Tathagata Buddha did not care, this time the calculation basically achieved his goal.

Puxian is dead.

Maitreya Buddha's power was basically abolished, and he was also injured.

Manjusri Bodhisattva suffered a few swords from the sword, and he was not well, and also needed recuperation.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was directly tied to his own line by him, and he couldn't pick it up even if he wanted to.

Plus a burning lamp ancient Buddha that was injured before.

It can be said that in the current Buddhism, he has really managed to cover the sky with one hand.

The only pity is that Manjushri did not die, which gave them a chance to unite.

But the Tathagata Buddha didn't care, even if they were united, they could still find out: what waves come, especially the Tathagata Buddha is not unprepared, but he made an agreement with people.

Chapter 184 Have a baby again?

"Honorable Avalokitesvara, what is the current situation of the Xiliang Women's Kingdom?"

The Tathagata Buddha didn't care about those... dead Buddhist disciples, and was directly concerned about the situation of the Xiliang Nv Kingdom.

This is one of the bargaining chips he has agreed with others, that is...the interests of Buddhism after Daxing are divided into half.

These...but they are all witnessed by Heaven and cannot be violated.

Besides, the great prosperity of Buddhism has also overflowed with him.

Therefore, now it is not only myself who want to help Buddhism flourish.

"Back to the Buddha, Xiliang Nuguo is still normal now. After I took away the water from the Zimu River, the people of Xiliang Nuguo are now looking forward to our actions!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva replied calmly.


Tathagata Buddha nodded with satisfaction. If this operation is done well, a large wave of belief power can be harvested.

This is a good thing to win the hearts of Buddhists.

"In this case, you can take the human seed bag and go to the Xiliang Women's Country again!"

Tathagata Buddha instructed.


Guanyin Bodhisattva was stunned.

There was just a wave from Xiliang Nuguo. Now let her go, and make sure not to send people's heads. "Don't worry, the people who intercepted the teaching have already retreated, and this trip will not be dangerous."

The Tathagata Buddha saw what Guanyin Bodhisattva thought in his heart, spoke out words to comfort him, and then said with a firm tone: "What's more, even if something happens, someone will protect you for one or two!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned.

Who is the person who protects the Tathagata Buddha? Could it be that the Tathagata Buddha sensed the identity of Sun Wukong, but this is impossible! If he sensed the identity of Sun Wukong, he should have directly attacked him, and he would never speak in such a tone.

Who is this person who can protect her? "Learn the Buddha's order!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva pondered the question, and after putting away the human seed bag, he bowed and stepped back.

......Xiliang Nuguo! Ever since Guanyin appeared to take away the water from the Zimu River and replaced it with ordinary water sources, the people of the entire Xiliang Nuguo have been looking forward to the next action of Buddhism.

If it can't solve the problem of boys, Guanyin Bodhisattva's approach is to break the roots of the female country of Xiliang:.

Of course, there is one exception to this, that is Tang Sanzang.

At this time, Tang Sanzang had completely released himself.

He likes it so much, it's like... a fairyland, especially his identity, no one dares to use force, you can just wave.

However, what Tang Sanzang did...caused the Taishi's attention.

It happened that the new Zimu River could not confirm whether it was really incapacitated, so the Taishi decided to let Tang Sanzang verify it.

Originally, it was enough to find a few women who wanted to get pregnant and verify it, but who made Tang Sanzang jump too much? side.

"Holy monk, I have something to ask you!"


Tang Sanzang was a little stunned, not knowing what the Grand Master was trying to do.

If you ask for help, shouldn't you go to Sun Wukong? Sun Wukong is obviously more reliable, why did you find him and brought him to the sad place of Zimuhe?

Thinking of the horrific scene that day, Tang Sanzang was trembling in his calf and stomach.

"I don't know what the master is asking for"

Although he thought about it a lot, Tang Sanzang didn't say it directly.

Compared with the land that is still in other people's land, and his three 3 apprentices are not around.

"The holy monk should have seen that the water of this Zimu River was replaced by Guanyin Bodhisattva."

The Grand Master asked respectfully, "Naturally!"

Tang Sanzang nodded. Of course, he also saw the great movement of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

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