With Zhao Gongming protecting him, it is almost impossible for him to achieve his goal.

His original plan was... to try to let Tang Sanzang die the last time, but also to obliterate that child, and at the worst, use the [-]-turn revival golden pill to revive Tang Sanzang.

But not anymore.

Tang Sanzang's expression was very sad.

The Buddhism he used to respect with all his heart was actually plotting against him and harming the child in his belly.

Although he was very unhappy with the appearance of this child, he didn't want it to be such a lousy excuse for studying Buddhist scriptures in the West.

Horse Dan, the study of Buddhist scriptures from the West has a woolly relationship with an unborn child, but thinking about the inspirational king of Tongtianhe before, Tang Sanzang thinks it is reasonable again, Buddhism has never regarded children as life.

It seems that his big wish should be established! In fact, Tang Sanzang has already had some thoughts on this matter. If it wasn't for the unexpected pregnancy, it may have been implemented, and now it has to be postponed.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang was very entangled, he didn't want this child, but he couldn't just watch the ancient Buddha burn the lamp and kill this child, so he could only hope for Zhao Gongming who suddenly appeared.

"Zhao Gongming, what are you trying to do?"

Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha asked with a gloomy face.


Zhao Gongming said with murderous intent: "I want you to die!"

Chapter 175 Are You Really Playing?

"Want me to die, do you have this ability!"

The Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha is somewhat disdainful, and even Zhao Gongming's famous twenty-four lesson Dinghai Divine Pearl has become his magic weapon. What Zhao Gongming does to fight him and this is... the confidence of the Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha.

"Is it"

Zhao Gongming chuckled lightly, and a sharp sword energy appeared directly from his body.

"Zhu Xianjian!"

Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha looked horrified.

Run! This is the first reaction of the Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha.

He didn't think he could hold the Immortal Execution Sword, especially in the current situation, he didn't know how much the Intercepts had arranged...

The first opportunity has been lost, and if I don't leave, I will definitely explain it here.

Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha turned around and left.

As for Tang Sanzang and the child in his womb, then it has nothing to do with the ancient Buddha burning the lamp, just leave it to Buddha Tathagata to have a headache, there is nothing important about his own life! "If you want to leave, do I agree? It's time to clear it up!"

Zhao Gongming smiled fiercely.

It's a pity that I finally caught the big enemy, and it's not a pity! Zhao Gongming directly chased after him.

The interception has already been arranged, how could the ancient Buddha just run away so easily?

Originally, all this was arranged for the Buddhist Manjushri or Samantabhadra, but who knew that it was the ancient Buddha who came to burn the lamp, which made Zhao Gongming very excited.

"For the teacher, is this alive?"

Tang Sanzang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, your daughter also survived!"

Sun Wukong nodded and reminded.

Tang Sanzang's face instantly turned green, and he was once again caught in a tangle.

.....The sky above the Xiliang Women's Country! Zhao Gongming and the ancient Buddha of Burning Deng confronted again! "Fellow Daoist Burning Lamp, don't rush to leave now"

Zhao Gongming asked with a half-smile but not a smile.


The Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha is no nonsense, and directly sacrificed twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads.

"Zhao Gongming, I'm afraid you won't succeed when you are the seat!"

The Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha tried it just now, and this world was imprisoned, and he couldn't leave.

And the one who can stop him is definitely the sage's shot! But even so, he will not sit still, and the Tongtian sect master does not dare to disobey the order of the Taoist ancestor.

Therefore, what he needs to face is still Zhao Gongming. If he fights, there may be a chance! "Humph!"

Zhao Gongming's face also sank, seeing that the twenty-four that originally belonged to him were now used by the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp to deal with him.

"Then stay!"

Zhao Gongming directly ordered the Immortal Execution Sword to charge at Zhao Gongming.

The sharp sword qi carried by the Sword of Immortal Execution instantly swept over the entire daughter country, but what shocked the Deng Deng Gu Buddha most was that the sword qi of the Sword of Immortal Execution had no effect on the kingdom of the daughter.

This thwarted the last fluke of the ancient Buddha.

He originally planned to use the life of his daughter's country to make Zhao Gongming cast his arms against the rat.

Now it seems that people have already made all preparations.

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