The plan can't keep up with the changes.

Originally, I was planning to talk to Sun Wukong to see if I could get some information, so that I could better fool the Kou members.

But now he has been entangled by Kou Yuanwai, and he has no chance to ask questions.

I had no choice but to take what I said before and prevaricate the Kou member again.

After all, Sun Wukong only said that the incident was caused by the monk, and he didn't say anything else. He couldn't make it through for the time being.

"But the holy monk, the old monk is not wrong, why did it lead to the death of the body?"

Kou Yuanwai looked bewildered, and even had some doubts about Tang Sanzang's words.

However, what happened yesterday is still vivid in his mind, not to mention the golden film that appeared strangely when he was besieged by the servants, and even the customs clearance ultimatum that unfolded in the air calmed him down.

These............ are definitely not something mortals can do, this Tang Sanzang definitely has mana.

The calamity was definitely not without a purpose.

Tang Sanzang didn't immediately make up the story, but looked at Sun Wukong who was following him, hoping to get help.

But Sun Wukong just gave him a helpless look and let him ask for more happiness.

If this didn't happen, how could the gang members not believe it.

The reason why I am willing to listen to Tang Sanzang's bullshit now is just because of what Sanzang has done before, it seems a bit bluffing.

"Uh... Since Amitabha Buddha asked the question sincerely, the poor monk will tell you with great compassion!"

Tang Sanzang's eyes sank.

If you don't get help, you have to start your own nonsense mode.

Sun Wukong heard a black line.

This is so special, you went to the wrong set! But Kou Yuanwai was very focused, which is really a problem.

Ah! "It's actually very simple, because Yuanwaizhai is a monk, not a Buddha!"

Tang Sanzang said with a smile.

"Hmm! That's it"

Kou Yuanwai looked at Tang Sanzang with a bewildered expression.

He waited for a long time, and he actually told him this. This could also be a reason. Kou Yuan asked himself, even if he was a fasting monk, he never broke his heart to worship Buddha.

Besides, don't all monks believe in Buddhism?

Wasn't he Zhai Seng just paying homage to the Buddha? He felt that Tang Sanzang was fooling him, so that he could continue to cheat food, drink, drink and cheat girls.

"Do you think the poor monk's words are contradictory?"

Looking at Kou Yuanwai's suspicious eyes, he didn't panic at all.

Now that he has spoken, he is ready.

Member Kou said nothing, but nodded firmly.

That's right, I'm just... suspicious of you! "The donor thinks that you understand the Buddha, or the poor monk understands it."

Tang Sanzang suddenly fell down.

Tang Sanzang has the most say in the virtues of Buddhism, and he should not be harassed along the way.

It is no exaggeration to say that his journey has been... filled with life.

Member Kou still didn't say anything.

There is no need to answer this matter. Although this place is very close to Daleiyin Temple, they have never seen the so-called true Buddha at all. The most encountered is... a monk.

So how could he, a mortal, understand the Buddha better than Tang Sanzang? "The Buddha's heart is black, and he has no mercy at all!"

Tang Sanzang said quietly.

Then Tang Sanzang picked up some appalling incidents and told them to the Kou member outsiders.

Kou Yuanwai's face turned pale when he heard it, this was the Buddha he knew. Looking at Tang Sanzang's serious remarks, he's hard to believe it or not.

"Fengxian County, the outer county of Tianzhu Country, must have heard of the benefactors. There has been a severe drought year after year, which is caused by... the Buddha in your mouth!"

Tang Sanzang looked at the skeptical Kou member, and finally added another fire.


Member Kou directly sucked Kou's cool air.

Of course he knew about Fengxian County. Although it was far away from Diling County, Tongtai Prefecture, it was still the boundary of Tianzhu Kingdom.

Especially in the years of severe drought, he also heard about it.

I just didn't expect that this was actually done by the Buddha.

The things that Tang Sanzang said before..., he can still listen to it as a story, but this time it is a fact.

"The Duke of Fengxian County accidentally knocked down the tribute because of an argument with his wife during the ceremony of worshiping the Buddha, but it has caused drought in Fengxian County for many years, and the people are suffering!"

Tang Sanzang immediately began to make up nonsense.

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