Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 228: The seven great sages are sworn brothers, in the name of the body!

Chapter 229 The Seven Saints are sworn brothers, with the name of the body beyond the body!

It's winter.

It's snowing heavily outside.

Inside the Wuzhuang Guandong.

The ground is also covered with snow and covered with silver, which is especially beautiful.

In a pavilion room.

Ha ha...

Hearty laughter came from the bedroom.

Lu Wufei looked at the figure in front of him that was exactly the same as himself, and felt really happy.

The figure in front of me is like a clone of myself... No, it's not a clone. Apart from being similar to the original owner, the clone can't inherit anything else.

As for the figure in front of him, not only was his body completely similar to his own, almost a copy, but his cultivation, magical powers, and spells were also the same as his body, exactly the same as Lu Wufei's.

Behind the stone table, under the throne, with his feet on Lotus Silk Steps on Clouds and wearing Chain Golden Armor, the gorgeous and majestic Sun Wukong looked at a group of little demon brothers who were eating and drinking with abandon, and said with drunken eyes: Brothers, , Brothers, you have a great time today, how about you and I sworn sworn brothers together, and separate the younger brothers, the seventh brother, and call him something bad?

Waves of cool wind belonging to the severe winter blew.

Su Bing, Tie Zheng and Dabai followed slowly.

Or perhaps what he has comprehended is his own small magical power, which is called concentration.

The bookstore is very small.

The Seventh Macaque King;

What do you think if you are ranked based on your small body size? Because now, no one can do it. The smallest person will be the younger brother, and the shortest and tallest person will be the younger brother.

Lu Youfei paid no attention.

Dispersed behind the eyes virtual panel.

Dongsheng Shenzhou.

But even so.

At that time, it was just Lu Youfei who had a trace of his spiritual thoughts controlling his body.

Lu Youfei sat quietly behind the long table, flipping through the books, sometimes frowning, sometimes thinking deeply...

That means that once Lu Youfei encounters an enemy a few days ago and activates this magical power, there will be one less Lu Youfei, not seven against one, but also a completely connected person.

Lu Youfei came to the back of Qizhuang Guanshu Pavilion.

I will stay at Qizhuang for a short period of time, so that I can practice the destructiveness of the body within the body.

The magnificent waterfall pours upward like the Tianhe River flowing backward, majestic.

Without this magical power, Lu Youfei's strength increased so much that it doubled.

Come on, come on...

Finally, less than a year ago, I came to Jinhua Mansion again.

Moreover, the strength of the body within the body completely follows the growth of the original body.

But this feeling of inspiration was fleeting.

[Host: Lu Fei]

In fact, that was Lu Youfei's bottom line: he was wrong.

One Lu Youfei could beat Xiaopeng to a bloody head.

Before you got the position from the teacher, you persuaded Wandashan and had no intention of retreating in the direction of Jinhua Mansion.

Hey, this is your first time to taste spiritual tea, thank you fellow Taoist...

Fellow Taoist, what is he doing?

It attracted all the great demons in the Water Curtain Cave to poke their heads around, yearning for competition.

Last second.

Lines of virtual ink handwriting emitting pale white light appeared behind his eyes.

It's arranged like that...

Under the eaves and corners of the low pavilion, the beautiful Feng Duo hanging on the floor made a sweet sound.

After wandering for a while, Shenliwen came over with a smile and sat behind the table.

Seeing that he had put on his robe and looked around, he became more and more handsome, and he started to laugh.

Look at the body within the body data that appears in the magical power column.

Several huge bonfires were burning, below and around the bonfires.

This is the thought.

After all, in the past, it was necessary to control the enemy in person, so the perspective and fighting alone were very important.

Hehe, thank you Taoist friend for this...

All kinds of monsters ate meat, drank wine, talked quietly, laughed wildly, and it was quiet, noisy, and full of smoke.

I'm going to read through some books and look up principles similar to supernatural powers. After checking, I feel like I have a sudden flash of inspiration.

that's the truth.

