There are Boyi Kao and Antarctic Immortal Weng here, but it's not good to say that.

With a glance, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit suddenly understood.

To Antarctica and Ziwei said, "The two great emperors, let's go back, we will naturally take this evildoer down!"

"I won't bother you any more!"

Antarctica and Ziwei were amnesty, and without saying a word, flew directly to heaven.

These gangsters are too crazy and dangerous.

Don't stay here for long!

After the two left, he asked.

"Junior Brother Manniu, what happened to the benefactor?"

Everyone hurriedly asked about Zhong Xuan's news.

The Bull Demon King breathed a sigh of relief, and the brothers and sisters finally believed him.

They were able to come down from the heavenly court and forced the Great Emperor Ziwei and the Great Antarctic Longevity to come.

Obviously there is no scruples about the consequences of doing so.

The Bull Demon King's heart is warm, after all, these brothers and sisters are the disciples of the interception who value love and righteousness.

"Junior Brother Manniu, are these bastards generals..."

Zhao Gongming pointed to the backs of Boyi Kao and Antarctica and asked angrily.

If the benefactor is good or bad, he will chase after them and kill them directly.

"This... Brothers and sisters, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with Eun Gong!"

"Previously, the Buddhist monk was afraid of leaving Sun Bald Donkey to look for trouble. He was severely injured by a thunderbolt from the benefactor, and ran away on the spot!"


The disciples who intercepted the teaching took two breaths of cold air.

Fear Liusun is a mid-stage quasi-sage cultivation base, and his status is not low after entering Buddhism.

He was seriously injured by a thunderbolt from the benefactor? .

Chapter 98

The Bull Demon King first let the red boy go down to Huaguo Mountain.

Please ask Zhong Xuan.

"Oh? Is that intercepting the disciples? Let them come down!"

Zhong Xuan did not reject this group of people.

Anyway, he also wanted to join forces with them.

It is much more convenient for him to search the world for spiritual roots and spiritual seeds than for him to search everywhere by himself.

With a wave of his hand, the Earth Vein formation cracked open.

The sound of birds and flowers inside is a completely different scene.

With this move, many disciples of the Intercept Sect were stunned.

Ten Tianjun was speechless.

"There is actually a formation here, such a clever method, with my understanding of the formation, I can't see the slightest trace at all!"

Although they are on the Conferred God List, it is even more difficult to increase their cultivation.

However, they can increase the magic and understanding of the matchup.

So many years have passed.

Their formation attainments have long since reached a higher level, and they are much stronger than they were at the beginning.

Even so, I still can't see how the formation on Huaguo Mountain works.

"What a powerful formation, this formation is much stronger than the eldest sister's Jiuqu Yellow River formation!"

Just this hidden aura and many functions can directly explode the nine-sentence Yellow River Array.

You know, the eyes of the nine-curved Yellow River array.

But it was suppressed with the top-quality Lingbao, Hunyuan Jindou.

Wei 24 can be extremely powerful, anyone who enters the formation.

Undoubtedly, the three flowers on the top of the head were cut off, and the five qi in the chest were closed.

All the cultivation bases turned into flowing water.

In order to restore their cultivation, Guanyin and the others had to betray the teacher and enter the Buddhist sect.

And they couldn't even find this formation on Huaguo Mountain.

If you fall down, you may be caught without knowing it.

I don't know how to die.

"Hehe, that is!"

The Bull Demon King said proudly, "What is the cultivation level of this benefactor, you will definitely be surprised when you see it!"

"Furthermore, maybe all the brothers and sisters will be able to get monstrous benefits from this trip!"

That mountain is full of peaches, fruit of life and lotus seeds.

These are all treasures produced on top of the ten innate spiritual roots.

Eating one can replenish the foundation, and the benefits are unimaginable.

"Father, the master allows it!"

The red boy came up and said.

"Okay, brothers and sisters, follow me down to Huaguo Mountain to see your benefactor!"

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit and others were overjoyed.

The Bull Demon King led the way and led everyone into the formation.

The hole closed automatically.

Huaguo Mountain is once again hidden under the blue sky.

In front of the Haotian Mirror, the Jade Emperor frowned.

After all the disciples of the interception had entered Huaguo Mountain, the formation was closed.

His Haotian Mirror couldn't even see through this place.

Huaguo Mountain disappeared directly from the mirror.

Rao is the Jade Emperor's quasi-sage cultivation base, and he has to sigh at this moment.

"This person is so powerful in cultivation, so powerful in formation skills!"

The Haotian Mirror is a top-quality congenital spiritual treasure, and this formation can even block the Haotian Mirror.

This shows how extraordinary this formation is.

Immediately, the Jade Emperor was worried again.

"This person is on good terms with Intercept Sect. If he has some ambitions, wouldn't Heavenly Court be in danger?"

If he initiates a rebellion against the disciples, can he, the Jade Emperor, still sit firmly on the Diaoyutai?

"No, I have to find a way to destroy Huaguo Mountain. It is absolutely not allowed to have another powerful force in the Three Realms!"

The Three Realms are not subject to the jurisdiction of the Jade Emperor.

There are already Western Buddhism and Northern Demon Palace.

The Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood in the south and the forces of the Underworld are gone.

Even the Longevity Mountain in the West Niu Hezhou showed obedience.

In fact, Zhen Yuanzi would not obey the Jade Emperor's orders at all.

If there is another Huaguo Mountain, will his Jade Emperor still do it?

The most important thing is that Huaguoshan was beaten by Heavenly Court once before.

Now that the ashes are revived, what do other evildoers think?

There are so many evil spirits in the world, and they have to follow the example of Huaguo Mountain and stand on the top of the mountain to fight against the heaven.

Why Huaguoshan can succeed.

Can't they succeed?

Therefore, this head must not be opened.

"Taibai, invite the Tathagata Buddha, the Lighting Buddha for me, and say that I have something important to discuss!"

The Jade Emperor commanded with an expressionless face.

Taibaijinxing was shocked when he heard the words, the Jade Emperor was really angry.

Otherwise, it will not be so calm on the surface, but in fact, the heart is full of turbulence.

"I'm going to the west now!"

Taibai said goodbye and left, and a cloud head flew to Lingshan in the west.

Everyone entered the Huaguo Mountain formation.

The first thing I saw was the innate fire source emitting infinite light and heat in the sky.

As soon as they were irradiated by this light, everyone felt exhausted and driven away.

The whole body was warm and uncomfortable.

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