Everyone was silent, joking that the Jade Emperor's Clear Sky Mirror couldn't detect it.

We went to have eggs.

"Zhenwu, it's better for you to go..."

The Jade Emperor remembered his capable officer again, and shouted a sudden sluggishness.

This Zhenwu went to Western Buddhism and never came back.

According to the folks from the Buddhist sect, Zhenwu was taken into the Huaguo Mountain.

He was caught by that Zhen Yuanzi, and now he has not released anyone.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Zhenwu has been arrested in the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits!"

Taibaijinxing reminded in a low voice.

The Jade Emperor's face darkened.

It is this Huaguo Mountain again, and I always think of this place.

The Jade Emperor couldn't help but feel depressed.

Originally thought that Zhong Xuan was dead, he, the Queen Mother and the other three would be able to break the mountain protection formation.

Take out the innate spiritual root inside.

Who knew that Zhong Xuan had such a great fate that he did not die under the scourge of heaven at all.

Zhenwu was arrested, and now no one dares to rescue him.

Without Zhenwu, who else could the Jade Emperor make?

The performance of the disciples in the ancient starry sky is obviously that they have an affair with Zhong Xuan of Huaguo Mountain.

Asking them to investigate the matter will only be humiliating.

"King Tota, you start to investigate this matter, and you must give Laojun an explanation!"

King Tota said nothing, and immediately stood up and said, "The minister will receive the decree!"

The gods understood.

This thing is already yellow.

Who is King Tota?

He is just a lackey, what can he do for you?

But it was the Jade Emperor who forcibly made a round in order not to save face.


The more the Jade Emperor thought about it, the more angry he became. He had been operating in the Heavenly Court for so many years.

As a result, a spirit treasure was lost, and the confidant was taken away.

A situation where Heavenly Court could not be completely controlled by him.

"No, I have to go to the Zixiao Palace (good) and let Daozu call the shots for me!"

After thinking about it, I have to ask my parents.

"I don't believe it anymore, that Zhong Xuanneng is so arrogant that he doesn't even care about Daozu!"

The Jade Emperor turned around and flew towards the Chaos Zixiao Palace.

The Zixiao Palace cannot be seen by those who are not destined.

As soon as he entered the chaos, a golden bridge appeared in front of him.

The Jade Emperor was overjoyed, this was obviously the Taoist ancestor giving him directions.

Now it seems that Daozu Hongjun must also know what happened in the flood.

It seems that the big event can be expected, that Zhong Xuan's child will not be rampant for long.

Following the guidance of the Golden Bridge, the Jade Emperor successfully entered the Zixiao Palace.

Without saying a word, he first knelt directly in front of the cloud bed of Daozu Hongjun, and gave Daozu a respectful salute and said good luck.

"Get up, what is the meaning of this trip to Zixiao Palace?"

Hongjun Daozu's voice was vague and uncertain, and the Jade Emperor did not raise his head, just knelt on the ground.

Knock his head deeply on the floor of Zixiao Palace.

There are all kinds of grievances in my heart, and all kinds of unhappiness surged up in an instant.

Two lines of clear tears, seeing the Tongtian Sect Master beside him frowning and pouting.

In the past countless years, Haotian still hasn't made any progress.

A big man, he would come to his parents to cry when he encountered small things.

Really a piece of shit.

"Woooooooo~~~~ Daozu, the disciple is guilty!!!"

This time Haotian didn't cry directly to Hongjun, and he was made trouble by others.

When he came up, he took the retreat as the advance, and took everything on his own.

It's all my problem, not anyone else's.

Even those disciples who don't obey orders, relying on their love and ignorance.

Or that Buddhism took advantage of the general trend of heaven and did not put him, the Lord of the Three Realms, in his eyes.

Or it was the enchanting Zhong Xuan in Huaguo Mountain who disrespected Heavenly Court over and over again and grabbed the claws of Emperor Zhenwu of Heavenly Court.

Killed the God of Gouchen in Heaven.

All of these have nothing to do with others, they are all his Jade Emperor's waste.

After Hongjun heard this, he sighed.

In my heart, you are really a piece of shit.

Lao Tzu is your backer, and you can still manage the Three Realms into this shape, which is awesome! .

Chapter 155

The Jade Emperor finished crying.

Then he said, "Daozu, the disciple's ability is not enough, and he is not qualified for the position of the Lord of the Three Realms. Please ask Daozu to find another virtuous person!"

Daozu frowned, not knowing what to say.

The old god of Tongtian on the side is there.

This Haotian has no good intentions, he must want to deal with Jiaojiao and Huaguoshan.


The laughter of Tongtian was extremely loud in the dead Zixiao Palace.

Jade Emperor's heart trembled.

What the hell is going on here?

"Hehe~~~ Daozu, I also think Haotian is right. Governing the Three Realms is a big thing!"

"If one is not good, it will create boundless karma. Since Haotian himself said that his ability is not enough, I think this Jade Emperor's position should be replaced by someone else!"

"Exactly, I have a few good candidates here!"

My Nima, Jade Emperor frowned.

In my heart, I cursed at Tongtian Sect Master.

Lao Tzu is just casually humble, how can you take it seriously?

However, he has already spoken out.

It's definitely impossible to regret it now.

"Haotian is the destiny of destiny, and he has the general power of heaven, and the position of the Lord of the Three Realms must be his!"

Hongjun Daozu's voice sounded, and the Jade Emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Mr. Hongjun is still facing him.

"Haotian, the Lord of the Three Realms belongs to Tianming, not if you don't want to do it!"

Jade Emperor's heart is certain, this time it is stable.

Daozu said this, the Jade Emperor's honor is definitely not gone.

Humph~~ Tongtian Xiaoer also wanted to take the opportunity to suppress his position as the Lord of the Three Realms.

But it is delusional.

"Yes. The strength of the disciples is simply not enough to convince the public. There are Huaguoshan evildoers who have survived the scourge of God, and the forces of all parties in the heaven are intricate. The disciples can't suppress them!"

Hongjun was silent, he had seen this situation before the gods.

He glanced at Daozu secretly, and saw that he was still with the old god, and he didn't seem to have anything to help him.

The Jade Emperor can only make persistent efforts.

He cried out, "Teacher, this disciple has the intention to maintain the order of the Three Realms for the teacher, but there are too many monsters and ghosts, and the disciple is more than enough!"

"In Beiju Luzhou in the north, there are ten demon gods who lead the remnant demon clan to be a disaster!"

"There is also Kunpeng in the Beiming Sea Demon Master's Palace who refuses to accept discipline, and even the Beihai Dragon Palace has been occupied by him!"

"There is another Buddhist sect in the west, which is separated from the teacher's profound sect, and does not obey the discipline of the heaven at all!"

"In the south, there is also the ancestor Ming He in the sea of ​​blood and the undead volcano left by the Phoenix family, which are places that his heavenly court can't manage!"

"Now, even Dongsheng Shenzhou, the only one under Heavenly Court's command, has a Huaguo Mountain. This mountain has been occupied by a side of evildoers. Even if it refuses to accept Heavenly Court, it has even provoked it many times!"

"Even the Emperor Zhenwu of my Heavenly Court was caught by him!"

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