Chapter 206

To celebrate General Bai becoming the second king.

Today, the entire vast Taiping Mountains are in a state of excitement.

The demon commanders and generals from various territories in the East and West Taiping Mountains all went to Taiping Peak to attend the banquet.

As for the remaining little monsters, they can also have fun today.

Banquets were held on various hills.

You can eat monster blood food that was rarely available in the past. You can eat it until you are full.

Drink drinks that are usually difficult to drink until you are drunk.

The whole Taiping Mountain was in a state of excitement.

All the little demons were extremely happy.

They really should be happy.

Huang Yadong immediately raised his wine glass.

There are many monster kings present. Each one is the best among countless monsters. How can it be understood?

It really makes me unhappy.

Hearing Pingshan Demon King's words, Lu Youfei smiled: There is no doubt, even if I say it is wrong...

Wu Qiu...

Half a year ago, I had a great meal to celebrate the king becoming an ancestor.


I said that not only to Bai Tou, but also to the other new demon kings.

Upon seeing this, the seven new demon kings all nodded.

The little monsters at the bottom are living in confusion for what they want.

Eight figures shot toward Lu Youfei!

Lu Youfei waved his hand and said, I was convinced that that guy was here to cause trouble, and said: He said something bad...

It's not that you want to join it early and get a share of the pie when you are small in the future.

Of course, I learned from those demon kings that except for Wu Qiurong’s white-headed demon king who was the first to retreat and was introduced by Gangya from Huoguang Cave, the rest of us came under the pretext of wanting to participate in the Huangshi Peak Fair. of.

Bai Yunxiao's awesome power was achieved through killing. Which demon king present understood it.

No matter how low the monsters' cultivation level is, when they drink wine, they are seven times different from the big monsters above.

Ahead, there is no other demon king from our side who came here to admire his reputation today.

The elixirs and spiritual plants of various forces are usually not available in certain territories. For example, the spiritual transformation grass that Lu Youfei later found for Dabai can definitely be traded with each other, which is very convenient.

The Pingshan Demon King on the Pingshan Peak;

Behind the main table, Lu Youfei, who was playing with the wine glass in his hand, looked at the Demon King above who was having a drink. His face suddenly darkened, and then he said in a hot voice: Humph, you dare to come back, you are such a bad little bitch!

You also know...

Several long tables were placed, and under the long tables were filled with various delicacies and wines, including those that flew around the world, those that walked underground, those that traveled by water, those that hung under trees, and so on.

So, Bai Tou, he doesn't have that kind of intention. He can't just use steel teeth to introduce him and just walk down the door...

There is no way, they have seen more kings today than most generals have ever seen.

Ha ha...

On the majestic Taiping Peak, countless little demons are walking through it.

The white-headed demon king then sat up and continued: I heard that the trading place established by Wu Qiu has geographical restrictions, so the big man dared to ask Gangya to help, and then he could see Huang Shi's true appearance...

Next to Gangya was his sworn brother, the sharp claws of a pheasant.

As the core of Taiping Mountain, Taiping Peak is even more lively and bustling.

Lu Youfei also cared about the specific reason why the other party came.

Demon King Wu Qiu said that.

Bai Tou immediately said with a smile on his face: Yes, Huang Shi. I have been to Gangya's Fire Cave many times. This is the first time for Huang Shi's Huangshi Peak...

Opposite Huangya Cave, there was also a figure wearing a narrow white robe sitting there. It was Gang Ya, the little boss of Huoguang Cave, who had an eye-catching round bald head.

Lu Youfei's figure immediately disappeared behind the table.

The corners of Lu Youfei's mouth turned up slightly.

But is that little king of Pingshan lost his head?

They are all demon king level trade fairs.

Eight more figures flew to Lu Youfei's side.

He said and drank it all in one gulp.

After that, there was no Huangshi Peak, Huoguang Cave, Lishui Mansion, and now Yingtan Mountain, Taiping Mountain, Huyue Ridge and other forces were added.

Pingshan Demon King obviously realized that he had said the wrong thing, and looked horrified. He immediately apologized to Lu Youfei under the main table and said, I'm sorry Huang Shi, I'm so stupid, I made a slip of the tongue...

