Buddha's face will be disgraced by you.

"Buddha Amitabha, this time, the Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Court ordered to send two demon hunters. As a member of the Three Realms, my Buddhist school is naturally responsible!"

"Who wants to go to Huaguo Mountain with the two great emperors?"

As is customary, the Tathagata shouted to many Buddhist Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.

However, no one dared to face the truth.

All bowed their heads.

Just kidding, that's the ruthless man who kidnapped the Dharma protector Dapeng birds.

For their cultivation base, it would be a death to go.

Don't bother Fomen yourself.

"Buddha Amitabha, why don't you let the fearful stay Sun Buddha take action?"

Ran Deng once again sent his little brother.

Fear Liusun was originally a disciple of Chan Jiao, and then followed Ran Deng into Buddhism.

He is one of the cult traitors.

It's just that this guy's luck is very good. After entering Buddhism, his cultivation is like making a rocket.

He went straight to the middle stage of Quansheng, far away from Guanyin, Manjushri and others.

He was originally ranked fourth among the twelve golden immortals of the teachings.

Far higher than Guanyin and Manjushri.

"I'm afraid that Sun Buddha will make a move, and two more emperors will come in person, this time the evildoer will definitely be executed!"

Through the Haotian Mirror, Antarctica Xianweng and others could see clearly.

Zhong Xuan is only in the middle stage of quasi-sage.

Antarctica himself is in the late stage of Quasi-Saint, and it stands to reason that he can solve Huaguo Mountain alone.

But it was taking the opportunity to make Fomen bleed.

Let the fear of Liusun and Guanyin, a few cult traitors, be beaten down in front of many immortals and gods.

Although this amount of calamity Buddhism should be greatly prosperous.


Evangelism still does not deal with Buddhism.

If they can drop their face, naturally they will not miss such an opportunity.

Obviously the Tathagata also knew their purpose.

However, pushing the boat with the current will let the fear of Liusun go.

Anyway, if you can lose face for fear of leaving your grandson, you will be able to satisfy the disciples of Chan Jiao.

The deal is worth it.

"Let the eighteen Arhats lead the Buddhist five hundred Arhats to help out!"

The Tathagata summoned some people again to help Antarctica and the others grow stronger.

"So, thank you Buddha!"

Antarctica led the fear of Liusun and set off with five hundred Arhats.

Inside Longevity Mountain, Xin Huan waited for the monkey to return.

Anxious to scratch the ears.

"No, I can't wait like this any longer. When I go to the coast of the East China Sea, even if I turn the earth over, I have to tell the benefactor!"

When we arrived at Huaguo Mountain.

As it happened, Antarctica Xianweng led a group of Buddhist bald men to arrive.

· · · Flowers · · ·

"No, this Antarctic fairy went to Buddhism!"

Xin Huan was shocked, and at this moment, he could no longer hide his traces.

With a flick of his wings, he flew towards the heaven, and he wanted to tell the news to Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

Boyi Kao's face was gloomy, and Xin Huan really didn't talk about him, the Great Emperor Crape Myrtle.

"Intercept the disciples, you are so brave, it seems that they haven't hurt them in the first battle of Fengshen!"

The Antarctic Fairy was unhappy on the spot.

As soon as Fengshen stood up, he explained the teaching and produced several traitors.

Isn't the fear Liusun beside one of them?

"Don't worry about him, just intercept the disciples who heard the news and come here, this Huaguo Mountain has been razed to the ground by us!"

Only then did Boyi Kao feel better.

"Great Emperor, you are leading the way, I will wait for your orders!"

He was afraid that his grandson would not even go to see the former senior brother of Antarctica Xianweng.

Deliberately said the Buddha's name, and said to Boyi Kao.

"Since that's the case, let someone call the formation first, and lead the enchanting out first!"

When Boyi Kao was not conferred a god, he was also the son of the Marquis of Xibo.

Naturally know some tactics.

At this moment, I have saved the first wave of probing and collecting information.

"Eighteen Arhats, you wait to go and call the formation, don't fight recklessly!"

Subduing the dragon, subduing the tiger and others all stood up.

Came to the coast of the East China Sea, ready to call the formation.


The Eighteen Arhats looked at it for a long time, and suddenly the eighteen faces were stunned.

"This... Brother, I can't find Huaguo Mountain, how can I call the array?"

Fuhu Arhat was confused, wasn't Huaguo Mountain still here before?

Why is it gone now!

"Second brother, don't panic, this may be the blindfold of that enchanting evildoer, see my supernatural power breaking his spell!"

Dragon Subduing Arhat laughed.

Buddhism has a way of seeing through the sky.

Can break through all obstacles.

The Tathagata's pair of discerning eyes is the highest manifestation of this magical power.

Although the Dragon Subduing Arhat is not as good as the Tathagata, his attainment in this magic is also extraordinary.

Hand pinch seal, eyes shine with golden light.

Sweep towards the rolling mountains below.

Well, at first glance.

Nothing has changed.

That mountain is still that mountain, and that water is still that water.

In Huaguo Mountain, Zhong Xuan, who was accompanying Zhen Yuanzi to watch the planting of spirit roots in Huaguo Mountain, was taken aback.

Take a look at the latest tasks released by the system. ,

Heart blossoms with joy.

[Mission: Defend the fruits of labor and defeat the incoming enemy! 】

[Reward: Innate fire source (can provide plants with abundant photosynthesis, which is a hundred times more powerful than the sun)] inch.

Chapter 92

Jianglong frowned.

His spell has never failed.

He strengthened his mana again, and his eyes shot out two to thick golden lights.

Like two big headlights.


The situation is still the same as before, nothing can be seen.

"Brother, have you seen the location of the enchanting Huaguo Mountain?"

Subduing the dragon is like eating a fly, shaking his head with an extremely ugly face.

"No way, big brother, can't you see through your eyesight?"

"The mountains and waters here are like real scenes, and it is impossible to see that they were transformed by magic!"

"If I knew in advance that there is Huaguo Mountain here, I'm afraid I have to be deceived!"

The ground underfoot, a stone, a handful of running water.

It's all real, not fake at all.

The magical powers of the evildoer look a bit formidable.

"Then what to do? The two Heavenly Court emperors are watching, we can't go home empty-handed, right?"

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