spirit said this.

The Jade Emperor was only eaten by a dog because of the sacrifice of the Jade Emperor by a prince in the world.

The Jade Emperor simply did not bring rain to the people of Fengxian County.

As a result, all ten gates and nine households in Fengxian County cried, and three people starved to death and two people died.

It can be seen that this Jade Emperor is not a benevolent and righteous monarch.

When dealing with political affairs in the Three Realms, they mostly act according to their own preferences.

They don't care about the life and death of the people of the Three Realms.

How can such a person rule the Three Realms?

Taibai was scolded for a while, and was suddenly speechless.

This Jade Emperor's virtue, how could he who is close to him not know?

He could only leave angrily and return to Lingxiao Palace.

The Great Emperor Ziwei and the Antarctic Fairy Weng all arrived, and only the people who intercepted the teaching were not seen.

The Jade Emperor was instantly furious, and one piece smashed the imperial table in front of him.

"What a disciple, a group of beasts with wet eggs, fur and feathers, An dare to disrespect me, it's really courting death!!!"

"Wait for the army of Qi, and go with me to capture all these chaotic officials and thieves!"

What the hell! ! !

Jade Emperor is this crazy?

In the main hall, the four Heavenly Masters and all the Spirit Tubers were all astonished.

He quickly persuaded, "Your Majesty, the disciples are scattered all over my heaven. If they choose children, the whole heaven will not be able to function!"

If Zhou Tianxingchen couldn't function, this sin would be a big one.

Can his Jade Emperor resist?

However, today's Jade Emperor is obviously not so easily persuaded.

After swallowing the Holy Pill, it has swelled.

He is the No. [-] in the Great Desolation, and anyone who dares to resist him will die.

"You don't need to increase the prestige of others and destroy your own morale, let's see that I have captured all these chaotic ministers and thieves!"

The Jade Emperor glanced at the crowd below with a smile.

Except for the Four Heavenly Masters and a few spirit officials who were anxious, everyone else had the expression of watching a play.

Just waiting for his Jade Emperor to make a fool of himself.

"Okay, I will show you my majesty today!"

Without warning, the Jade Emperor suddenly stretched out his right hand to fish in the stars of that week.

Intercepting the disciples is not under his control at all.

They were all brought to the Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor exudes a terrifying coercion.

I don't know how much stronger than that quasi-sage peak.

Even, there is a faint hint of a saint in his coercion.

Taishang Laojun's expression changed greatly.

He stared at the Jade Emperor in amazement.

At this moment, his changes made him completely unpredictable.

"What a Jade Emperor, he has been hiding his cultivation, and he has half footed into the realm of a saint!"

The previous terrifying way made him, the quasi-sage peak, unable to bear the pressure of the heart of resistance.

Obviously it is only the saint Tianwei.

This Jade Emperor has stepped into the realm of a saint with half a foot.

"You wait to teach the disciples to disregard the mandate of my destiny, and dare to neglect their duties. Disobeying the mandate of the gods should be damned!"

Horrible, vast! ! !

Notre Dame Jin Ling and others were angry, they did not expect that the Jade Emperor would actually dare to do it.


This time, the Jade Emperor waved his hand without any scruples.

The big hand that covered the sky fell from the heads of the Virgin of the Golden Spirit and others.


With the Jade Emperor's endless hatred for the disciples of Intercept, this palm slapped them into flesh on the spot.

"Hey~~~ Jade Emperor really dares to do it!"

All the immortals and gods onlookers looked like their scalps were numb.

Today this Jade Emperor is definitely crazy.

"It's over, Heavenly Court Star has lost its operation, and this monstrous karma is about to fall!"

The role of Zhou Tianxingchen is very important.

It is the buffer in the chaos of the prehistoric world, and it has lost the shelter of Zhou Tianxingchen.

That chaotic air is about to invade into the Great Desolate.

With such karma, the Jade Emperor would definitely not be able to handle it alone.

The whole heaven will be affected.

None of the Antarctic Immortals can escape the influence of karma.

"Your Majesty~~~ this.. Zhou Tianxingchen is not running, what can I do now?"

Bo Yi Kao, the great emperor of Ziwei, turned pale in shock, after the death of the star gods such as the Virgin of the Golden Spirit.

He felt the abnormality of Ziwei Emperor Star. .

Chapter 156

However, the Jade Emperor did not panic at all.

Calmly said, "What are you panicking about, isn't that what Western Buddhism doesn't have?"


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