Maitreya's expression condensed, his cultivation base is reasonable to hide his figure, and he should not be discovered by the Eight Immortals.

But at the moment, there is not much to care about.

He wants to show his true form and question why the Eight Immortals instructed the human race to move the Buddhist temple.


His whole body was locked by a terrifying urgency.

Not to mention changing back to its original shape, even if you want to move, you can't do it.

"No, Lord Buddha, I was plotted!"

At this moment, this Maitreya doesn't know where he is, he must have been calculated by others.

They may have long known that they entered the human race.

Introduce yourself here on purpose.

The Eight Immortals appeared before and after the alley and blocked Maitreya.

"What a monster, seeing my people teach Shangdong Eight Immortals is so calm, really a bit daring!"

Lu Dongbin glanced at Fatty Maitreya with admiration.

Afterwards, the Pure Yang Sword was drawn out, and a ray of Qinglian sword light bloomed.

The sharp sword light pointed directly at Maitreya's neck.

"Tell me your origin, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless under my sword!"

Zhong Xuan frowned in the distance, why did Lu Dongbin talk so much.

He secretly cast a spell and pushed Lu Dongbin behind his back.


The pure Yang sword pierced directly into Maitreya's neck and cut off his neck on the spot.

A person's head rose into the sky.

Blood splattered this alley.

A ray of soul escaped from the body, and Maitreya's eyes were horrified.

How dare you stay here.

Without saying a word, he was directly suppressed by the fate of the human race.

After using the escape light, he flew to the Western Buddhist gate.

"Oops, let this monster run away!"

With a look of regret, Lu Dongbin walked away from the evil spirit.

If you want to find this person again, wait until he leaves the capital of the human race to lose luck and suppress it.

I'm afraid they can't catch up.

"This... Lu Dongbin, how do you say you can do it?"

Han Zhongli shook his big fan and asked in surprise. ,

"I also said that I caught this monster and asked him about his origin and purpose. Now that his primordial spirit has escaped, where can I ask?"

"But it's just a monster. If you kill it, you will kill it. Don't worry about it!"

Lu Dongbin put away the Pure Yang Sword with a look of indifference.

Maitreya escaped from the human capital all the way, without luck suppressing his head.

It took a deep breath.

He looked at the direction of the human clan Chang'an in disbelief.

There was boundless resentment and hatred in his eyes.

"People teach, Eight Immortals, be good, if you dare to break the covenant, don't blame me for not being affectionate!"

Since humanism can do the first grade, Buddhism can also do the [-]th.

Maitreya stared fiercely at the human capital.

Then he turned around and returned to the Western Spirit Mountain.

"Yo~~Isn't this Maitreya Buddha, I haven't seen him for a day, why is there only a pair of primordial spirits left?"

When Maitreya returned to Buddhism, he first bumped into the ancient Buddha.

   He looked at the angry Maitreya with a surprised look on his face.

Isn't this just to go to the mortal human race to find out news, how come back like this in a blink of an eye.

"Don't mention it, I was taught to calculate by that person!"

It's okay not to say this, but when I mentioned this Maitreya, I was furious on the spot.

"People's religion? They're not in a partnership with Buddhism, so how could they be plotting against you?"

Ran Deng frowned, he felt that this was a bit unusual.

Humanism and Buddhism are now in a cooperative relationship.

This matter was decided by the Supreme Saint of the Human Religion and the Saint Zhunti of Buddhism.

The great prosperity of Buddhism is the general trend of heaven, and the saints of human teaching have to pay back what they owe to Buddhism.

There's no reason to backtrack. ,

"It's impossible, my body was in the capital of the human race, and my head was cut off by the sword of the Eight Immortals of Shangdong, Lu Dongbin. If it wasn't for my primordial spirit running fast, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back!"

Lu Dongbin?

Ran Deng still doesn't believe, "Although Lu Dongbin is the reincarnation of the ancient Dongwanggong, his Yuanshen is seriously damaged. At this moment, how can the Daluo Jinxian Xiuwei hurt your physical body?"

Isn't this a joke.

A big Luo Jinxian cut off your head in the late stage of the Quasi-Saint.

"That's why I said that I was taught to calculate, that Xuandu used the luck of the human race to suppress my cultivation base and fix my body!"

"Otherwise, how could little Lu Dongbin cut off my head!"

"What, even Xuan shot?"

This time, the lamp can be believed or not.

Maitreya has no reason to lie about this sort of thing.

Moreover, his body disappeared at the moment, only the primordial spirit escaped back.

Besides, his Primordial Spirit also suffered some sword qi damage.

Look at the sword qi remaining on his Yuanshen neck.

Filled with the innate pure yang energy, there is no one other than Lu Dongbin who has mastered the innate pure yang energy in the entire prehistoric wilderness.

"Quick, follow me to see the Lord Buddha!"

The lamp was startled, and he reached out and grabbed Maitreya's Yuanshen and ran to the Daleiyin Temple. .

Chapter 153

Inside the Leiyin Temple.

The Tathagata, who was defeated and lost in the ancient starry sky, is preaching to the monks.

Burning lights rushed in.

You can hear his call from far away.

"It's not good, the Lord Buddha is not good!"

Tathagata frowned.

Nima didn't see Lao Tzu preaching the scriptures to everyone, so as to improve their cultivation.

Why are you yelling so loudly?

Besides, you don't know that I just came back from the ancient starry sky, isn't it okay?

What's worse than being embarrassed?

"Amitabha, why is the ancient Buddha burning the lamp so flustered?"

You, a past Buddha, one of the three great Buddhas of Buddhism, how can you be so loud and shouting?

"Lord Buddha, look at Maitreya!"

Ran Deng moved Maitreya's Yuanshen to the floor of Daleiyin Temple.

The Tathagata jumped a few times on the spot when he saw this eyelid.

Why is this Maitreya gone?

When the monks in Leiyin Temple looked at it, they were immediately startled.

Maitreya's state at the moment is too miserable.

"Fuck, why does this Maitreya only have a pair of primordial spirits left?"

"Where did his body go?"

Maitreya is the future Buddha of the third Buddha of Buddhism, and this cultivation base is also in the late stage of Quasi-Saint.

In Buddhism, his cultivation is also in the forefront.

How do you say that without the body, there is no body?

Tathagata frowned, this thing revealed unusual.

Fingers crossed, but nothing.

"Ancient Buddha, what happened, but the Lord of the Lamp was found by Zhong Xuan?"

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