Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 198: 0 years of practice, 1 enlightenment, I am a great god!

Chapter 199: After a hundred years of practice, I suddenly became enlightened and became a great god!

Fellow Taoist, please come this way...

The middle-aged cold-faced hawk demon headed by him obviously seldom smiled, and his smile at this time was a bit ugly.

The other three demon kings around are also similar.

At this time, everyone looked at Lu Wufei in front of them with a flattering smile.

To them, the aura of the green-robed man in front of them was very strong, and their specific cultivation level could not be seen, but he should not have reached the realm of Demon Ancestor.

But those are just small things.

Even if someone at the ancestor level dares to come to Qingyu Mountain, they have to tell the truth, otherwise they can't even think about going out again.

But they did not dare to neglect the man in green robe at all.

Because the senior brother mentioned by the other party is actually his own king. Although it has not been completely confirmed, it is at least nine out of ten that it is true.

Because according to what they heard, the king indeed seemed to have been born in a major immortal sect.

He has experienced this kind of gaze too many times.

Xiaoting quickly saw the cultivation status of the senior disciple behind him, and his expression was really uninteresting.

The clouds parted automatically to make way.

eight years ago.

It's no wonder that senior brother chose this place as a place to live in seclusion for a long time.

As soon as I made a sound.

The junior brother stopped behind the low cliff, looked at the mountain forest shrouded in clouds and mist, and shouted: Senior brother is at home, junior brother has come to see him...

The tide came from the Qiantang River, and today I know you are you!

The three feathered demon kings looked at the two figures going away, and one of them couldn't help but said: That one should only be in the demon king realm, right?


Suddenly he opened the golden rope and tore off the jade lock.

Yes, I know it.

Back in Shituoling, if someone like Qing Shi had taken action, if he had to do it himself, the senior disciple would have been able to run away.

That's bad...

in this way.

Time passed quickly.

The younger junior brother smiled. At that time, the tea was broken. He picked up the teapot and poured a cup. He handed it to Sui Ping and said, Senior brother, drink tea...

That big guy is stupid. It’s just that I am in the perfect state of cultivation as a human being. I practice and participate in the master’s temple. It’s not what Wufei from far away is doing...

Last second.

The senior brother behind me is obviously the former.

Then he continued to fly backwards with Dabai.

Lu Wufei didn't care either.

I turned around and saw that inside the teapot that my senior disciple had broken, her tea was boiling as brightly red as blood, and the fragrance of tea filled the air. It was the Blood Bodhi that I used later.

I heard my senior brother's words and watched my senior brother's actions.

Sui Ping immediately shook her head: This thing is rare. It's not luck to taste it. How can it be too much? Junior brother, stop worrying...

Sui Pingxiao smiled at that time and said: Junior brother has very little Blood Bodhi under his body. Senior brother just wants to be surprised...

Kiss her by the slow river.

That cup passed.

But I remember that my senior disciple told me later that he would retire from the school after seventy or eighty years.

Behind my eyes, the clouds and fog have finally dispersed, and the scenery of mountains and forests above has become turbid.

Moreover, after two contacts with him, I learned that the character of the senior disciple is also very wrong.

Junior brother came here and it just broke...

Above the lush green trees.

After Sui Pingxiao finished speaking, she took Dabai and flew towards the back to kiss her on the high cliff.

Immediately afterwards, the fairy music ended, the graceful fairies danced gracefully, and the happy-looking boys carried baskets and scattered flowers.

The junior brother sat behind the campfire and grilled fish.

To be precise, the low cliff behind my eyes is definitely the lowest cliff I have ever seen under Sui Pingxiao. According to what I have seen, its height is not less than 80,000 feet at most. It is independent of other surrounding low cliffs. , standing on top of the sea of ​​clouds.

The sky is under the little junior brother's head.

Are you firm?

Dabai, who had a bulging belly, sat dozing behind the fire.

The words have not yet finished.

The fresh air all over the body ends.

Senior brother, I have low opinion. You are really a glutton for tea...

Sui Pingxiao and her senior brother Xiaoting sat across the table, sipping Blood Bodhi and chatting while eating, feeling uncomfortable at times.

When the eastern sky glows with the first white clouds of fish belly at dawn.

It was only after the younger brother took a few glances that he realized that the two boys were actually transformed from plants and trees.

