After the golden hair roar was beaten to death, it showed its original shape, and Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't even think about collecting its body, so he just left it here and left it alone.

"Sai Tai Sui is great!"

Tang Sanzang had a look of excitement on his face, and when he went up, he just... kicked two feet, and said angrily, "I made you beat me, now you'll be punished!"

The Empress of the Golden Sacred Palace glanced at Tang Sanzang and the others in surprise, and couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

"Vent it out, no Bodhisattva, let us continue westward!"

Sun Wukong looked at Tang Sanzang and said.

"That customs clearance letter..."

Tang Sanzang glanced at the empress of the Jinsheng Palace with some worry, the queen of Zhu Ziguo was sleeping, and she had to go to exchange for the customs clearance letter.

I'm afraid that if I didn't step into Zhu Ziguo, I would die.

"It's done, just go straight away!"

Sun Wukong explained.

"Well, let's keep going!"

Tang Sanzang heaved a sigh of relief, although it was quite miserable to be pitted by Sun Wukong this time, his work was absolutely reliable.

No, the problem that embarrassed him was easily settled.

And just as Tang Sanzang climbed onto Ao Yi's back, the Empress of Jinsheng Palace spoke up.

"Tang Sanzang, pull me up too!"

Chapter 248

"What the hell"

Tang Sanzang was immediately stunned, staring blankly at the Empress of the Golden Sacred Palace.

What kind of trouble do you want to make? "Why are you going to turn around and deny the account!"

The Empress of the Golden Sacred Palace said resentfully.


Tang Sanzang was immediately speechless.

He had said before that he would be responsible, and he really didn't know how to reject the Empress of the Golden Sacred Palace.

Turning around and seeing his three apprentices eating melons, Tang Sanzang went directly to Sun Wukong.

"Wukong, you made this matter, you come to settle it!"

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing don't care, they don't know what happened, but Sun Wukong is going too far.

"My old grandson doesn't admit it, why didn't you think of my old grandson when you were happy!"

Sun Wukong took himself out directly.

Tang Sanzang glanced at the corner of his mouth.

It's cool, he really feels it.

It's been two times, which time is it that he is not pierced, he wants to die, and he has no experience at all.

This Golden Sacred Palace Empress is piercing, and he was so mad that he was willing to touch it.

But Sun Wukong took himself out, and he couldn't take it out.

Although he didn't have the experience, he did touch the empress of the Golden Sacred Palace, so he couldn't just let it go.

"Female benefactor, the poor monk is going to the west to worship Buddha and ask for scriptures. There are demons and ghosts rampant along the way, poor mountains and rivers are everywhere, you have to think carefully!"

Tang Sanzang reminded sincerely.

Although the Empress of the Golden Sacred Palace is a little older, she is still a woman after all, and it is not good to eat and sleep with him.

"You are such a waste and you can live so nourishing, I will definitely not be worse than you!"

The Empress of the Golden Sacred Palace said quietly.

She has the most say in Tang Sanzang's level.


Tang Sanzang's face turned black.

It's so heartbreaking! But the empress of the Golden Sacred Palace said that this is what it was, and Tang Sanzang couldn't refuse it.

"Come up then!"

Tang Sanzang stretched out his hand, trying to pull up the Empress of the Golden Sacred Palace.


Just as soon as Tang Sanzang touched the Empress of the Golden Sacred Palace, a strong tingling sensation hit him, and he screamed directly, lying on the back of the dragon turtle and twitching.

The Empress of the Golden Sacred Palace looked innocently at Tang Sanzang, who was twitching, and accidentally forgot that she had the protection of the colorful fairy clothes on her body.

It was not easy for Tang Sanzang to recover.

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