Under the main table, Lu Youfei, dressed in a majestic white robe, sat upright.

At that time, who would still be determined? All the horses nodded and said: There is nothing Huang Shi can do, you will definitely be there!

First of all, he has to be able to control the situation so that other monsters can rob me carefully and cause trouble.

Especially when that trading place grows in the future, this is even more unimaginable.

In contrast to the emotional restraint of the human race.

It's Shaojiu.

The Taiping Trading Place has obviously grown a bit.

Very slowly, there was no monster behind the palace gate shouting: The little spotted king of Tiger Leap Ridge, the little tiger-eating king is here!

When the other demon kings heard what Wu Qiurong said, they were not excited yet.

Inside the Taiping Palace, there was also silence and confusion.

Another aura of a king's horse descended under Taiping Peak.

Those seven were all demon kings who came to Taiping Peak for the first time.

But now that the opponent has not yet advanced to the realm of Demon Ancestor, he is completely unqualified.

After the matter was settled, the next step was to have wine, chat and brag.

It's Shaoshi.

Tiger Leap Ridge? Where is that place?

We are respectively the Red-browed Demon King of Yingtan Mountain;

Based on the strength shown by the opponent when he was the Demon King, we can't even imagine how weak Bai Lang is in the realm of Demon Ancestor.

Lu Youfei raised the cup.

But yes...

While we were talking.

at that time.

The Demon King Wu Qiu of Pingshan Mountain on the side also nodded immediately and said: You also refuse.

Within the small hall.

And the white-headed demon king of Taiping Mountain who just entered the palace.

The two brothers, the Spotted Demon King and the Tiger-eating Demon King, are from Huyue Ridge;

Say it.

The two brothers, the Spotted Demon King and the Tiger-eating Demon King of Huyue Ridge, were not silent for a while, but they immediately nodded.

The towering Taiping Peak.

The gathered handsome generals were like ducks gathered together, chattering and noisy.

Lu Youfei didn't think anything of it and turned to look at Gangya.

That time, it was actually two people.

The small territories in various places in Taiping Mountain are bustling with activity.

Sit down...

There are also various kinds of blood food, magical weapons, magical powers and other various monsters trading with each other for their respective needs.

But making the trading market centered on Huangshi Peak smaller is my next important plan.

As the current Seventh Little King of Huangshi Peak, Huangyadong could not guess the meaning of his virtuous brother’s words just now, so he immediately said: “The people who defected later have come back, you go and have a look!”

Huangyadong stood slowly behind Lu Youfei, looking at the silver figure on the northern horizon and said, Brother, is Yingya's Yinmu here?

People would say that Bailang, who was only in the demon king stage, wanted to do that, but this might be a bit wrong.

At that time, Lu Youfei, who was in a bad mood, raised his glass and said: Today is the day to congratulate your brother. From now on, your brother will take care of the Huangshi Peak trading place. They must know each other...

You will also be told to go out...

I looked at Pingshan Demon King and asked.


Under the long table opposite the sharp claws, there are the little demon king of Lishui Mansion, the white-faced carp, who is dressed in gold robes and has green scales, and the seven demon kings who have become the snail and have red armor.

The voice of the waiter behind the palace gate just came.

All the demon kings present became more and more excited as they thought about it, and each of them immediately expressed their stance.

Very slowly, a cry came from behind the gate of Taiping Palace: The little white-headed king of Taiping Mountain has arrived!

We just took the initiative to find the door.

Before Pingshan Demon King finished his drink, he immediately said: Huang Shi, you have no doubt, do you know what you should say and what you should say...?

The words fell.

You have never seen so few little kings...


The words fell.

So I smiled, motioned for the other person to sit down, and then said, Do they understand what Pingshan means?

The Yellow Lion will be harassed then...

Since I was promoted to Demon Ancestor, I haven't really done anything bad yet, but that time I was able to get what I wanted.

Inside the Taiping Palace, there was noisy and joy.

It's snowing for the first time this year, isn't it? The big one will definitely arrive!

Lu Youfei finished speaking.

Are you Bai Yunxiao's enemy?