In short, it’s time to come soon.

Wandashan knew too little about the human world, so he took the lead and walked back.

Kitchen work is overdue.

Based on their stature and head, the order of the sworn saint and little demon was revealed.

There were heroic sounds, high-pitched sounds, and hoarse sounds in the Water Curtain Cave...even before the men's dissolute laughter could be heard, it was even more joyful.

Think about it, Lu Youfei will realize the magical power of body within body next time he faces the golden-winged Xiaopeng, the leader of the lion and camel kingdom.

At this moment, inside the Water Curtain Cave.

I'll do the same thing.


Feel the various abilities under the body inside the body on the opposite side.

Lu Youfei pondered for a while, trying to feel this important feeling again.

Without thinking about it, his eyes returned to Shenli who was picking up the teapot and pouring tea behind her eyes.

Lu Youfei also dispersed, stood up and walked inside.

Of course, I want my body within the body to completely possess the strength of the original body.

Thinking back to the wonderful feeling in my hands just now.

Lu Youfei fell into deep thought.


Wearing a blue robe, with a low figure and a fair round face, the figure sighed and said: Finally, I'm back to Jinhua Mansion again...

Before going through some wrangling arguments.

But this goes against my character, principles and even my way of practice.

After a year of traveling.

He continued his practice career which had become boring since then.

Yes, this is a great magical power that Lu Wufei learned from the Hundong Zhengang Heavenly Sutra, which is called the body outside the body technique.

Lu Youfei only felt that it was not a pity, but he still regretted it. After all, the power of Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth is still the lowest limit of my strength and the weakest support!

Behind the table, a young man with a short stature and a dragon horn on his forehead whispered: My brother has a bad idea. I don't have that idea. How are you brothers and sisters?

Of course, that place was also the turning point of our fate. We were found by the teacher there.

Looking at the people coming and going in the back, the noise, and the long and silent queue.

Under the stone table were placed everything from flying, running on the ground, and swimming in the water, all kinds of meat delicacies, all kinds of crystal clear spiritual fruits, and wine that was not yet overflowing with fragrance.

What's more, the very few magical powers Lu Youfei possesses are basically improved by his soul power, and they rely on time.

In my opinion, the body within the body is differentiated by supernatural powers. Even with small magical powers, it is definitely possible to differentiate into entities.

Besides, time is changing at any time. Who can guarantee that if Lu Youfei kept these seven points of soul power, he would definitely be able to understand the body within the body now?

I looked in the window.

Could it be that Lu Youfei, the white wolf's true form, was fighting against this golden-winged small roc by two people who had used the Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth to hold up a two-thousand-foot-tall white wolf?

For example, the magic weapon Qingtian White Jade Pillar owned by Lu Wufei, as well as other treasures and the like.

Of course, things outside the original owner cannot be copied.

He just pinched his body and face hard.

Looking at the empty soul bar and the body inside the body in the entry stage.

It's close.

When this magical power is activated, it can create a body that is exactly the same as the original body, which can also be called an external body or a clone. It includes various abilities such as cultivation, magical powers, etc. Anyway, as long as it is possessed by the original body , he can possess it, it is a complete copy of the original body.

At that time, the only one among the seven, a big figure in green robe with a petite figure, a tender face, a sky-high hairdo, a pair of lively and dull white eyes, and a disgusting appearance, said: That's him and Su. Bing’s hometown?”

Have that little magical power of body inside body.

Otherwise, if I want to go out to find opponents at the level of gods, demons, and ancestors, it will be too difficult to earn seven points of soul power if I catch them instead of killing them.

It's Shaojiu.

Wandashan raised his head and glanced at the sky, then said: Go and line up first, it will get dark later...

Myna Peng Demon King;

A small number of monsters with various heads were sitting on the floor, with various small pieces of meat and drinks placed behind them.

The more profound the body within the body cultivation is, the lower the level is, the less strength will be inherited to the original body, and naturally the weaker it will be. Until the time of small perfection, it will finally inherit all the abilities that the original body has no ability.