But if you were to reach the realm of the ancestors, you should be a lot different from Tiezui Laoxiao (the hawk demon)...

Although my junior brother is good at talking, he still wants to ask less questions at this time.

at that time.

The rich aroma of wine spread quickly.


The scenes behind my eyes are as special as entering a fairyland.

At that time, Dabai, who had his big head sticking out from the collar of his chest, looked at the sea of ​​clouds behind him and said, Is the senior brother dad is looking for down here?

Look it's coming out!

I was following the harpy behind me and flying quickly towards the depths of the landing.

South of Xiniu Hezhou.

It is truly magnificent and beautiful.

The younger junior brother also had an idea, raised his glass and said with a smile: Senior brother, have you noticed?

The little junior brother's eyes suddenly lit up, he raised his hand and shouted: Senior brother...

There wasn't a single lush tree on the top of the mountain.

Half an hour ago.


As for Dabai, he had not retained his body as a white mouse for a long time and had retreated into the surrounding mountains and forests to play.

A ray of golden light soared into the sky from a low cliff thousands of feet high, crossed Lu Wufei's sea of ​​clouds, and flew towards the horizon to kiss her.

The aura is very strong. I can't see the specific cultivation level. I must have practiced the concealment technique...

The fire was dim.

Only then did the junior brother realize why the seven demon kings he had just seen were all feathered, because that place, terrain, and landscape were the most suitable for feathered creatures to live.

Just a few glances.

Just spoke.

It's Shaojiu.

At that time, two handsome-looking boys, a woman and a man, walked out of an antique building nearby and brought several dishes.

Don't keep senior brother waiting too long...

Junior brother and senior brother Xiaoting were drinking and chatting.

The junior brother took the wine jar and opened the seal.

By the way, who knows if this guy is a human or a demon?

In the pavilion, a figure in blue robe is sitting alone, seeming to be drinking tea, but also looking like another person.

Sui Pingxiao looked happy, senior brother was at home.

Being praised by his junior brother, Xiaoting shook his head and said with a smile: It's just that I like light tea, and I'm just picky. It's because the blood under your body has been used up after a long time...


That fellow Taoist, the back is no longer where Xiao Wang lives...

As I said that, I fiddled with the tea set with my hands and feet very neatly.

The wind howled by my ears.

It's Shaoshi.

Junior Brother chuckled, and before finishing the glass of wine in one gulp, he immediately raised his glass again and said, I knew I was hiding it from Senior Brother...

The clouds and mist are filled, the feathers are flying, and the singing sound is absolutely perfect.

Wherever Sui Pingxiao passed, he could see the clouds on the low cliff above getting lower and lower, and the clouds and fog getting thicker.

The junior brother walked back to the main road, and after walking a few steps, he saw a large thatched pavilion appearing behind him.

The discussion of the eight demons in front of him stopped.

At the foot of Langlang Mountain.

How long will it be until the next time I see my senior disciple?

At that time.

Listen to what my senior brother said.

Very slowly, Xiaoting asked: Junior brother, I'm afraid this time I came to your place, Lu Wufei, just to see your senior brother, right?

I'm so envious...

It was in front of my senior brother who once saved me and my fellow demon clan brother Xiaoting.

Faced with the change in attitude of the harpy in front of him and the surrounding demon kings.

Gradually deepen from the inside.

The younger junior brother said at that time: Thank you, fellow Taoist...

As she got along with the cheerful senior disciple from a distant sect, Xiaoting, who was kissing her and had a low fever, became more relaxed and talked less.

The steel fork came out of the water, and the two impaled fat fish struggled and flicked with all their strength.


Seeing the eldest brother take action, Xiaoting let go and sat aside, watching the eldest brother busy, and I watched from the side.

Sui Pingxiao discovered at this time that the vast underground area was smaller than the vast one.

The deep cliffs and ravines have not disappeared, but have become more steep, precipitous, and towering.

The junior brother then turned his head and looked at the towering low cliff nearby.

The middle-aged hawk demon turned around and took a deep look at the nearby low cliff that was half hidden in the sea of ​​clouds. Then he cupped his hands towards Sui Pingxiao and turned around to leave.

Drink all the blood bodhi tea.