We each control a territory, and over time, which one has bulging storage space, and who wants to replace it with worse treasures and magical powers.

Huang Yadong's figure immediately shot towards the door of Taiping Palace.

Ahead, a group of demon kings were shouting and talking.

The scale of the trading place that involves several territories is quite high.


Demon King Wu Qiu nodded quickly like pecking at rice.

Under the square here, a group of handsome generals are already discussing.


Immediately afterwards.

Those words of negation made the entire small hall fall silent in an instant.

Lu Youfei saw it in his eyes and was satisfied in his heart. It was just the VIP system of the trading place. I was not prepared for it.

Of course, those little tricks are something that a special little demon can do.

I've heard of the spotted little king and the tiger-eating little king...

The yellow lion's move is to benefit all the mountains nearby. The fewer monsters involved, the worse it will be...

But the Lion and Camel Country is too far away, so you want to set up a trading place in your wilderness so that you can all get what you need...

The white-headed demon king of Taiping Mountain seemed to want to curry favor with Lu Youfei. He showed a high attitude and said quickly.

You also refuse...

How dare you speak nonsense in front of Bai Yunxiao?

And he was born in Qizhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain in Xiaoxianmen, and when he first entered the realm of the Demon King, he was able to kill the eight brothers Yuan Zhang in Xiaohuangshan, and even the yellow lions from the Lion and Camel Kingdom dared to attack him, and they were able to snatch them from his hands. Bailang, who has the worst resources on half of the hills in Xiaohuang Mountain, is doubtful that he is not qualified.

A group of demon kings followed immediately.

I have admired the name of Huang Shi for a long time, and today I dare to come and ask to see Wu Qiu...

When the banquet was in full swing in the Taiping Palace.

Therefore, I naturally welcome those demon kings who come as invitations.

It's easy to add icing on the cake, but it's difficult to provide charcoal when it's time.

The expressions of the demon kings who were flying low suddenly changed.

It's broken, let's talk about that first...


Feeling the beads of sweat that would quickly appear on his forehead due to being quilted, the Pingshan Demon Ancestor nodded and said: I'm telling Huang Shi, I really want to ask if those of you who are little kings want to trade something, what should you do? how to do?

The demon kings present shook their heads, hesitated, and fell silent for a moment.

The convenience, as well as the huge value it represents, are both vague.

Lu Youfei picked up the wine glass and said, Here...

In the past, there was only one big banquet a year, but only half a year has passed this year, and we have already had two meals.

The Pingshan Demon Ancestor was the first to nod his head and said: The Yellow Lion method is excellent. The big ones will definitely come to Huang Shi Peak to cause trouble during the first snowfall!

Although I would have guessed that there might be no other demon kings visiting that time, I never expected that seven of them would come in one go.

Lu Youfei: The agreement is very well accepted. As long as there is no conflict or hatred among the forces involved, any team that comes to your Huangshi Peak to participate in the market must be attacked. Otherwise, it will be regarded as challenging Huang Shifeng. Shifeng, challenge the entire trading place, will they refuse or not?

Seeing Lu Youfei raising his glass, the short white-headed demon king wearing a gray short robe immediately picked up the wine glass filled by the waiter and stood up quickly, saying respectfully: You respect him Wu Qiu...

Seeing that the white-headed skunk was still standing behind him, Lu Fei interrupted and said with a smile: Sit down and talk...

That is...?

The skunk monster's white-headed mouth was not sweet at all. Hearing Lu Youfei smile and say: You will go to the lion and camel country later. Over here, monsters can trade with each other. What he uses is exactly what you need. That’s bad.”

The older one will definitely introduce it to Young Master Wu Qiu...

Having said that, Lu Youfei looked at the other demon kings and continued: Of course, since you want to participate in this, you must reach a basic agreement...

Like now.

Who dares to offend the Yellow Lion?

As soon as the demon kings flew out of the Taiping Palace, they felt a powerful aura of kings and horses coming from far away from the northern horizon.

Looking at the demon kings behind him, even Lu Youfei himself didn't pay much attention.

Now General Bai has become the second king, this is the second time.

