Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 211: As the reputation spreads, the storm is about to come!

Chapter 212: With great fame, the storm is about to come!

Three big monsters.

Although there is no spiritual treasure, he also contributed several magic weapons and a bunch of magic weapons to him.

As for those spiritual plants and elixirs, there are even more.

But in this regard.

However, Yinmu has the largest number of spiritual plants and elixir resources.

This may be related to the fact that he has ruled Eagle Cliff for a long time.

Anyway, there are storage bags, storage space, storage magic and other similar things.

Generally speaking, no one would hide their property in other places. Basically, they would find it right after catching it.

Except for the soul power and treasure resources earned from the three demons.

All that's left are the huge real bodies of the three great demons.

While the demon race tends to refine their bodies, the human race does not.

It is a beautiful place with lush trees and lush green air.

Next time.

Except for those who have been in seclusion for a long time, no one knows anyone who walks in the world.

The sound of music is overwhelming.

Lu Youfei's reputation in the wild land is even greater.

As long as the demon king saw it, no one could see the function and potential of the city.

Eagle Cliff was named directly after the ancestral realm by Lu Youfei.

However, when it comes to reputation, the wilderness in the south is far inferior to that in the north.

When Lu Youfei took a small step back, he would also forget to take the sworn brothers in front of me.

However, Beining Zhenju's situation was a little simpler. It took a long time for Red Skin to advance to the level of Demon Commander General, but he was still not strong enough to convince the crowd.

It must be said that the reputation of Bailang Xiaowang of the Ancestral Realm, who later killed the eight brothers of Yuan Zhang, is rarely spread around the Ancestral Realm.

Especially when you reach the level of Demon Ancestor.

Not yet Eagle Cliff.

The territory is vast, even more so than in the north.

As for Lu Youfei, he was in charge of Taiping Peak.

Wait there!

At the same time, he is also trying his best to protect Zishi in the ancestral realm.

But at this time, Huaguoshan almost completely changed its appearance.

The Zao Luo robe and white iron armor that I wear belong to this devil incarnation.

Follow him next to his brother Taipingshan before doing some bad exercises.

Time passed quickly.

When I disturbed Lu Youfei, I was tired of even showing up, so I just asked my brother Taipingshan to receive him in Fangshi.

I heard that the demon ancestor of the lion and camel country was still suppressed and beaten by the middle ancestor throughout the whole process, which is really shocking.

Lu Youfei sat quietly.

Lu Youfei finally placed Hongpi under the leadership of Beizu Realm.

Because the practice routes are different.

Ning Zhenju, the Seventh Prince, is still serving as the general of the East Ancestor Realm. Xining Zhenju is led by Hu Meiniang.

Now, the ancestor of Yao Bai, who had just joined Yao Bai, publicly slaughtered the ancestor of Yao Sun Wukong from the lower level of the Lion and Camel Kingdom in the north, witnessed by several demon kings.

As soon as the news spread.

A hawk demon, a goat demon, and a rabbit demon.

Therefore, once it is found that there is no violation of the regulations of Zuzhijingfang City, except for most of them, they will be executed directly!

Bai Yunxiao drank up the monkey wine in one gulp.

Even if the offending monster is from Huoguang Cave, Lishui Mansion, or the Ancestral Realm.

What's more, the flesh and blood of a great demon of this level is actually full of aura and the essence of the great demon's flesh and blood.

Hey, just hearing about the races of these three monsters made him move.

That knife was naturally taken by Bai Yunxiao from this demon king.

How could the ears of the monsters in the wild land be filled with excitement?

This is not my eighth brother Redskin.

But the middle-aged skinny woman is still tirelessly continuing.

There is a stone table.

Several scarlet rules were posted at the entrance of Zuzhijingfang City with notices. There were only a few regulations below, and the scarlet word death was clearly written on the front!

Lu Youfei, the leader of the Northern Ancestor Realm, had also already thought bad about it.

In the heart of the wild wilderness, it seems that it has no reputation and no reputation.

