Tang Sanzang looked at Sun Wukong with hope.


Sun Wukong has a question mark on his face.

Wasn't this guy researching the route just now, why did he get involved with medicinal pills again, "This one in the wilderness, why do you want medicinal pills?"

Sun Wukong asked in surprise.

"Isn't it rare to meet a female fairy who is interested in being a teacher? I want to give it a try!"

Tang Sanzang said a little shyly.

Holy crap, talent, even the tree will not be spared! Sun Wukong looked at Tang Sanzang in shock, and sure enough, he was right, he was trying to fully cooperate with the goblin's actions.

"How did you decide those...the monsters will come back?"

Sun Wukong reminded.

"What a tactful teacher, this goblin suddenly appeared here, and she definitely has other purposes. Just wait, she will definitely appear when we pass through this thorny mountain."

Tang Sanzang had a determined look on his face.

Not to mention, after a lot of experience, Tang Sanzangming is online.

The guess is quite accurate, the monsters in Jingjiling really did not give up on Tang Sanzang, and they are also going to invite Tang Sanzang to sing poems and write poems.

Tang Sanzang looked at Sun Wukong with hope.

Along the way, I encountered all kinds of strange monsters, the men all wanted to eat him, and the women never looked at him.

Finally, there is a female goblin who has no interest in Sun Wukong, nor does she have any intention to kill him.

Tang Sanzang didn't want to miss it.

"You guys keep going, I'll come when I go!"

Sun Wukong didn't care, Tang Sanzang wanted to kill himself, so he didn't push it for no reason.

Immediately went to find Jin Tongzi, this time preparing to give Tang Sanzang something strong.

Tang Sanzang smiled with satisfaction.

Sure enough, Sun Wukong won his heart.

However, there is a bit of trouble in front of me, this thorny mountain is really not that easy to pass through.

"Little turtle, can you pass through?"

Tang Sanzang asked worriedly.

Ao twin rolled his eyes, he is a dragon turtle now, although he has no mana, but his defensive power, how can the mere Thorn Ridge be able to stop him, but Tang Sanzang is not necessarily, he has no mana, He could only bury his head and open the way, unable to protect Tang Sanzang on his back.

The appearance of this thin skin and tender meat is estimated to be abolished after passing through the Ridge of Thorns.

But there is absolutely no problem with Xiaoming, how to say there is still a hoop on the head, it is not a decoration.

Although it can't block the monster's attack, it can block the thorns.

After Ao Twin explained the situation, Tang Sanzang fell into deep thought.

Although it won't die, it will hurt! Especially these things, if accidentally scratched on the face, it will be disfigured.

Although he is a fat man now, he still relies on his face to eat.

Finally, there is a female fairy who seems to be interested in him, and if this matter becomes yellow because of his appearance, he must not go crazy.

"Master, didn't Brother Monkey go to get you a medicinal pill? What are you still thinking about here? Hurry up! Don't you want to meet your female bodhisattva earlier?"

Pig Bajie teased.

"Uh... I'm worried about breaking the phase for the teacher!"

Tang Sanzang blushed slightly and said tangled.

Zhu Bajie pouted his lips in disdain. With Tang Sanzang's present respectable appearance, it might be equivalent to plastic surgery. With a scar on his face, he might be a little more domineering.

"Cut, such a trivial matter, why is it so entangled!"

Zhu Bajie glanced at Tang Sanzang disdainfully, then returned to his true body and rushed straight ahead.

He's a pig! Gongdi is a professional! Tang Sanzang looked at the pigs who were driving ahead in surprise. He didn't expect Zhu Bajie to have such a use! ...... Muxian Nunnery! "Bajie, stop. Bar!"

Tang Sanzang looked at a temple that suddenly appeared, and knew that he had reached the ground, and quickly stopped the still: Pig Bajie, who opened the way.

This is where those...youkai are waiting for him.

In the broken place of Jingjiling, even Zhu Bajie is a little troublesome to open the way, but there is a temple, which is clearly... waiting for him.

However, this time Tang Sanzang wasn't panic at all, on the contrary he still had a little expectation.

I'm so excited to be able to meet my favorite female bodhisattva soon! The only pity is..., why hasn't Sun Wukong come back?

"Here, what you want!"

Sun Wukong appeared out of nowhere and gave him the things that Tang Sanzang had been waiting for.

Tang Sanzang's eyes lit up, and sure enough, Sun Wukong never let him down.

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