But Huaguoshan must not be delayed.

Once they are recruited,

In a few years, the tail will be too big and can no longer be dealt with.

"Your Majesty, Huaguo Mountain is now more important than any party, and it is the most important threat to both Heavenly Court and Buddhism!"

"The six lions, before they were only Heavenly Immortals, are now Daluo Jinxian!"

"It can be seen how important the Spirit Fruit is to the improvement of cultivation, and it can't be solved if you drag it down Huaguo Mountain!"

The Jade Emperor's face became more and more gloomy.

He didn't want to go to Buddhism again.

However, he couldn't solve this Huaguoshan force.

Even the Haotian Tower that Hongjun gave him was lost.

What Zhenwu said makes sense.

If it drags on, Heavenly Court will face the enemy on all sides.

There is no longer the unification of the Great Desolate and the true Lord of the Three Realms.

"That's all, Zhenwu, you go to Buddhism and tell them what happened in Huaguo Mountain!"

"Invite them to discuss how to deal with this!"

His Royal Highness Ling Xiaobao, Taishang Laojun and a group of disciples were not sure what to do.

They heard it in the mist.

I can't figure out what mysteries Zhenwu and Jade Emperor are fighting.

However, based on only a few words to guess.

The Jade Emperor and Zhenwu should have suffered in the Huaguo Mountain.

As a result, they had to resort to the power of Buddhism.

"Hey~~~ What is there in the Huaguo Mountain, even the Jade Emperor is made to look like this?"

Taishang Laojun squinted his eyes and calculated in his heart.

The appearance of Jade Emperor and Emperor Zhenwu must be hiding something from them.

Before Zhen Wu went out.

Taishang Laojun smiled and said, "Jade Emperor, what kind of ability is this demon from the lower realm? Why does it make you so annoyed?"

He is the avatar of the Supreme Saint, and the Jade Emperor is not good enough not to give him face.

And now it's decided to unite with Vermont.

The matter of the congenital spirit root, it will not be long before everyone knows it.

It's okay to tell him.

I glanced at all the immortals in Lingxiao Palace who were looking forward to it and stretched their necks.

The Jade Emperor opened his mouth slowly and explained everything he had seen and heard in Huaguo Mountain.

"In Huaguo Mountain, there is an innate spiritual root on the top of the mountain, and that Pan Tao is the most powerful golden mother tree Pan Tao!"

"The fruit of life is everywhere, and as soon as you enter this formation, there will be countless extremely rich innate spiritual energy blowing toward you!"

"Huaguo Mountain's mountain protection formation is extremely powerful, even if we take turns to attack, we can't shake the formation!"

"This demon cultivation base is powerful, I am not an opponent!!!"


The entire Lingxiao Palace was directly blasted.

Even the Jade Emperor is not the opponent of this demon, what is the realm of that person's cultivation?

This is the boy of Hongjun Daozu.

Since childhood, he has followed Hongjun Daozu and listened to his teachings.

After becoming the Jade Emperor, his cultivation is also unfathomable.

The only shot was the Xingtian of the Wu clan.

That Xingtian is a witch clan, and his cultivation base has already approached the realm of ancestral witches.

They were all beheaded by the Jade Emperor's sword.

Now they are still suppressed under Changyang Mountain.

They had never even heard of the enchanting villain in Huaguo Mountain, but they even beat the Jade Emperor, an old-fashioned quasi-sage peak.

It also left him helpless, and in the end he could only go to Western Buddhism for help.

Of course, the most exciting news is the countless innate spiritual roots in the Huaguo Mountain.

The news was so explosive that they couldn't believe it at all.

Taishang Laojun was dumbfounded.

I didn't expect that if I asked casually, it was just gossip.

Who knew that the Jade Emperor was so upright.

The big news of today was directly exposed.

"Jade Emperor, according to what the poor know, there are only ten innate spiritual roots in this world. How can there be a mountain in Huaguo Mountain?"

"Could it be that the Jade Emperor mistook the three-thousand-year-old Panda for the mother tree?"


The chattering crowd suddenly fell silent.

Taishang Laojun is right to ask this question.

Hongjun Daozu has all accepted, there are a total of ten innate spiritual roots in the flood.

You came out of a mountain all of a sudden.

Isn't it a big joke in the world?

Could it be that your Jade Emperor is dim-witted, and you don't even know that you have been deceived.

Or do you have some conspiracy at all?

You know, it has not been a day or two for the Jade Emperor to take back the authority of the heavenly court.

The immortals are also well aware of his ambitions.

"At this time, I don't know either, but I saw it with my own eyes!"

"In Huaguo Mountain, it is indeed full of innate spiritual roots. I will never misunderstand this!"

He didn't know how many times he went to the Queen Mother's back garden, how could he still see what the peach tree looked like?

When he closed his eyes and smelled it, he could tell whether the thing was a peach or not.

"Furthermore, the six lions in Bamboo Jie Mountain were originally set for a difficulty on the Journey to the West, but now they are all in Huaguo Mountain!"

"Do you all know what realm their cultivation is at the moment?"

All the immortals were stunned.

King Tota is close to Buddhism, and he also knows the westward journey route set by Guanyin.

The six lions of Bamboo Jie Mountain are not as high as Heavenly Immortals.

Said, "Your Majesty, the six lions of Bamboo Jie Mountain are no more than Golden Immortals in the eyes of this minister!"

How long has it been?

The journey to the west has not been completed, and the six lions are as true as the Jade Emperor said, and there are countless [-]-year-old peaches to eat.

Even if they are full, they can eat peaches casually.

How effective is the [-]-year-old peach?

At this moment, Jinxian is no more than the sky.

"Hehe, the king guesses again!"

The Jade Emperor shook his head and laughed, this group of people didn't believe it at all.

Whatever you say is the truth.

"Could it be that he is already a Taiyi Jinxian?"

King Tota boldly guessed.

"No, those six lions are now Da Luo Jinxian!"

"I rely on it, no way!!!"

In the Lingxiao Palace, the whole room suddenly exclaimed.

Tianxian jumped to Daluo Jinxian, this Nima is to let Daozu come, can't do this!

"Zhen Wu, is this true?"

The old gentleman was shocked.

Look at Zhenwu Emperor and ask.

If the Jade Emperor lied, Zhenwu should not be able to lie.

Although Zhenwu is a member of the Jade Emperor's lineage, in the final analysis he is still a Taoist.

As a Taoist patriarch, he should not deceive himself.

Emperor Zhenwu nodded solemnly.

"Your Majesty is right, but the Huaguo Mountain is full of spiritual roots!"

Worth, is it true?

This time, all the immortal ministers in the hall were shocked.

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