Originally, I saw that he was not doing anything, so he stayed in Wuzhuangguan.

Fomen also did not intend to mess with him.

Now, this Zhenyuanzi actually colluded with the enchanting Huaguo Mountain.

It also hindered Buddhism from taking the scriptures.

Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Kong Xuan blankly.

Said, "Okay, I'll call him now!"

Turn around and walk into the formation crack.

Ran Deng and Lu Ya looked at each other, and shouted in unison, "Duke Ming do it!!" Cun.

Chapter 127

Ran Deng and Lu Ya took advantage of Zhen Yuanzi's turn around.

Brazenly shot, Wushang blasted Zhen Yuanzi's back with the momentum of thunder.

In an instant, Jin Motoko felt a tingling in his back.

A chill rose from the bottom of my heart.

Danger! !! !!

At a critical juncture, Zhen Yuanzi turned and swept aside.

However, Ran Deng and Lu Ya have been preparing for a long time.

Another direct attack.

Zhen Yuanzi was caught off guard, even if he noticed that he wanted to react.

It's too late.


Two to powerful attacks hit the younger generation of Zhen Yuanzi on the spot.

Blast him into the Earth Vessel Array.

"Bastard, sinister villain!"

Kong Xuan frowned, looking at Ran Deng and Lu Ya who had succeeded in the sneak attack.


"King Peacock Ming, don't forget your identity, since you have entered Buddhism, you must consider Buddhism!"

"It's a good time to kill the evildoers and clear the way for my Buddhism!"

"It's not when you act recklessly and talk to that evildoer!"

Lu Ya smiled sinisterly.

He made a direct statement to ridicule Kong Xuan.

"Besides, you want to have a fight with that Zhong Xuan, I'm waiting for Zhen Yuanzi to sneak attack, what does it matter?"


The five-color divine light rioted on Kong Xuan's body.

Looking at Lupin's cheap face, the truth hit him with a punch.

However, thinking of the promise that he promised to the saint Zhunti.

It's not good to start with Buddhist disciples.

In the end, he endured.

Zhenyuanzi flew upside down in the leyline formation.

Zhong Xuan noticed it when Ran Deng and Lu Ya shot.

I wanted to save Zhen Yuanzi once and help him block this attack.

However, when you think about it,

This Zhen Yuanzi is like his friend Hong Yun, and seems a little naive.

To preach morality to this bunch of Buddhist bastards is to live with one's own life.

If he doesn't make a move this time, let him suffer a dull loss to improve his memory.

In the future, when facing Buddhist disciples, he will directly kill him.

It is to completely tie Zhen Yuanzi to his chariot.

"Damn, that Buddhist boy An dares to deceive me like this?"

Zhen Yuanzi sprayed a blood.

He looked furious, if it weren't for Zhong Xuan to hold him back.

I'm about to fly out and fight with Lu Deng.

"Don't be excited, fellow Daoist, eat some Peach Life Fruit to recover from your injury!"

Zhong Xuan picked a few peaches and life fruits that had been planted on the Kaitian Earth Spirit.

After being nourished and nurtured by Kaitian Earth Spirit and Kaitian Water Spirit.

These few peach fruits are already showing signs of transforming into chaotic spiritual roots.

In that fruit, there is the energy of death and chaos.

Although there is not much Chaos Qi, but as long as you continue to plant and water with your heart.

It won't take long for you to be completely advanced.

It is just right to recover Zhen Motoko's injury.

"This...Thank you, fellow Daoist!"

Zhenyuanzi nibbled at the peach angrily.

"That Buddhist boy is really insidious and cunning. When I recover from my injuries, I will go out and fight with them!"

Zhong Xuan waved his hands again and again.

"You don't have to do this, fellow Daoist, but it's just a few Buddhist children, watch me go out and clean them up!"

Outside of the formation, the Buddhist lantern and Lu Ya were still yelling.

The words are horrible.

Where is the posture of Buddhist monks with great virtues and quasi-sage peak powerhouses.

"That bald donkey, but you injured Zhenyuanzi Daxian?"

Zhong Xuan opened the Earth Vein Great Array.

The long-prepared lantern and Lu pressure seemed to be drilling into it on the spot.

Now or never.

Seize the opportunity to rush in and capture the enchanting monster when the formation is opened.

Unfortunately, Zhong Xuan's speed was too fast.

A faint space fluctuation flashed.

Zhong Xuan's figure had already stood in front of the two of them.

The cracks in the leyline formation behind him also closed at the same time.

Looking at Zhong Xuan who suddenly appeared.

The two Buddhist monks widened their eyes.

"Who are you?" he asked in shock.

This person appeared unclear, they could not see any mana fluctuations.

As if this person had no magic power at all, he suddenly appeared.

They are already the strongest cultivation under the sages of the Great Desolation.

He had never seen such a method before.

"Empty... the law of space?"

Lu Ya is a know-it-all.

Back then, during the Lich War, I also saw the space ancestor Wudi Jiang from a distance, using the laws of space to fight the enemy.

That scene, when suddenly appeared with this person.

Simply the same.

Silently, quietly come and go.

It is unpredictable and unpredictable.

It is because of the space law in the bloodline of the Emperor Jiang Zuwu that it is known as the fastest speed in the flood.

And, among the twelve ancestral witches.

His level of danger is number one.

Many demon clans do not know how they died.

Di Jiang took his head off.

Although stepping on the soul of Yuanshen.


Ran Deng frowned, the law of space?

What a joke!

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