The Buddhist temple was immediately rushed up by countless troops and pushed down.

Buddhist monks were all arrested.

They all rushed to Caishikou and beheaded to the public.

Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty was immediately cleared.

Buddhist temples were swept away.

Immediately, the Western Spirit Mountain was shaken.

The Tathagata looked shocked, and sat down on the ninth-grade golden lotus, which was dim.

Looking at the Eight Treasures Merit Pond in the back mountain, the water in the pool is boiling like it has been boiled.

"No, my Buddhism is in great trouble!"

The Tathagata turned pale in shock, he had never seen such a situation since he entered Buddhism.

Isn't it said that this measure of kalpa becomes the great prosperity of Buddhism?

Why is this treasure of Buddhism's luck still so vibrating?

In Elysium, as a saint of Buddhism, he naturally felt the loss of luck immediately.

Zhunti looked into the prehistoric realm, the luck originally in the Tang Dynasty.

At this moment, they all disappeared.

It was like being uprooted overnight.

"Senior brother, the big thing is bad, all the temples of my Buddhist sect in the Tang Dynasty in Nanzongbuzhou have been removed!"

Jie Yin suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with aura and looked at the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Originally, after the Tang Dynasty opened the water and land conference, Buddhist temples have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

There is not one left at the moment.

All collapsed.

The golden statues of Buddha statues in the temple were also pushed to the ground.

Fragmentation can no longer collect Terran Fortune Faith.

On the ruins of Buddhist temples, a group of troops placed sharp steel knives on the necks of monks who had eaten fat, ears and oil on their faces.

"No, I have a bad luck in Buddhism, then the king of the Tang Dynasty has attacked my Buddhist temple!"

Quanti was furious.

This Buddhist temple in the Tang Dynasty took a lot of effort to stand up.

At this moment, he was pushed by someone in a blink of an eye.

Countless years of planning and hard work were lost in one day.

"Who exactly did it, I promise to be with him forever!!!"

The two saints were startled.

He quickly passed the decree to the Tathagata and asked him to thoroughly investigate the matter.Inch.

Chapter 152

at the same time.

The people in the big red days taught the little master Xuandu, the great master, suddenly opened his eyes.

A doubt flashed through his eyes.

The Kongtong seal in the sleeve vibrated endlessly.

"It's strange, this thing is related to the fate of the human race. Could it be that there is a problem with the fate of the human race?"

"I don't know if teaching me is good or bad!"

Xuandu is a human race.

But in front of the human race are the disciples of human teaching.

Therefore, the interests of the Human Religion are considered more important than the Human Race.

"Lu Dongbin, quickly find out what the human race is about!"

Xuandu's decree fell into the mansion of the Eight Immortals in the Heavenly Court. ,

These eight people are all his disciples, collectively known as the Eight Immortals of Shangdong.

"Huh? Master has passed down the decree, and ordered me to go to the world to investigate the reason for the turbulence of the human race!"

The Eight Immortals all descended into the realm and headed to the capital of the Tang Dynasty of the human race.

At this time, Tang Wang's extermination of the Buddha has come to an end.

Countless Buddhist disciples could not survive in the Tang Dynasty at all.

Buddhism sent Maitreya Buddha to personally investigate the human race.

No way, most of the Buddhist Bodhisattvas were beaten by Zhong Xuan into the Eight Treasures Merit Pond.

Or just be beaten to pieces.

Even the Eighteen Arhats were destroyed.

Now Buddhism, it can be said that apart from those few leading figures.

The subordinates are already in an unusable state.

This time, Maitreya did not show his bald head, but changed his appearance.

He turned into an old man and entered the Tang Dynasty with a cane.

"This little brother, I ask you something!"

The little brother who was stopped turned around and saw that he was greeted by an elderly man.

He said politely, "Old man, please tell me, Xiaosheng will definitely know everything!"

"Excuse me, little brother, why did the Tang Dynasty suddenly arrest so many Buddhist monks?"

The little brother frowned, and he lost his previous politeness.

His face changed, and he reprimanded, "Old man, I respect you for your age, but why are you so ignorant?"


Maitreya was stunned for a moment, so I just asked one thing.

Why don't you know anything?

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he could only nod and bow down to a mortal to apologize, "Don't blame my brother, don't blame me, I used to do business in another country, didn't I just return to the Tang Dynasty!"

With this explanation, the little brother's face improved a little.

"It turns out that this can be forgiven!"

"My Tang Dynasty is a human race, and the human race has been self-improvement since ancient times, fighting floods and beasts, and working hard all the way to make it today's human race!"

"Then what kind of thing is Buddhism? Not doing anything about production and propaganda in the afterlife is of no benefit to the construction of my Tang Dynasty!"

Talking about this little guy's excitement.

He bowed his hands in the direction of Chang'an and said, "Thanks to my great Tang emperor, Shengming, for sensing the conspiracy of that Buddhist bald donkey, so I didn't let Tang be swayed by Buddhism!"

"Under the order to destroy the Buddha this time, I see how these Buddhist bald donkeys are still deceiving the world!"


Destroy the Buddha?

The more and more Maitreya listened, the bigger and bigger the head became. This is the entire human dynasty that is against Buddhism.

If things go on like this, let alone the fate of Buddhism in the entire Tang Dynasty will all fall.

Even neighboring countries may also be affected by the Tang Dynasty.

After all, the current Tang Dynasty is the dynasty of all nations.

It is called the kingdom of heaven.

"This... this... how could this happen, how did Buddhism encounter such a thing!"

Maitreya's face was extremely ugly.

It never occurred to me that Buddhism would be directly pulled from its foundation.

There is a bottom line, and there is no belief in Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty.

In those other countries, how much power of faith can a little uncivilized subject provide?


"Little brother, is it possible that I made a mistake? How could the eminent Buddhist monks always be merciful to deceive the world?"

Maitreya knew that this matter was the order of the Emperor Tang to destroy the Buddha.

Certainly cannot be recovered.

Only use special means to persecute the Tang king.

No matter how bad it is, he can also be replaced by a Tang king.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no room for reversal.

However, before that, he had to figure out the root cause of the Emperor Tang's order to destroy the Buddha.

"Fart, that Buddhism murdered His Majesty, and used the matter of the Jinghe Dragon King to drag His Majesty's soul into the Underworld!"

"This matter is already a certainty, and it has been verified by His Majesty the Tang Dynasty. There is no good thing in Buddhism in this world, all of them should be damned!"

what! ! !

Miller was shocked.

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