Especially when he takes action, the sky and the earth turn white, the storm shakes the sky, and it barely has the power to destroy the world.

But before each of the beautiful dancers smiled, there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

Say it.

That position is very unchallenging.

Bai Yunxiao couldn't bear it anymore and quickly went to the door. He found Lao Shizi's Demon King and killed him directly.

Reporting to my ancestor, I just received the news that my eldest disciples Yinmu and Yushi Xiaofu, who I took in half a year later, died in the wild land in the south...

The scenery in the valley is not inconsistent.

Looking at the Water Curtain Cave again, we can see that the place where we used to live has not been occupied by other monsters for a long time.

At the same time, I was also made a junior general.

Look at the sky in the window for a while.

There are few monsters with various heads, but there are many monkeys.

at that time.

At most ten or even less powerful demon commanders will be stationed in Fang City to protect Zishi.

And what caused all that was the monster from the north, the so-called Demon King.

In front of the stone table, sat a monkey figure wearing a soap robe, white iron armor, and black boots. He was short, thin, beautiful, but had a pair of smart eyes and was extremely dull.

Inside the pavilion.

The monsters living here are also like quicksand in the small sea and stars in the Milky Way. They are so numerous that they can be counted.

But that guy's personality changes all the time, and I want to keep him around to make him even worse to manage.

The golden-winged Xiaopeng King of the Lion and Camel Kingdom slaughtered an entire country and built the first demon kingdom.

Seven seasons a year, the scenery is perfect.

Seeing that his little king was worried, two of the seven old monkeys looked at each other, and then one of them stepped back and said: The little king is now a saint, and he can be used as an ordinary soldier. I know that the little king may go up. Is it water?

Waiting for you to come!

Bai Yunxiao's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the sound, and he said happily: This is a small kindness!

A sound of footsteps suddenly came from the pavilion.

The prestige of the Ancestral Realm in the Ancestral Middle Period spread rapidly throughout the entire Xiniu Hezhou wilderness.

It is divided by male musicians.

As for the old seventh crow monster, Lu Youfei would naturally forget it.

Therefore, the Ancestral Realm side's actions were equally resolute and decisive.

Xiniu Hezhou is a wild land in the extreme south.

Therefore, the flesh and blood of these three demons can be equivalent to great tonics such as high-grade spiritual elixirs.

In addition to the demon kings from Yingtan Mountain, Huyue Ridge, Huangshi Peak, and Huangyadong, there are not eight demon kings in the seven demon kings that have been discussed in the past, and they have all sent their hands to Ancestral Realm Fang City.

Dongsheng Shenzhou.

I am convinced, so I want to prove it to my ancestor.

The host's Ancestral Realm makes a small effort to promote exchanges and transactions among the surrounding forces, and at the same time formulates the rules of the trading place.

One month is up.


The lion and camel kingdom in the north stole the show among the demon clans in the entire world, and the wild land in the south was envious and envious.

Lu Youfei sat back down at the tea table.

Therefore, Lu Youfei rewarded Hongpi with several powerful magic weapons, which made it easy for me to overwhelm the rebels.



Since before the new four-party forces joined, Ning Zhenju, the newly promoted Seven Little Kings of the Ancestral Realm, is now basically stationed in Fangshi, just in case, even the place where I moved to my new home, where the Eight Little Kings once lived, I have time to go back. .

However, because the territory is far north, it naturally loses the reputation of Beizu Realm.

The most direct disadvantage is that there are no demon kings coming here every now and then.

Treat everyone equally!

The middle-aged woman looked at the lake in front of the tulle blown by the wind, and there seemed to be no fire flickering in her orange pupils.


Immediately afterwards.

The human race has no geographical distinction.

Facing the rapidly growing market.

Lu Youfei is sitting in the ancestral realm.

The only magic weapon-level knife.

A small group of monkeys are holding various weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds, axes, hooks and forks, idle sticks, whips, maces and hammers, and are practicing in a nondescript manner under the leadership of a pony monkey.

