It is also that there is too much movement in Huaguo Mountain.

Countless demon clans all began to follow suit and set up their own doors.

Resist the rule of Heaven and Buddhism.

Peng Demon King went out and asked to understand the whole story.

"Huaguoshan? Isn't that place the monkey's nest that should be robbed. As far as I know, there should be no life in this place!"

Kunpeng looked puzzled.

This is the disadvantage of being in Beiminghai.

Isolated from the other continents of the Great Wilderness, the news is very occluded.

"Hehe~ Dad, you don't know, there is a character in the Huaguo Mountain at this moment!"

The Demon King Peng told Kunpeng all the news about the Tao. .

Chapter 101

After Kunpeng finished listening.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a lot of possibilities from this incident.

"Father, this time, Brother Wufei in Huaguo Mountain is dead. Buddhism and Heavenly Court have teamed up and even have Chan Jiao to help!"

"Then Wufei brother is only a sole and widow, how can he withstand the three parties joining forces?~"

Peng Demon King is a little gloating.

This person is doing things in Huaguo Mountain, and countless demons and monsters in the wild are all affected and rise up.

Greatly stole the limelight of the Beiming Sea Demon Master Palace.

"Well, if there is no accident, this person is definitely dead this time, but we can save his life!"

Kunpeng has a love for talent in his heart.

This person was able to defeat Buddhism and Chanism.

Prove that this person's cultivation is not bad, and he has never heard of this person before.

Kunpeng knows all the old antiques from Zixiao Palace.

None of them fit the characteristics of Brother Wufei.

and so.

Kunpeng boldly guessed that this person is a new rising star.

"Father, this person is in competition with me in Beiminghai, why do you want to save him?"

Demon King Peng was very puzzled.

Most of the demon clan in the world now belong to the Beiming Sea Demon Master Palace.

Some of them belonged to the Buddha's Great Sun Tathagata, who was also the commander of the original tenth Prince of the Golden Crow.

The remaining small part are scattered demons scattered across the four continents.

That Huaguoshan made things so big.

It caused many monsters to follow suit.

He even had a yearning for Huaguo Mountain. Seriously, this person was an opponent of the Demon Master Palace, not a friend.

If you want him to say it, you should sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

It is best to watch Huaguoshan fight to the death with these forces.

All are dead.

"Peng'er, if you want to do big things, you need to be big, and you can't just see the immediate interests in everything!"

Kunpeng immediately reprimanded.

This son is good at everything, whether it is talent or perseverance.

It's all good.

Only this heart is a little small.

The brain is not very bright.

I can't see through the opportunity for the Beiming Sea Demon Master Palace.

"This matter is also a big opportunity for my Demon Master Palace!"

Demon King Peng asked suspiciously, "What chance do you have for my Demon Master Palace?"

He didn't see the chance.

I saw that if the Huaguoshan forces rose up, it would be a blow to the Demon Master Palace.

"Idiot, can Huaguoshan survive in the Buddhist Heavenly Court with Chan Jiao?"

"Of course not, I heard that the Buddhist monk was personally shot by the old man, and the Great Sun Tathagata followed!"

"The existence of two quasi-sage peaks, then Brother Wufei is dead this time!"

Kun Peng waited for Demon King Peng to finish speaking, and then he said, "When he is about to be beaten to death, I, Beiminghai, took the opportunity to save his life!"

"He still isn't grateful to me and joined my Demon Master Palace?"

"Even Brother Wufei, who has been in the limelight recently, has joined my demon clan. Do you think this world's demon clan can yearn for the Demon Master's Palace?"

Demon King Peng's eyes lit up, and he finally understood the meaning of his father's words.

"Father, your trick is brilliant!"

"If my Demon Master's Palace gives him charcoal in the snow, then Brother Wufei will definitely be grateful to Dade and join the Demon Master's Palace!"

"So, my Demon Master Palace has another general!"

"The world's demon clan must return to the Heart Demon Master Palace when they see this!"

They are expected, at a critical juncture of life and death.

It is impossible for Brother Wufei to refuse the temptation to join the Demon Master's Palace and be sheltered by Kunpeng.

"Yes, you finally got enlightened!"

Kunpeng was very relieved that his son could finally figure out something.

"Before Buddhism and Heavenly Court started, go to Huaguo Mountain and tell him the news that Buddhism and Heavenly Court are teaming up to attack!"

"By the way, I propose that my Demon Master Palace wants to recruit him!"

"If you refuse, don't panic. When Buddhism beats him to half death, I can take another shot!"

Demon King Peng nodded.

His speed is very fast, comparable to that of the golden-winged Dapeng eagle flapping its wings for [-] miles.

This time it is most suitable for him to recruit.

"Father, just wait for my good news!"

Peng Demon King leaped into the sky, fluttered his wings and flew towards Huaguo Mountain on the coast of the East China Sea.

Where did you get together with the Seven Monkey Saints?

I have been there too, so I know the way.

With a flutter of wings, a huge golden eagle appeared over the coast of the East China Sea.

Peng Demon King is about to go to Huaguo Mountain.

Sharp eyes swept down.

Confused on the spot.

Brain full of black question marks!

"Strange, why is this Huaguo Mountain gone?"

Although there are mountains and rivers here, it has completely changed its appearance.

The Huaguo Mountain was within a thousand miles and could not be found at all.

"It's not good, could it be that I came late, and was the first to bring Huaguo Mountain to Buddhism and his Heavenly Court?"

The more I think about it, the more I think it's possible.

Buddhism has two quasi-sage peak shots.

Where can Huaguo Mountain bear it?

"Yes, Buddha's shot is really strong, I'm afraid Huaguoshan has not reacted and it will be gone!"

Demon King Peng cursed inwardly, this trip was a waste of time.

about to leave.

· · · Flowers · · ·

There was a gap in the mountains below.

A burly man with a bull's head on his head emerged from it.

The outrageous laughter made the Peng Demon King take a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha, I thought who was that bird in the sky, the feeling is the third brother!"

The Bull Demon King saw a giant eagle hovering in the sky in Huaguo Mountain.

I thought it was some evildoer who was coming to Huaguo Mountain to find trouble.

The red boy was about to shoot down the bird with a fire-pointed spear.

He was stopped immediately.

Looking closely, it turned out to be his own third brother.

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