At this moment, in Huaguo Mountain.

Emperor Zhenwu was tied up and thrown on the top of the mountain where Dapeng and Guanyin had been tied.

And Dapeng was fighting a hoe in the mountains, along with the six lions.

Roots are being planted.

After hearing this voice, Dapeng's heart tightened.

"Oops, this voice is my big brother!!!"

Huang Shijing was stunned for a moment, "Who is your eldest brother?"

"My eldest brother is Kong Xuan, shouldn't he come here to save me?"

"¨~ Damn, where do I need him to save me? This place is so good, I don't want to leave!"

What a beautiful place in this mountain.

The innate spiritual energy is extremely abundant, and there are countless spiritual fruits to eat.

After staying here for a long time, Dapeng even changed his habit of eating meat.

Just started vegan.

Zhen Yuanzi was amazed by Zhong Xuan's cultivation.

Before, this product was only in the middle of the quasi-Saint period.

How long has it been since?

His Longevity Mountain was not even full of spiritual roots.

This product directly broke through to the peak of Quasi-Saint?

"Dao... Fellow Daoist, what speed are you?"

Seeing that Zhong Xuan was fine, he could still lie on the lotus pedestal in the pond on the top of the mountain.

Holding a few fairies and goblins talking and laughing.

Zhen Yuanzi knew that he didn't have any shit.

Very good condition!

It's just that he didn't know that Zhong Xuan's condition was so good!

So good that he almost suffocated.

How long has it been?

Are you still human?

In a short period of time, he jumped two levels in a row and directly became a quasi-sage peak powerhouse.

You must know that he spent more than [-] (get Zhao) years from his cultivation from the middle stage of the quasi-sage to the late stage of the quasi-sage!

For the almighty who has cultivated to their level.

A retreat can be as little as ten thousand years, or as many as tens of millions of years.

"I also know that the speed of my cultivation is too slow. I originally thought that there are so many innate auras to help me. At this moment, I should be a Luo Jinxian of Primordial Profound Supreme!"

Having said this, Zhong Xuan sighed heavily.

"Hey~~ it's still my aptitude is too poor. After practicing for a few years, this is the pinnacle of quasi-sage!"

O Wozhnyima! ! !

Zhen Yuanzi's head was full of black lines, and he almost couldn't help but pick up Nse's Zhong Xuan and beat him violently.

Do you still think this speed is slow?

"Daoist friends know, how long did it take Pindao to cultivate from the middle stage of the quasi-sage to the later stage of the quasi-sage?"

Zhong Xuan smiled slightly, and liked seeing Zhen Yuanzi's expressionless face.

Handsome old man!

"I guess, fellow Daoist, you probably spend less time than me. I think my aptitude is incomparable to your innate holiness!"

I Nima, stop talking.

No matter how hard you pretend, my heart will explode with your anger! .

Chapter 125

Zhen Yuanzi took a deep breath.

Said, "I came back from the three sermons in the Zixiao Palace, and I have been in retreat for a hundred thousand years!"

"This is the breakthrough to the late stage of Quasi-Saint!"

Zhong Xuan was stunned, "One hundred thousand years? Does it take so long?"

He never retreated for more than half a year.

After all, it is a modern man of later generations.

Growing up in a fast-paced city.

It is unbearable to retreat for a period of biological evolution at every turn.

"I'm still fast. Some people with lower qualifications can't break through after a million years of seclusion!"

When Zhen Yuanzi said this, he looked proud.

Among the innate sanctity of the Great Wilderness, he can be regarded as one of the most talented ones.

It's not bad at all compared to Nuwa Sanqing and the Second Saints of the West.

If it weren't for the lack of opportunity and the absence of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

He can also become a saint who is immortal and immortal.

You can see Zhong Xuan in front of you.

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't be happy immediately.

This bastard, I don't know what qualifications it is.

Practice from the middle stage of the quasi-sage to the peak of the quasi-sage. ,

It only took half a year.

He wanted to ask Daozu Hongjun at this moment.

Is there any talent in this world that can exceed the level of Huakai Twelve Rank.

At this time, Kong Xuan shouted.

Zhen Yuanzi and Zhong Xuan all heard the words.

"Kong Xuan? Do you still have any relationship with this person?"

As far as he knew, Kong Xuan didn't seem to have any dealings with Zhen Yuanzi.

   Zhen Yuanzi also shook his head.

"I have heard of this person's name. He is the son of the phoenix, and his cultivation is very strong. At this time, he is the Peacock Ming King of Buddhism. I am afraid that the comers are not good!"

Kong Xuan is a Buddhist.

That Dapeng is Kong Xuan's younger brother.

Maybe he's here to save people.

In other words, this Kong Xuan is their enemy.

"Daxian, don't believe this guy, I, Dapeng, will not go anywhere from now on, I'll just farm and catch bugs in this Mountain of Flowers and Fruits!"

Dapeng's eyelids jumped, and he hurriedly flew over to flatter Zhong Xuan and Zhen Yuanzi.

"He is him and I am me. Although we are brothers, I have long decided not to recognize this brother!"

Want to save me, hmph, no way!

My Dapeng will die here in this life.

Huaguo Mountain is my root!

"Since it's for you, then you should go back and fight him!"

Zhong Xuan picked a lotus seed and threw it in his mouth.

Gabang chewed it twice and spat it out.

Dapeng swallowed with a grunt.

That is the lotus seed that bears on the congenital lotus platform.

He is still wearing the guilt, and Zhong Xuan only allows him to eat the worms on the root of the spirit, not the fruit of the spirit.

After planting a few mountain spirit fruits.

Atone for the sins committed and cleanse the karma from the body.

Only then can you eat such good things as Peach Life Fruit.

"Yes, sir, take a good look, I'll send the bird away!"

Dapeng clapped his chest.

Zhong Xuan opened the opening of the formation, and Dapeng flew out as soon as he spread his wings.

The Guanyin next to him saw this and didn't take a moment.

Seriously and attentively, sprinkle water on the spiritual fruit in front of you with the jade bottle in your hand.

"Huh? Zhen Yuanzi came out!"

Outside the array.

Kong Xuan saw a gap in the formation.

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