Who knew that Tang Sanzang had forgotten about this matter after he arrived at Lingshan.

Later, because Tang Sanzang experienced only [-] difficulties in obtaining scriptures from master and apprentice, and added the difficulty of falling into the Tongtian River, this difficulty was caused by Lao Yuan.

And Sun Wukong now has no way of thanking Lao Yuan.

Unless he was willing to take his life to thank Tang Sanzang, he would not dare to appear.

As for taking his life and thanking him, Tang Sanzang hasn't had such a big face! And now that the dragon turtle is here, crossing the river is a piece of cake.

If Lao Yuan still dares to show up in the future, he will add food without saying a word!... After handing over the things to Taishang Laojun, Sun Wukong and Taishang Laojun had a few chats and then left.

The later disasters are all related to the Taishang Laojun, and it can be regarded as the delivery of the interests of the Taishang Laojun and Buddhism.

Jindoushan encounters strange things, and it is difficult for the gods in the heavens to subdue the source of the Buddha! These three difficulties are all caused by the green cattle of the Taishang Laojun.

Leng is relying on the magic weapon Vajra Cut, the invincible hand to beat the gods and Buddhas.

This King Kong Zhuo is a man who can take everything, even water, fire, thunder and lightning, and directly make the gods, Buddhas and Muggles.

In the end, it was Taishang Laojun's lower realm, and after Fan restrained King Kong Zhuo, he subdued Qingniu.

Of course, if there is no benefit to be delivered here, Sun Wukong will not believe it.

Not to mention that this green ox sneaked into the lower realm while the ox boy was dozing off.

Let's just say that King Kong Zhuo, without the approval of the Supreme Laojun, the Qingniu can take it, it is a dream! And the meaning of Sun Wukong's communication with the Taishang Laojun is also here.

Taishang Laojun's idea was that the Jinshan Wind Monster had nothing to say, so he could easily stop it, but he still had to let it go.

Only after Qingniu subdues the gods and Buddhas in the sky can we pluck out enough benefits from Buddhism.

It doesn't matter if Sun Wukong thinks about it, anyway... I will send Buddhism a catastrophe later, I hope Buddhism can endure it by then.

After all, the catastrophe that can make him give in is not... so easy to accept.

.....Beside the Tongtian River, after Sun Wukong came back, he set off with Tang Sanzang.

When crossing the Tongtian River, Lao Yuan never showed up, and Sun Wukong didn't notice his movement around.

It seemed that he was frightened by that wangba soup and did not dare to take any luck.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for changing the karma of Journey to the West, and obtaining [-] million karma!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for changing the karma of Journey to the West, and obtaining [-] million karma!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for changing the karma of Journey to the West, and obtaining [-] million karma!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for changing the karma of Journey to the West, and obtaining [-] million karma!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for changing the karma of Journey to the West, and obtaining [-] million karma!"


Sun Wukong was a little confused.

Since stepping into Xiniu Hezhou, every time I mess up a catastrophe, the lowest karma value starts at five million.

What does one two million, two one million mean, two one million? He is...a bit of an idea, it should be the life change of the inspiration king and the catfish essence come.

After all, the King of Inspiration in the original book was taken away by Guanyin, and now Guanyin does not appear at all.

As for the name of the Guanyin carrying the basket, it is estimated that there is no drama! As for the catfish essence, it was arranged by Buddhism to make up the number, but it didn't work, and it became a lunch box.

But the two million one... something is wrong, isn't Tang Sanzang okay, why is there only two million "System, explain what the situation is and how you feel that you have stolen it!"

"Returning to the host, Tang Sanzang fell into the water. Although he was not caught by the goldfish spirit, the catastrophe is still half complete!"


It's a reasonable explanation! Especially Tang Sanzang was kicked down by him, so I can't explain it! But he kicked it very well! If you kill Tang Sanzang and make up for the deficit, it seems to be possible. He's dead, we can arrange it! Tang Sanzang was agitated again.

Holy crap, this is just the end of the toss, and someone is trying to harm him, but this time Tang Sanzang was blinded again, and he has no idea where the plot came from! ......West Heaven, Daleiyin Temple! The catastrophe of Tongtianhe is over. , Because of the words that the goldfish Jing said before his death, he directly named his origin, which made the Tathagata Buddha's face very ugly.

The Buddhas in Lingshan didn't care about what happened after Tongtianhe.

Although they knew that Tongtianhe was still related to the subsequent calamity of Journey to the West, but what they could do, if they talked too much, was to slap Tathagata Buddha in the face.

It's better to keep your mouth shut at this time.

"Where is Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice now?"

Tathagata Buddha asked with a gloomy face.

"Back to Buddha, Tang Sanzang master and apprentice have crossed the Tongtian River and are heading to Jindou Mountain!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva replied calmly.

"Alas, this is the first time I hope that the Journey to the West variable can intervene!"

Tathagata Buddha sighed quietly.

Guanyin Bodhisattva understood what he meant, the calamity of Jindoushan was related to the delivery of the interests of Buddhism and Taoism.

If there is a variable intervening, then it will be the Taoist who will be interfered, but it will be beneficial to Buddhism.

Just, is this possible?

Chapter 162 Goodbye!No, better not see!

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