Yes, just as Xiaoting said, the wine has a strong flavor. If you use blood bodhi to cook wine, the smell of blood is obvious. Instead, it combines with the heavier wine smell, making the taste stronger.

Flying all the way towards the depths of the landing.

Including the seventy-year-old boy that time, it was only about forty years.

Two great figures walked through the low cliffs of the sea of ​​clouds, sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing, as if they were walking through a fairyland.

The younger junior brother raised his head, touched his chest and nodded with his big white head: That should be it...

For those who are more interested in taste, the smell will be reduced in the mouth, making them happy.

Junior brother knows it.

Come on, senior brother, respect him...

I'm so envious...

Hehe, thanks for the advice, senior brother, if you respect him again...

After Dabai was frightened several times, he turned into the real form of a big white rat and was willing to come out again. He just lay on his father's chest and looked inwards under his collar.

It's true that although Junior Brother has no intention of seeking the Tao, it is true that Senior Brother...

Sui Pingxiao opened her eyes. For a moment, her eyes were clear and hot, and the light shone brightly, like stars.

It is only one step away from the fairyland.

It's really majestic and beautiful, and there's a way to describe it.

He also spoke out again from the front.

The hawk demon waved his hand and said with a smile: Your mission has not been completed yet, so I'll take my leave...

Take a step into the air.

Xiaoting is willing to drink blood bodhi tea again.

Say it.

The younger junior brother answered: Junior brother, you have learned a lot, but the blood bodhi junior brother is still under his body, so we can just make some wine later...

Dabai shook his head: Taiping Mountain is bad, but it's better than living there. My father's cultivation was too low before. Do I have to change to a worse place to be worthy of my father?

My senior disciple's strength and methods are ordinary.

Immediately afterwards, two blood bodhi seeds flew into the two altars.

Xiaoting realized immediately that the big man was probably just here to see him...

Look at this little tree.

Xiaoting looked at Sui Pingxiao who was making tea and said, Senior Brother, his trip should be...

Dabai spoke again: Have you ever been able to live in a place like that before?

At that time, the blue-robed figure turned around and looked at his junior brother helplessly.

And this is the kind of person who only knows how to practice.

When the various visions gradually dispersed.

The middle-aged hawk demon withdrew his eyes from the nearby cliff, turned around and looked at the junior brother beside him, and once again squeezed out an ugly smile on his cool face and said: You are going to go back to the toilet, and you asked fellow Taoist to go back alone...

I saw this handsome white eagle quickly burrowing into the sea of ​​clouds and disappearing.

As soon as I screamed, all the birds were scared away.

Sui Pingxiao landed on the edge of the cliff and took Dabai back to the road.

When he reappeared, he was already standing under a special mountain top.

Moreover, the aura under the body of the senior disciple is perfect, which is obviously the state of perfection...

Xiaoting shook his head: Indeed, it's just that the Blood Bodhi is watered with flesh and blood. When used to make tea, it will inevitably lose the smell of blood, and the taste will be a little worse. When used to make wine, it will be just as bad as the smell of wine, and it will not taste as good... .

At that moment, I couldn't help but sigh.

Sui Pingxiao was surprised that Senior Brother Xiaoting could recognize Blood Bodhi. She turned around and said with a smile, Senior Brother, do you hate drinking tea?

Senior brother let you come...

very slow.

Sui Pingxiao did notice it and made tea with blood bodhi. The tea was very fragrant, but there was no trace of blood in the tea.

Hearing that, Sui Pingxiao smiled, touched Dabai's head and said, What, is Taipingshan bad?

It doesn't matter...

Xiaoting smelled a strong aroma of tea.

Speaking of which.

Junior brother is extremely talented and cannot be let down. He must practice diligently to be able to...

Very slowly, I noticed that the aura of senior disciple was the same as next time.

Sorry to trouble you, fellow Taoist...

Looking at me, I know when my senior disciple will become cheeky.

The scenery of Brother Xiaoting's territory is really majestic and vast, making people forget about the ordinary.

The same goes for you. You can tell by using your magical powers that you are from the same fairy sect as Xiao Wang...

The junior brother had to drink it all by himself.

Just quietly admiring everything around you.

The moment the middle-aged hawk demon turned around, he transformed into a very handsome white eagle, spread its wings and flew down to the low altitude, letting out a loud eagle whistle.

Look at it, it looks very...

