But now, judging from Zhong Xuan's appearance, it was obvious that this goal could not be achieved.


"Master Buddha, why don't you rush up and try it? After all, there are trillions of human souls, and that's the merit of the sky!"

Maitreya said with a smile.

This dead fat man must have no peace of mind.

The corner of Tathagata's mouth twitched, don't think that I don't know what your Maitreya's idea is.

But he is now riding a tiger.

The words have already been said, do you want to blunder again?

at this time.

In the ancient starry sky, Zhong Xuan took out a white lotus flower.

"Dust returns to dust, your soul should not be affected by suffocating resentment, when you re-enter reincarnation and reincarnate!"

These human race souls have not done any karma before them.

A ray of light blooms on the pure white lotus.

All the human race grievances that are illuminated by this light will dissipate in a blink of an eye, and the spirits will be clear and transparent. ,

This treasure lord purifies all the filth in the world.

This resentment and suffocation is naturally the most stubborn and powerful filth in the prehistoric world.

It usually takes a lot of effort to figure it out.

Even the white lotus of the [-]th grade, it is impossible to completely purify the resentment contained in the souls of the trillions of people.

However, the lotus pedestal in Zhong Xuan's hands.

It has advanced to the fifteenth grade.

When it comes to power and rank [-], it's not the same thing at all.

Although there are many trillions of wronged souls, they are under the white lotus of the [-]th rank.

In a blink of an eye, all of them were photographed, and all the resentment and suffocation were swept away.

Heaven and earth are also clear.

In Lingshan.

Tathagata just saw this scene.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he had an idea.

Justice said solemnly, "That bastard and evildoer dares to steal my Buddhist merit!!!"

"Everyone, follow the poor monk to the ancient starry sky, and capture that Zhong Xuan and Fufa!"

If the Tathagata is doing the momentum, he will use his evasive light to fly to the place where Zhong Xuan is.

Miller's mouth twitched.

Can you act more seriously?

Seeing that everyone has finished the transformation of trillions of human beings, you said that you are going to kill Zhong Xuan?

But this Zhong Xuan's movements are really fast. ,

The most important thing is that this person actually has something like the Pure World White Lotus in his hand.

"Forget it, this time it's not overcast Tathagata!"

Maitreya could only give up when he saw this. At this time, Zhong Xuan had transformed the souls of trillions of people.

Wouldn't it be boring to go to the ancient starry sky again?

If he said that the Tathagata would be sent to his death, it would be because of the small and the big, and he ignored the great festivals of Buddhism.

He hurriedly stopped the Tathagata, "I, Buddha, wait!"


The Tathagata widened his eyes angrily and scolded Maitreya, "Buddha Maitreya, are you trying to prevent me from gaining qi fortune for Buddhism?"


Instead, the Tathagata choked on it, Maitreya's teeth tickled with hatred.

But helpless.

Instead, he pretended to be generous and persuaded the Tathagata, "My Buddha, that Zhong Xuan has already completely transformed his soul, and it will be useless for me to wait any longer!"

"It's just that he has the Pure World White Lotus in his hand, and these souls are transformed by him, and it is also God's will!"

The Tathagata took the opportunity to descend the stairs.

He uttered the Buddha's name, and pushed all the faults to the will of God.

"Have pity on my Buddhism, I should be happy, but I don't have a treasure like the Pure World White Lotus in my hands!"

It's not that I don't contribute to Buddhism, but that Zhong Xuan's cultivation is too powerful.

There is also God's blessing to be loved by God, and there is nothing I can do about it.

Pure white light swept across.

Trillions of souls have been purified and filled with resentment.

One by one standing in the ancient starry sky.

He looked at his hands in disbelief.

They have been refined into witch-slaying swords for hundreds of millions of years.

He was locked in the Immortal Slaying Gourd for countless years.

Being tortured by suffocation and resentment all day long is simply unbearable.

There is no relief at all.

When Zhong Xuan was purifying those resentments, he saw pictures of what they had experienced in their lifetimes.

There are countless ancient demon races slaughtering the human race.

Treat the human race as food and flesh.

Swallow alive.

Your human babies, women and children are the most liked by the monsters, and they shouted deliciously while eating.

The human race went to the statue of the Supreme Sage of the Human Religion, and the Virgin Goddess and the Empress prayed for shelter.

However, no response.

These two saints, who are inextricably linked with the human race, are completely indifferent.

The human race was finally desperate.

No one could save them, so they began to save themselves.

They took up arms to resist the slaughter of the demon clan.

However, all this was in vain.

The gap in cultivation is too big, after all, it is the cockroach that shakes the tree.

Finally, the human race was slaughtered.

Trillions of people from the human race left three thousand people in the end.

At this time, the human race was dead and wounded.

The saint came out to stop the demon clan from exterminating the clan.

They want to let the people be grateful and let the people worship them.

Provide endless luck to these saints.

After Zhong Xuan saw these pictures, a burst of anger burned in his chest.

I can't wait to rush into Da Chitian and Wa Huangtian now, and pull them out and beat them.

"Wait for me, we will settle the account of the human race enslaving the human race slowly!"

Right now, sending these human races into reincarnation is the most important thing.

Many human souls wept with joy.

In the past, they experienced pain all the time.

So that the suffocation and resentment in the body became stronger and stronger.

But today, Zhong Xuan once used the white lotus to purify the evil spirits and resentment.

after liberation.

Recreating the prehistoric world, the soul of a personal clan suddenly cried with joy.

The human race who died in the hands of the demon race in ancient times has returned.

Although it was in the form of a soul, it also shook the entire human race.

Inside the Tang Palace in Nanbuzhou.

The jade seal at the table of Tang Wang Li Shimin vibrated for no reason.

The ministers who were going up to court were shocked.

They had never seen such a situation.

"Your Majesty, this. Why did this jade seal vibrate for no reason?"

The eldest grandson Wuji had a suspicious look on his face.

Could it be that some heavenly immortal descended?

"This... I don't know why this jade seal vibrates!"

Li Shimin was shocked, if it weren't for the bearing he had developed over the years in the battlefield.

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