But in Ning Zhenju's eyes, it was pleasing to the eye in every possible way.

In the demon clan circle, big is big, and small is small.

Now that the territory has been completely taken over by Lu Youfei, the name Eagle Cliff has naturally become a thing of the past.

Bai Yunxiao suddenly became angry and wanted to kill all the monsters that occupied his cave.

But a male musician who was playing music at the side avoided him and was jumped by the middle-aged woman.

When the fleeing monkey saw his little king returning, he cried with joy.

It must be said that the young Lu Youfei killed the eight demon king brothers of Yuan Zhang in one fell swoop. In front of the demon ancestor, he seized half of Xiaohuang Mountain and established the ancestor's realm.

Inside Huaguo Mountain.

While playing with the white feather fan in his hand, he started making tea again.

The old monkey said again: Since I don't have this magical power, the water of your waterfall leads directly to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. It is said that the Dragon Palace has a young treasure. If I, the king, are willing to go up and look for the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and ask me for some weapons, I think the Dragon King should come here. As for the atmosphere...

A scream came from the male musician's mouth, and then he saw his happy face and his small eyes quickly losing their luster.

After all, there are very few monsters with fiery personalities. They don't have time to buy weakly and sell weakly, threaten and intimidate, or even directly rob someone if they agree with each other. This situation is rare, and it will happen almost every day once it is over.

Bai Yunxiao didn't know until he got to know his monkeys that they were dying, some were injured, some were escaping, and some were caught...

One month later.

At that time.

After all, who can become the Demon Ancestor Bai is a living legend.

So he endured it and didn't take action immediately. Instead, he walked around Huaguo Mountain and found his former subordinates, a group of monkeys running for their lives.

When Bai Yunxiao heard the sound, he immediately laughed and said: Before you heard the Tao, you didn't have any of the seventeen kinds of earth-shaking transformation skills; you were good at hiding and escaping, rising up to capture the Dharma; there was no way to go to the sky, and there was no way to enter the earth; you could walk on the sun and the moon. If there is a shadow, it will hinder the penetration of gold and stone; water can drown, fire can burn. Which ones can be gained by going away?

The skinny middle-aged woman stood up and narrowed her eyes slightly and said hotly: Go and check for you the missing information about Bai Lang. If you haven't yet, he will go to the young general's house in person, invite General Hu, and tell him that you don't have any information. Let’s discuss important matters!”

The monkey was eating the fruit and drinking the wine, shaking his head and feeling uncomfortable at worst.

The weapons in the hands of the monkeys and grandsons behind them were all stolen from the human race of the Aolai Kingdom, except for the weapons they had taken from the great demon king.

As a result, the seventh crow monster was appointed as the minor commander of Taiping Peak, which was not the position that the red skin would occupy later.

Naturally, one month later, in Hezhou, Xiniu, at Lingtai Fangcun Mountain and Xieyue Baxing Cave, Monkey King Ning Zhenju was expelled from the sect by Patriarch Bodhi because of his excessive ostentation.

Lu Youfei had not expected those situations early on.

The Demon Ancestor who was recruited by Silver Eyes for help and killed by the Zu Zhong was not recognized yet. He was the veteran Demon Ancestor from the lower level of the Shitu Kingdom, Demon Sun Wukong.

It's just that there are often no demon kings to visit him, and they only show up to see each other when they want to join the market.

The shouting stopped.

That time, when Xiao Wang Bai was promoted to the middle stage of Ancestor, when he first entered the Demon Ancestor Bai, he was able to kill eight opponents in one battle. One Demon Ancestor and two Demon Kings in the early stage were really too scary for demons.

It was only then that my anger arose, and I suddenly thought of the Patriarch saying that it was a good thing for me to settle my life a few days ago.

At this time, a middle-aged figure who was short and skinny, with a brocade red cloth tightly wrapped around his waist and a red cloth scarf covering his eyes, and the other naked man, was rushing towards the pavilion with a wild smile. of gigolos.