Xiaoting nodded: His eldest son has a harmonious aura, which is a sign of the perfection of human beings and immortals. When he came to Lu Wufei, he didn't have the intention to seek the path, right?

He spent his whole life cultivating good deeds and only loved killing people and setting fires.

Dabai cheerfully carried the steel fork towards the figure behind the bonfire and shouted excitedly: Dad, two! Two!

That guy's qualifications are really wrong.

Xiaoting took the tea cup, drank it all in one gulp, and then tsked his lips and said: What a pity...

a month ago.


Looking at this strange figure in blue robe.

Even though I have seen too few scenery, magnificent, beautiful, strange, weird...

Xiaoting has a vague memory.

The harpy who led the way said a few words before finishing.



There are not many other types of monsters, but there are too few. Compared with feather types, their limitations are too small.

Xiaoting waved his hand, and a tea table appeared under the wooden table. I said as I was doing it: Of course you know, it's just that his eldest son is a bad practitioner, so he came all the way to your place to do anything. ...

Under the cliff, in the lush forest, a turbid road appeared behind your eyes.

Seeing his senior brother making tea with blood bodhi, Xiaoting could not help but change his words: Junior brother, the taste of wine made with blood bodhi is the worst...

The junior brother seemed to see himself lying on the tree when he first woke up. The mixed emotions in his heart were like cold water churning at that moment, becoming more and more boiling.


Suddenly a tower stands under the sea of ​​clouds, and the magnificent portal of the heavenly palace looms.

It has only been seventy years, and the senior disciple is not yet in the early stage of human immortality.

Several beautiful figures with colorful feathers immediately jumped up from the pavilion, quickly retreated into the forest and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards.

Within the endless cliffs and the independent sea of ​​clouds, you can often see one or two divine feathers flying through the clouds and mist.

Two boys approached.

I heard my senior brother asking.

Let's go...

Sui Pingxiao had already walked slowly to the distance of the pavilion and saw clearly that senior brother Xiaoting who was sitting in the pavilion was not drinking tea, but seemed to be feeding birds.

Nearby, Dabai, wearing a light green dress and a towering hair, was holding a bright steel fork. He stared into the slow river with narrowed eyes and threw the steel fork suddenly.

The junior brother reacted and immediately stopped in his steps.

That's bad!

Xiaoting put away the tea set.

But it's just a trace, and the impact is almost negligible. Only the few who hate drinking tea will care.

The words have not yet finished.

The younger junior brother dismounted and took a step back and said with a smile: You are familiar with that...

Sui Pingxiao took Dabai and followed the hawk demon who led the way, stopping far behind a towering low cliff that loomed in the sea of ​​clouds.

Xiao Wang's junior brother, look for Shuyuan and he also knows which fairy sect I come from...

After the little junior brother took small steps, he walked to a lush green tree and sat down cross-legged.

On his chest, Xiaobai, who had recovered a lot of his mood, poked his head out of his father's collar again, staring at his dark and smart little eyes, and kept looking around.

This is the thought.


On the side, there were two wine jars missing behind the table in the small pavilion. I pushed it towards my junior brother and said with a smile: Junior brother, it's time to take care of yourself...

Do you have enough strength to defend such a vast and magnificent realm?

With such an outstanding and sensible disciple, it’s no wonder that the teacher accepted him as his junior disciple.

That's when I thought about it.

The junior brother slapped Dabai on the rough head: You must be talking nonsense...

Dad, that bad boy is also very beautiful...

The night gradually deepened.

Then he shook his head and smiled: Let's talk about it now...

The junior brother who was adding firewood suddenly stood up.

Low cliffs of thousands of feet and tens of thousands of feet stand straight into the clouds.

The younger junior brother could only smile in embarrassment and impoliteness.

I know that senior brother has a free and easy personality. After walking slowly, he smiled and said: Senior brother, you did it on purpose...

Lu Wufei arched his hands towards the hawk demon who was leading the way, and then followed the hawk demon and flew forward.

In one or forty years, his cultivation has reached perfection.

That was not what I was back then, and my cultivation speed was no different than that of my senior disciple now.

Whoosh whoosh...

ps: Thank you to the book friend Little Pig Who Loves Reading History for the reward. Thank you to all book friends for your monthly tickets and recommendation votes. Thank you~~

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