The Great King Pishu suggested.

After all, the temptation of immortality is really great.

"No, arrest him first, doesn't he want to die, let's scare him first!"

After thinking about it for a while, King Bihan made this decision.

He decided to test Tang Sanzang first to see if he could spoof some news.

......When Tang Sanzang faced the three rhino spirits again, the joy on his face was beyond words.

It was worth the hard wait, and finally came in again.

This time, he should be able to kill him.

"Tang Sanzang, do you really want to die?"

Looking at Tang Sanzang, who was smiling brightly in front of him, the Great King Pihan said quietly.

"Of course, the poor monk came here only to ask for death!"

Tang Sanzang said firmly.

The purpose of his coming here is to beg for death, which is related to whether he will have a chance to...

"But, do you know how you will die?"

The Great King Pihan asked quietly.


Tang Sanzang suddenly felt a coldness strike, and involuntarily swallowed his saliva.

It doesn't seem like it's what he thought.

"Isn't it just killing him directly, just act decisively!"

Tang Sanzang suppressed his panic and said.

"It's too cheap to kill you directly!"

The Great King Bihan gave a cold smile, seeing Tang Sanzang's panic, he immediately started to frighten Tang Sanzang.

"Your meat is not immortal. We decided to eat it directly. Don't worry, we will never let you die before we eat you completely."

"Eating people, we are professional!"

Tang Sanzang's face instantly turned pale.

It's not good to eat so raw! "Or you can eat it a little richer, and it's also good to fry it, and it's crunchy!"

King Pishu also began to answer, with a very strange expression on his face, "Fry it on a slow fire and let the oil heat up slowly, so that you can fry naturally, and you won't die until you are completely fried!"

Tang Sanzang's face turned pale again.

What the hell, there was an oil bath before he died, this is too cruel.

"The iron plate seems to be pretty good too. The iron plate is heated directly, and when I put you on it, it is absolutely energetic!"

On the ruthless or the most ruthless King Pichen.

God is so full of vitality! Why don't you go up and liven yourself up? Tang Sanzang suddenly felt that what is dignified and undignified, it seems that it is not that important anymore, and it is quite good to live.

Can't let him die peacefully with this one by one! Raw, deep-fried, iron plate! Why can't it be simple, a bunch of ignorant things, is Tang monk meat eaten like this? Do you want Sha Wujing enough to give the three of you a technical guide and teach you how to eat Tang monk meat! Although he doesn't know why Sha Wujing knows how to eat Tang monk meat so well.

"Then what, the poor monk is just passing by, and there are still some things to do, so let's go first!"

Tang Sanzang smiled embarrassedly, his face pale and he turned around and wanted to run.

Although there is a tasteless thing with a tight hoop on his head, Tang Sanzang can definitely eat it raw, and the other two methods will definitely not kill him.

But this is so completely... Suffering, it doesn't match his original intention.

He just begged to die.

"I only want to leave now, is it a little late!"

The Great King Bihan said faintly, directly signaling the little demon to capture Tang Sanzang.

I had let it go once before, it was Tang Sanzang who didn't seize the opportunity and wanted to run now, how could there be such a beautiful thing.

And the scare just now was quite effective.

Although I don't know why Tang Sanzang has plans to die, but he only thinks about the simple way to die, and is very afraid of methods they propose.

As long as they were afraid, they would be able to dig out the news they wanted from Tang Sanzang's mouth.

"Hey hey hey! The poor monk warns you, don't mess around, the poor monk's eldest disciple, Sun Wukong, is not... easy to mess with!"

Tang Sanzang, who didn't run away, was directly linked to the banner of Sun Wukong, hoping to use the prestige of Sun Wukong to quell these monsters with green eyes.

But unfortunately, it's useless this time! Originally, the Great King Pishu didn't like Sun Wukong, and he really wanted to touch Sun Wukong.

Besides, it seems obvious that he can swindle a lot of things now, how can he let him "little people, prepare iron plates and oil pans, prepare to build!"

The Great King Bihan hurriedly ordered.

Soon, under Tang Sanzang's terrified eyes, the iron plate and frying pan were ready.

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