A figure may be short, short, tall, strong, or thin, but there is one figure wearing gorgeous armor and robes, with a small and terrifying aura, who is sitting around behind the stone table in the center of the Water Curtain Cave.

But from two perspectives: unfamiliarity and habituation.

As for body control, there is no problem. The body is just like my arms and legs, so I can operate it freely.

Totally necessary for this.

The Bull Demon King from Hezhou, Xiniu ranked first as the younger brother;

At this time, the sky was already bright.


What's more, there are two of them. At this point, I'm afraid it's just the grandfather beating me. The father's beating of his son is particularly tense and complicated, with a completely crushing force.

Brother Xiaopeng, how do you arrange it?

Meng Nan and Tie Zheng both had too few memories outside.

Time passed by quietly like running water.

If these seven points of soul power are still there, one point of soul power can elevate the body within the body from the entry stage to unfamiliarity, and with another eight points of soul power, the unfamiliarity stage can be directly upgraded to Dacheng.

First of all, you have to practice the art of body within body to small perfection.

Come on, come on, everyone stand up, one by one, Xu Zai has changed...

The whole body is concerned about the reaction of the opposite body, talking to oneself, picking up the teacup and bringing it to the mouth.

The words fell.

Just like Lu Wufei's great magical powers the universe in his sleeves and the law of heaven and earth.


For Jinhua Mansion.

There is still a little soul power left at the end.

Because Jinhua Mansion treats the two brothers Su Bing and Tiezheng in an ordinary way.

How about ranking by age? You are so old and still...

At that time, the Yu Tamarin King, who had red eyes and a long tail and a face as ugly as a ghost, answered: It is complicated for you two brothers to sworn sworn brothers... But who is the younger brother? Who is the older brother? What arrangement is the problem? What do you say?

This is even more appropriate. You should wait until your respective strengths are similar. A small difference is a difference. If such a competition hurts the friendship between your brothers, it is still appropriate...

[Supernatural powers: The universe outside the sleeve (perfection); the law of the sky and the earth (small success) (836\\/2000); the body inside the body (entry) (1\\/100); the golden light of the vertical earth (perfection)...]

Think of that.

Across from him, Lu Youfei stared at Shenli who was drinking tea opposite him with sharp eyes.

Lu Youfei suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched his face.

Lu Youfei's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally, Youfei sighed that the body within the body was really worthy of the name of little magical power.

As for the eldest maknae, it is the Monkey King who is the host this time!

With his silver hair and white robe, coupled with his slender figure and sharp-edged eyebrows and warm eyes, he has an air of immortality, and his ethereal temperament is getting more and more ethereal.

Lu Youfei just felt that it was a pity.

That's right, that's right. The age at birth means the magical power is smaller. How about you two brothers competing against each other and ranking them based on their lower abilities? The weak one will be the younger brother and the stronger one will be the younger brother?

Within the valley.

Meditate, practice, do exercises, listen to lectures, read articles...

Next to him, a slender and thin figure in a white tight-fitting cassock said, After that time, you were no longer running away, but you were returning to your hometown with honor...

Haha, refuse to refuse, I refuse, that's a bad idea...

Old Seven Lions and Camel King;

The seventh brother is the Demon King;

Because I play two roles, the perspective of the body is not my perspective.

Several male demons with beautiful looks and voluptuous figures, whose gauze looked like they were wearing nothing, were dancing wildly.

Now, it is another kind of life that I have thought about and dared to think about.

Lu Youfei was smiling.

The two seemingly identical characters were actually both played by Lu Youfei.

While walking around, touching and looking here and there, he turned around and greeted Lu Youfei, the person behind the table.

Lu Youfei sat behind the table and finished making tea. However, Shenli Shen who followed behind him did not do anything, but started walking around the room.

Come to the living room.

It is possible.

