The Jade Emperor boss was reluctant. If so many spiritual roots were distributed to this old man, wouldn't the Supreme Saint also know about it. ,

At that time, maybe all the disciples of the entire Human Religion will know about it.

Grand Master Nian Xuandu is the direct disciple of the Supreme Saint.

He can't come to heaven to fight the autumn wind?

"Oh, I said why are you so confused, and now we can't break the big formation, let him help this old man regardless!"

"We can't even get a spiritual root!"

The Jade Emperor was silent.

After a brief ideological struggle, he finally sighed.

It is said that a hundred birds in the forest are worse than a bird in the hand.

If you can't break the formation, and you can't get the spiritual root in the mountain, it will have no effect.

It's better to join forces with Taishang, breaking the formation and dividing the three equally.

"Lao Jun, why don't I join forces to break this formation?"

"Oh? What's the benefit for Lao Dao?"

The Jade Emperor frowned, and knew that this guy was a helpless character.

I originally wanted to hide it, but now it seems that I can't hide it.

Informed the Supreme Being that there was a mountain of congenital spiritual roots in Huaguo Mountain.

"Are you serious?"

When Taishang heard it, he was so shocked that he snapped off his beard.

"The innate spiritual root at the top of a mountain, are you sure you're not kidding?"

"My dignified Jade Emperor, what am I kidding you? If you don't want to, then forget it!"

Taishang quickly waved his hand, "Don't, don't, I just don't believe it, how can there be so many spiritual roots in this world!"

"Since it's the Jade Emperor's mother who confirmed it, how can Laodao not believe it?"

"Then you and I joined forces to break this formation, is it the three of me who share the spirit root in the mountain equally?"

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother nodded in unison.

"it is good!!!"

Taishang Laojun slapped his thigh and rolled up his sleeves on the spot, ready to have a big fight with the two of them.

Broke this array.

In the ancient starry sky, Zhong Xuan was in full view.

Been through a catastrophe.

Whether it's a cloudy wind or a black flame.

Or a terrifying thunderbolt.

Zhong Xuan was always able to take out countless spiritual fruits, and in one mouthful, there were thousands of spiritual fruits.

After eating it, it was directly digested by the powerful ability of Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

On the spot, he was revived in situ. .

Chapter 143

Zhong Xuan has survived eighty scourges in a row.

There are hundreds of spiritual fruits eaten from the first bite.

At the time of the eighty catastrophe.

It's already a mouthful of hundreds of thousands.

Many people who saw it were stunned.

Before, they were only horrified by Zhong Xuan's powerful body and primordial spirit.

Only now did they suddenly find out.

Why does this person have so many congenital spirit fruits in his hands?

Moreover, most of them are peach and life fruit.

"It's strange, even the Queen Mother of Heaven doesn't have so many peaches in her hands, right?".

All the great experts came back to their senses from the shock of Zhong Xuan's continuous passage of eighty scourges of catastrophe.

In an instant, all the great powers who came back to their senses all fry the pot. ,

"Yes, where did this kid get so many spiritual fruits!"

"My God, when the [-]th to the catastrophe, this little self directly swallowed a bunch of spiritual fruits, and the number is definitely not less than hundreds of thousands!"

It would be extremely difficult for them to get a Spirit Fruit, this kid is great.

One bite is to swallow hundreds of thousands of spiritual fruits.

It is completely to treat this thing as a consumable to restore mana.

Dog Day's local tyrants.

"There is the last catastrophe, I see if this kid can survive?"

"It shouldn't work, even if he has the Spirit Fruit in his hand to recover the damage, but the power of the last one is [-] times the sum of the previous eighty."

"Yes, the so-called Divine Retribution is to kill these people who have karma and karma. As long as this kid's cultivation level is not above the Heavenly Dao, it is absolutely impossible for him to be safe and sound!"

The purpose of the scourge to bring down the catastrophe.

It is to directly kill people with heavy karma.

This kid has survived [-] disasters in a row, and there is no reason for this last disaster to make him go home happily for the New Year.

The last catastrophe.

As everyone has seen, Tiandao saw Zhong Xuan, a heinous person, and he was safe and not dead.

As if angry.

Infinite black clouds gathered from all directions.

All the great powers can clearly feel that this gathering of black clouds.

It is carrying the power of supreme terrifying aura and law.

"Damn it, isn't it, Heavenly Dao has actually mobilized the inspirations from all over the great wasteland to deal with this kid?"

The power of heaven is not in vain.

Instead, it is necessary to extract spiritual energy from various places in the prehistoric world to form a terrifying catastrophe.

The spiritual energy extracted from the previous eighty catastrophes did not affect the great powers at all.

Even, there is no feeling in their dojo. ,

But this last catastrophe was actually extracting spiritual energy from the prehistoric places in their dojo.

This is terrifying.

Tiandao's behavior in this way shows a problem.

That is, the spiritual energy extracted by the Heavenly Dao before has no effect on Zhong Xuan at all.

He had to draw from elsewhere in the Great Wasteland.

"This... is this gathering the power of the entire Honghuang to deal with this kid?"

"What kind of virtue is he, how can he be taken care of by Tiandao like this?"

Zhong Xuan's eyes were blank, looking at the black clouds that were gathering and forming more and more over his head.

I just want to say mmp.

This kind of care, will you come?

I let it go to you!

This last scourge of calamity seems to be the oath that Heaven will not give up until he kills himself.

Maybe it was because he felt that his previous performance was too eye-catching.

Tian Dao has no confidence in his heart, and feels that the remaining catastrophe may not kill him.

Only then did he extract a large amount of spiritual energy from the Great Desolation and use it exclusively to deal with him.

"Hahaha~~~ Tiandao doesn't stop until he kills him, I think this kid is completely out of action!"

In the Western Paradise.

Saint Zhunti laughed loudly. He was surprised to see Zhong Xuan Du Jie before.

How comfortable it is right now.

In the ancient starry sky, this converging force of divine scourge and catastrophe.

He could clearly feel that the terrifying power of this blow was comparable to that of a saint's full-strength blow.

How powerful are saints?

The words follow the law, and the saints are all ants.

In the entire prehistoric era, only nine saints can be achieved in total.

It can be seen how terrifying the full blow of this saint is.

Now, in order to deal with Zhong Xuan, this Heavenly Dao directly draws aura to form a sage strike.

He will surely perish under the wrath of God.

Did not run.

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