Speaking of Nawai, Lu Youfei thought for a moment and then continued: In that case, it is early summer now, and when the first snow falls in winter, they will come to Nawai on time, and you will have a meeting between them then. trade fair...

the same as you!

At that time, Pingshan Demon King of Pingshan Mountain suddenly stood up and raised his glass: You respect him...

Another figure with the aura of a royal horse landed in the Taiping Palace.

The Demon King's head was confused at that moment as he had eaten too little wine.


Lu Youfei smiled again and said: That's very popular. When the parties involved are few enough, you will set a time, a year, or a few years, to gather them all together, and then hold a game between them. At the trade fair, they will each get what they need...

In the entire small hall, ten demon kings had gathered at this time.

Lu Youfei said nothing, but there was no comfort in his heart.

The Demon King immediately made no sound.

The silver ship disappeared instantly.

It was none other than the seventh master of Huoguang Cave, Li Zhao, and the two brothers who had not yet arrived in Lishui Mansion, Qing Lin Hong Jia.

The white-headed demon king immediately nodded: You also refuse.

Something's wrong...

On the upper right side, Huang Yadong is wearing a white robe and has a smile on his face.

When this silver building ship appeared in Lu Youfei's sight.

What all the demon kings are most concerned about is the affairs of the trading place.

It's just about eating and drinking.

After listening to Pingshan Demon's words, Lu Youfei finally understood the meaning of the lion demon's words. However, that guy was indeed as stupid as I said and had a way of expressing his bad thoughts.

Hey, I came at the right time today, it's really an eye-opener...

As long as that incident definitely spreads, there will surely be more little demons coming to visit him in the future.

I saw that there were eight figures under the bow of the silver ship, and one of them was obviously not Yinmu, the Yingya Demon King who had disappeared for half a year.

Have you ever heard of...

The bad thing seems to be in the east. You've heard about it once...

Gangya from Huoguang Cave and Qinglin from Lishui Mansion looked at each other, without thinking in their hearts, and then flew towards the palace following Huangyadong.

Thank you Huang Shi...

I know that one. It's like the one in the west. It's on the west side of the Fire Cave...

Now, there are not even ten of you here, that's too many...

What should you do? Can you intervene in the battle between the demon ancestors?

Lu Youfei was satisfied and continued: It's so bad. If no one is interested in this, they will tell you the exact words you just said. As long as they refuse, you are welcome to come to Huangshi Peak...

Facing enemies at the level of Demon Ancestors, it was very rare for the seven demon kings from Huoguang Cave and Lishui Mansion to stand beside me immediately.

On the side, Gangya from Huoguangdong listened, and his expression suddenly changed before he flew down and stood next to Lu Youfei.

Huang Shi, that's...

Lu Youfei nodded, went to Shuyuan and said softly: I have no silver eyes, and I have also invited helpers. You don't think much of me...

The ancestor of the red-browed demon of Yingtan Mountain said: That agreement is what it should be, and what Huang Shi said is absolutely true!

At that time, the Red-browed Demon King of Yingtan Mountain asked, Do you know what agreement Huang Shi said?

Peak Mountain...where is that?

Every time a king-level visitor arrives.

Several other demon kings also agreed: Yes, yes...

Baitou must be the first time he comes to your Yellow Lion Peak, right...?

In addition, there are two people from Huoguang Cave, two people from Lishui Mansion, and Huangya Cave, the new demon king of Huangshi Peak.

Lu Youfei immediately fell silent with a warm hum.


You also know...

They can always discuss it excitedly.

In that place, the less Shantou is involved, the worse it will be...

Lu Youfei continued: Hingshan wants to ask what he should do if he wants to make a deal with us and a little demon of the same level, right?

that moment.

Within the small hall.

No Demon Ancestor is here...

Yes, let's take a look first and then talk...

Thank you Huang Shi!

Time passed quickly.

The Pingshan Demon Ancestor bowed to Lu Youfei, and then said: It is extremely bad for the Yellow Lion to set up your barbaric trading place, usually for the big demons above, but for you, yes, yes, yes A bit high...

at that time.

All the demon kings in the small hall raised their heads and looked at the demon king Hirayama who spoke.

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