The ghost king said angrily.

"Uh... Now that the order has been changed, Sun Wukong should not provoke him, but as long as Tang Sanzang doesn't die, go for it!"

The golden-winged Dapeng eagle's face turned red.

He was actually taken advantage of by the ghost king of the underworld.


The ghost king of the underworld muttered, and instructed his subordinates to find Tang Sanzang and his party again.

"I knew I was on, but it's a pity that such a good opportunity was missed!"

The blue-haired lion monster looked at the back of the ghost king's departure with a look of regret.

"You are crazy, if you really do this, Tathagata Buddha will never allow you!"

Looking at the expression of the blue-haired lion monster, the golden-winged roc eagle knows what this guy is thinking.

It's just kidding my life.

Although doing this avoids the danger here in Tang Sanzang, but so many have the meaning of the Tathagata Buddha's order to obey the yin and the yin, it is strange that the Tathagata Buddha did not make him.

"So it's a pity, if I think about it first, I can still make excuses, but now I can't."

The blue-haired lion monster shook his head helplessly.

Although this method failed, he began to think about how to avoid it.


The golden-winged Dapeng eagle looked at the blue-haired lion monster, and knew that this guy didn't hold back his farts, but he didn't stop it either.

After all, the blue-haired lion monster has to take care of itself.

......"Well here it is again"

Tang Sanzang felt a chill hit again, and his face was bewildered.

Didn't this special have already run away, why did he come back again? Could it be an illusion, "Hello, holy monk, this ghost king is here again!"

That cold voice resounded again, telling Tang Sanzang that this was not an illusion.

But he had already encountered it once, and he was not so afraid anymore.

Tang Sanzang looked around, trying to find that... where the hell is the ghost king.

It's been a long time since I came out, I've died many times, I've been in the underworld before, and I've seen a lot of souls. This is the first time I've heard of the ghost king, so I have to study it.

Unfortunately, just like before, nothing was found.

"What kind of ghost king, show your face, the poor monk still doesn't know what the ghost king looks like!"

Tang Sanzang asked tentatively.

The ghost king of the underworld who was hiding in the dark pondered for a while. Although this request was a bit strange to him, he was only a ghost. How could he appear in front of people, but it had no effect on him.

Besides, it is also good for him to have a good relationship.

"The holy monk is now satisfied"

The ghost king of the underworld appeared directly with his subordinates and asked with a smile.

Tang Sanzang looked disappointed after observing it.

It's not much different from humans, and I don't see anything special about it, that is... the gusts of overcast wind make people feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's okay, the poor monk wants to know, since the ghost king has already left, why is he coming back?"

Tang Sanzang asked in surprise.

"I don't want to either, I just wanted to go through the motions, but I'm just a jerk!"

The ghost king of the underworld was also very helpless.

The fate of the swallowing python monster is just ahead, and there is only a little monster left. It can be said that the group is destroyed, and he does not want to be the next one.

What's more, he didn't have many subordinates.

It can be said to be the most sparsely populated, with only a mere [-] ghosts.

These...but they are his lifeblood, and there is no way to add them after he is dead.

Moreover, they are also the only alternatives in the Ten Thousand Demons Great Array, and the only ones who have not been bewitched by the Buddha's voice.

Although Fumen did not do well, he still restrained him somewhat.

If you really want to open the Buddha's voice to bewitched, then it is no different from overcoming them.

Therefore, the Tathagata Buddha did not intend to control them.

Tang Sanzang narrowed his eyes.

The Nether Ghost King's words reveal a lot of information.

It was interesting that he, who had already been evacuated, was forced back again.

The current Daleiyin Temple is the one who decides...the golden-winged Dapeng is carved, and this order must have something to do with him.

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