Besides, there must be a way to move forward. Daleiyin Temple is already in the extreme west, and if you go further west, there will be nothingness.

Tathagata Buddha frowned, and Tang Sanzang's rejection was too decisive.

"Tang Sanzang, you must know that completing the Journey to the West will be of great benefit to you!"

The Tathagata Buddha directly seduced the Tao.

Anyway... if you want to give Tang Sanzang a useless fruit position, you should tempt him in advance.

"What's the benefit"

Tang Sanzang's eyes lit up.

Anything is negotiable as long as it is beneficial.

Anyway, it is sold, so it is better to maximize the profit.

It's yours only if you eat it in your mouth.

"If you are willing to move on, I can promise you a Buddha position!"

Tathagata Buddha smiled with satisfaction and said directly.

"That's it, forget it, I'm not interested!"

Tang Sanzang looked disdainful.


Tathagata Buddha was a little confused.

That is a Buddha status, even if it is useless, it is not much stronger than the Arhat status, and even the Bodhisattva status is not comparable.

Although Buddhahood does not represent strength, it is also a symbol of status.

Tang Sanzang didn't have the slightest interest in seeing that the powerful Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was still just a bodhisattva.

This was somewhat unexpected by the Tathagata Buddha.

"Buddha, if there is nothing else, let go of the poor monk, life is long, and the poor monk has not enjoyed enough!"

Tang Sanzang said pitifully.

At this time, he did not dare to go too far and suffer again.

Tathagata Buddha frowned, and the good mood before was instantly gone.

He couldn't understand why Tang Sanzang made this choice.

Isn't it fragrant to become a Buddha, and isn't it just enjoyment? After becoming a Buddha, you can still enjoy it.

Once Buddhism is prosperous, even if it is a garbage Buddha, it is a rhythm that can take off in place.

But even so, Tang Sanzang still did not choose.

"Tang Sanzang, do you know what you're rejecting? That's the chance to become a Buddha. From now on, you'll be able to be free. This is an existence that countless people are jealous of!"

Tathagata Buddha reminded with a gloomy face.

"Buddha, the poor monk is really not interested. If others like it, you can give them the opportunity!"

Tang Sanzang was still shaking his head.

Don't look at what Tathagata Buddha said very nicely, but in Tang Sanzang's eyes, these... all are gimmicks, they used to cheat believers...

It can be said that the Tathagata Buddha was fooling him with his rotten tricks, how could Tang Sanzang be fooled.

Being free is coaxing a fool! Since he started studying scriptures in the West, he has never been free, otherwise he would have returned home long ago.

"Tang Sanzang, can you tell me why you chose this way?"

The Buddha asked with a frown.

"Buddha, the poor monk has seen a lot and experienced a lot along the way. The human heart is sinister, and the Buddha's heart is even worse. The poor monk is tired and doesn't want to toss!"

"And the so-called study of scriptures from the West is just a pretext. The people of the Tang Dynasty in the East are extremely happy, and there is no need for the so-called Buddhist teachings. Your purpose!"

Tang Sanzang seemed very indifferent, not caring about piercing the face of Buddhism.

"Tang Sanzang, don't forget your identity!"

Tathagata Buddha's face was gloomy, and he had never been slapped in the face like this before.

"Haha, the identity is not imposed by you, is it what the poor monk wants?"

Tang Sanzang looked disdainful and continued to rage.

Tathagata Buddha's face was very dark, he felt that he had given Tang San's face too much, and said he had to clean up again.

But just when Buddha Tathagata was about to attack Tang Sanzang again, Tang Sanzang's voice sounded faintly, causing the Buddha to stop.

"How can you say it's not a poor monk, and I want to make a black hand again. The poor monk advises you to think about it clearly and then talk about it!"

Tang Sanzang was very calm.

He now has a very clear understanding of the scumbags of Buddhism, but if he doesn't say it, he will directly attack.

This trick is something I've played before.

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