If you don't have enough strength, that is... no matter how long you live, you will suffer.

He has a life span of [-] years now, and it's not the time to die, he still kicks with both feet, there is no difference in farts.

And the Tathagata Buddha said that no one interferes with his freedom, which is even more nonsense.

Apart from the shackles of Buddhism on his body now, he should not live too unrestrainedly, where does he need the guarantee of the Buddha.

Eating, drinking, prostituting, gambling, smoking! Which one doesn't have to be the Buddha's promise to live a good life, but when it comes to smoking, Sun Wukong also prepared a big gift for Buddhism, and was tossed by the Buddha and almost forgot.

Tang Sanzang quickly made a cigarette, lit it directly, and began to smoke.

At the same time, I thought about how to add the ingredients, so that the Buddha also tasted it.

But it can really relax after two sips.

So comfortable! Tathagata Buddha had a gloomy face at first, thinking about how to make Tang Sanzang change his mouth, but he saw that Tang Sanzang actually picked up something smoking.

What kind of shit is this? It's not the first time I've seen Tang Sanzang do this.

When I was staring at Tang Sanzang from Yuanguang before, I could often see Tang Sanzang doing this.

And every time he picked up that thing, Tang Sanzang always gave people a very relaxed feeling.

This aroused the curiosity of Tathagata Buddha.

This thing also has this effect "Tang Sanzang, what are you holding?"

Tathagata Buddha asked curiously.

At the same time, it can be regarded as a distraction, so that you can relax yourself and make mistakes.

"This, this thing is for peace of mind, and when you take a sip, you will feel like a fairy. This is one of the reasons why poor monks disdain to become a Buddha."

"Poor monks can become gods at any time, so who still wants to become a Buddha!"

Isn't it just flickering, who wouldn't! I was just thinking about how to get the Tathagata Buddha to take the bait.


Tathagata Buddha was stunned for a moment, his face full of doubts.

This little thing is so awesome, but why doesn't it look like it? In his senses, this thing is just an ordinary thing, how can Tang Sanzang say it is so miraculous.

But since Tang Sanzang said that this was one of the reasons why he was unwilling to become a Buddha, it was impossible for the Tathagata Buddha to ignore it.

"Can you give this seat a try too!"

Tathagata Buddha asked in a strange tone.

If it is as good as what Tang Sanzang said, this kind of thing must be pulled into his hands.

"Uh... take this one!"

Tang Sanzang was a little confused.

It's too easy to complete Sun Wukong's task so easily! Even Sun Wukong is a little confused, this is indeed too easy.

Originally, I thought that it would take a lot of twists and turns to get this thing into the hands of the Buddha, but who knew that the Buddha actually took the initiative to ask for it.

But this is a good thing for Sun Wukong, and then we will see the power of this thing.

The system produced, it must be a boutique! I believe he will not be disappointed.

Tathagata Buddha waved his hand, directly took the box of cigarettes into his hand, and began to study.

With this fiddling, Tathagata Buddha actually discovered that the thing in his hand actually exudes fluctuations of spiritual power.

This aroused the curiosity of the Tathagata Buddha even more.

Since there are fluctuations in spiritual energy, then this thing belongs to the level of treasure.

It would be a waste to let it fall into the hands of Tang Sanzang.

But what he had sensed before was not wrong. The thing in Tang Sanzang's hand was just a mortal thing, why did he give it to him with spiritual power fluctuations? Could it be that Tang Sanzang dedicated his filial piety to him, or... I hope he can be let go If this is the case, then the Tathagata Buddha can only say sorry.

This thing he took, but Tang Sanzang had to continue to follow the script of Buddhism.

But now he has to verify whether this thing in his hand is really as good as Tang Sanzang said.

It's too fantastic to be able to become a fairy just by taking a sip.

After careful inspection, Tathagata Buddha found that this thing is not dangerous, on the contrary, there is a faint medicinal smell permeating, just taking a sip, Tathagata Buddha feels refreshed.

The Tathagata Buddha instantly froze in his heart.

It seems that what Tang Sanzang said is true, this thing does have the effect of peace of mind.

As for the feeling of fluttering, it is estimated that you have to take a sip to be sure.

Tathagata Buddha hurriedly took out a cigarette, directly imitated Tang Sanzang's appearance, held it in his mouth, lit the fire and took a puff.


Tathagata Buddha's eyes lit up directly.

Tang Sanzang said it well, he really became an immortal, and even he felt that what Tang Sanzang said was too simple.

This is not becoming an immortal, this is having the whole world! "Hahaha, mine, all mine!"

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