"Amitabha, Buddha..."

As soon as the words of the Tathagata Buddha fell, some people wanted to stand up and refute, but after seeing the pair of wise Buddha eyes of the Tathagata Buddha, they all died down.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was stunned, and came to understand a little.

The Tathagata Buddha is using this catastrophe to test the reaction of the people of Buddhism.

Sadly, the result is sad.

Although I know that these people are basically incompetent other than... slapping horses, they still consider themselves to be Buddhists.

When he arrived, only Guanyin Bodhisattva reminded him.

The ancient Buddha and Maitreya Buddha did not make a sound, which was expected by the Tathagata Buddha.

After all, the three of them have the most direct conflict of interest.

If the Tathagata Buddha did not appear, then the throne of the leader of the Daleiyin Temple would have been created between the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp and the Buddha of Maitreya.

It can be said that the Tathagata Buddha directly took away the position of their leader.

What is in the past and future is the most important thing only what you hold in your hand.

So at times like this, knowing that the Tathagata Buddha himself has narrowed the road, how could they remind them that it is enough to save face if they don't take the opportunity to step on both feet.

But the rest of the Buddhists still made the same choice.

Before Buddhism flourished, there were already interest factions within, but those who chose Tathagata Buddha were hardly open.

Maybe there are, but the Tathagata Buddha did not want them to stand up.

How exactly, no one knows.

......Jindoushan! Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing stopped shortly after being pulled away by Sun Wukong.

"Brother Monkey, why didn't you save the master?"

Zhu Bajie asked curiously.

"Save a ghost, anyway...you can't die again!"

Sun Wukong said angrily: "Besides, it's excusable that Lao Sha doesn't know the guy just now, if you don't know it, you can't believe it."

"Uh... Haha, Zhu Bajie is a little embarrassed. Three generations of disciples of the People's Education, how could they not know Taishang Laojun's Qingniu! Especially the magic weapon Vajra Carving, in the eyes of the people's education disciples, the recognition is too high .

Only Sha Wujing looked innocent.

He really didn't know what happened, and the weapon was confiscated by King Unicorn Si, what should he do now, but seeing that Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie still had the heart to joke, he obviously didn't take this matter to heart.

"Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, my weapon..."

Sha Wujing reminded aggrievedly.

There is no way, poor man, there is only one magic stick on the table, otherwise he will not be bored, stringing the skulls of people who have learned the scriptures as treasures.

"It's okay, Lao Sha, do a show first, and I'll give it back to you later!"

Zhu Bajie spoke to comfort him.

Xiusha Wujing was stunned, not knowing what it meant.

But the latter sentence is.... I understand, it's enough to return the weapon to him, and he doesn't care about the rest.

"Forget it, it's time to find a group to act and play!"

Sun Wukong said nonchalantly, "Old pig, go to the heavenly court, find those disciples, and flicker some help from the lower realms. I will go to Daleiyin Temple, and I will also find some Buddhist people to come and cheer."

"Don't worry! I understand!"

Zhu Bajie patted his chest and assured.

And just when Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were about to move rescue soldiers, they saw Ao twins running in their direction, and they appeared in front of them after a while.

"Why are you back?"

Sun Wukong asked in surprise.

Ao Twin looked at Sun Wukong resentfully, but did not speak.

How can you come back, just run back like this! Growing up so big, I have never experienced such a miserable scene.

It's fine if a team of people doesn't save him, but the monsters who are the enemy don't even bother to pay attention to him.

This is really the darkest moment for Long Sheng! "Forget it, it's just right when you're back, just stay with Lao Sha here!"

Sun Wukong didn't care either, and after explaining it, he and Zhu Bajie Tengyun left.


Ao Twin looked at Sha Wujing, who looked like a wood, with a confused expression on his face.

Has he been abandoned again?

Chapter 164 What a guest!

Jindoudong! After Tang Sanzang was caught in the cave by King Unicorn Si, King Unicorn Si directly let him go.

Tang Sanzang was stunned at this moment.

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