After the monkeys.

Therefore, the name of the Ancestral Realm Ancestral Middle School quickly became famous in the wild land.

The same goes for the demon clan.

It was always more acceptable to him than things like the monkey demon Yuan Zhang and the earth dragon and earthworms before.


As the number of visiting demon kings gradually decreased.

Duan is a beautiful and blessed land with pleasant scenery.

The low mountain waterfall pours upward, like the Milky Way upside down, with a roaring sound.

Lion and camel country.

At that time, the skinny middle-aged woman raised her head hurriedly and said, Is the news wrong? Who got it?

The little green lion king of Shituoling makes trouble at Nantianmen, and he can swallow a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers in one mouthful.

Under the stone table, there are all kinds of fruits and fruits, as well as monkey wine that is not yet mellow.

At the same time, I also asked Lao Qi Huanggui to follow Lao Ba Hongpi to the realm of Beizu to manage affairs.

The middle-aged and skinny woman immediately took off the thin clothes under the male musician and lifted the red cloth around her waist. Amid the laughter and cheers from the surrounding people, she began to act bewildered towards the male musician who was screaming in surprise. Come.

The man in the pavilion said again: The news is accurate. Yinmu and Huang Laozu died in a place called Ning Zhenju in the wild south. It is said that the one who took over was a demon ancestor named Bailang!

Bai Yunxiao also reasoned, and immediately flew towards the small waterfall and deep pool in front of him, dove back, and disappeared.

Asked everything.

All kinds of buffs add up.

The coast of the East China Sea.

That monkey...

A voice sounded in the pavilion.

One by one, the dancers scurried away.

He will not be short of good blood food for a long time, and the brothers below will also be able to enjoy the blessings.

Isn’t the breath earned for the wild demon clan that time in the middle stage of the Ancestral Realm the worst thing to talk about?

The big monkey monster waiting on the side poured wine, but Bai Yunxiao suddenly said: They all have bad weapons, but your knife...

Time passed by in such a hurry.

The words just fell.

Green pines and green grass, white flowers and red fruits, gurgling water and rising mist.

Ning Zhenju's fortune is in full swing.

He recaptured Huaguo Mountain and the cave, and also captured a group of monsters and monsters.

In the inner courtyard, inside a narrow underwater pavilion.

Ginme died at my hands.

The reputation is diminished. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Not as prestigious as the next battle.

The wall is low and the inner city is thick.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

For a while.

Bai Yunxiao said as he casually threw aside a thick knife with a beautiful shape, dark white color and a faint light, and said: It really suits your liking...

In the pavilion, the sound of footsteps quickly disappeared.

The Ancestral Realm trading place was renamed Ancestral Realm Fangshi by Lu Youfei.

However, the crow monster also became a young commander under Taiping Peak, so he is still qualified for the position of junior commander.

I didn't succeed in my studies, so I returned to my hometown at the foot of Huaguo Mountain after a short while.

Come to the country proudly.

The pavilion, surrounded by water on all sides, was hung with gauze, and the ground was covered with the lowest quality soft blankets.

Several pretty-looking, slim-figured dancers, dressed in tulle and almost naked, were smiling and avoiding.

Moreover, Lu Wufei caught these three monsters displaying their cultivation this time, and their bodies were really huge.

Of course, if it is a human body of the same level, it will definitely not be as good as the demon body.

Therefore, there was an ancestor on his side. He just entered the realm of the ancestor, and he slaughtered in front of everyone a low-level member of the Shitu Kingdom who was looking for trouble. It was still the existence of the demon Sun Wukong.

A huge mansion with a vast area and a majestic door number.

I usually show up a lot.

The male musicians also went from catering quickly to being numb and desperate.

The weather is cool and cool, with clear skies and clouds.

The demon clan likes to drink, and they care about small demons and big demons. When drinking, they have to chat, brag, and have nothing to talk about.

Just now.

Xiniu Hezhou.

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