Another man with a strong body, eyes like copper bells, and a lion-like face slapped the stone table and whispered: There is nothing bad to discuss...

Shen Lishen was holding tea in one hand, looking at the opposite person pinching his own body, with a hint of embarrassment and a hint of fear on his face.

Shen Lishen chuckled and dismounted before dismounting.

How can such a magical body be compared to something like a clone?

A team of seven people appeared in a small city with low walls and thick walls.


I have heard Tie Zheng and Su Bing mention Jinhua Mansion only once.

We came to Pangran Waterfall, behind the Water Curtain Cave.

This is about poverty, suffering, dependence on each other, and living an ignoble existence...all kinds of joyful memories that are too profound.

That means the body within the body is something like an independent individual.

Shen within the body used to be my small strength and one of my trump cards. It was ridiculous for me to let my body wander around like that.



Otherwise, after this, the body will not be at least as strong as the seventh or eighth level of my body.

Looking south to Buzhou.

Lu Youfei's thoughts moved slightly.

Lu Youfei rolled his eyes when he heard this, poured twice as much spiritual tea in his unfamiliar hands, and handed a cup to Shenli Shen.

He got up, opened the door and walked out.

You reject Brother Xiaopeng's words. This still hurts harmony. No one can tell who wins...

It was not even seven o'clock a month later, but now it is nothing.

Maybe I can realize it like I did now, especially a month ago, maybe it will take a shorter time, or it may take a longer time to realize it.

The old Ba Yu Tao King;

Hey, that Qizhuang Cave View is really wrong...

that moment.

There is no sense of autonomy in the body, and it is not controlled by Lu Youfei at all.

Or maybe you will never realize that it is.

He was wearing a set of white robes under his body.

This external body will do the same.

Cold tea in your mouth.

Lu Youfei just dissipated his magical powers.

Opposite me, Lu Youfei didn't feel anything strange in his body, but his mind felt it.

Lu Youfei's face became more and more serious. I just seemed to have thought of it and noticed something, but I couldn't grasp this feeling. I just felt that this thing would be very important and important in the future.

While he was talking, a little saint-level demon stood up noisily. He looked lower than the children playing.

For a time, the water curtain cave was filled with excitement and joy.

Lu Youfei just looked at the soul power column.

Yeah, it's back again...

One year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Feel the other person's touch that is both physical and non-physical.

It's close.

Lu Youfei was very unfamiliar with that place. He said hello to the senior brother who was passing by, and then found a book related to magic and supernatural powers. After getting off the long table by the window on the lowest floor of the book pavilion, he looked for the book garden Read it quietly.

So, there is nothing to regret.

Those seven were naturally Wandashan, Dabai, Tiezheng, and Mengnan who had left Taiping Mountain and traveled up the mountain to travel around the world.

Let's go, invite him to tea...

Hahaha, let's compete, who is afraid of whom...

Several small monsters with pale faces and gray faces were desperately grilling various kinds of mortal beast meat.

Having this magical power means that as long as Lu Youfei is willing, I can always fight seven against one.

In Lu Youfei's career as a disciple, except for a month's retreat, Lu Youfei realized a precious little magical power body inside the body for the seventh time since before the golden elixir realm.

All the way back along the valley full of monsters, especially monkeys.

Lu Youfei looked at the naked body behind him again.

Morning class time hasn't passed yet.

After all, the body outside the body in front of me is not naked at this time.

He was shaking his head drunkenly.

Wanda Mountain and Dabai on the side looked at each other and looked forward to the smallest city since we traveled up the mountain.

Hearing Dabai's words, Tie Zheng glanced up at Dabai, smiled and shook his head: That place is the hometown of you and your sister, and it is an unforgettable place. You and your sister were also found there by the teacher...

Until the pot of tea is finished.

That has no meaning in itself.

At this time, there was a lot of silence, and a small outdoor banquet was being held.

It's Shaoshi.

ps: Thank you to the Pinot Grigio boss for the reward again. Thank you for your monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thank you~~

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