Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 192: The Immortal is living as an Immortal here

Chapter 193 The Immortal is living as an Immortal here

Lion and camel country.

The city of monsters.

Heiyundong Inn.

Lu Wufei sat at a large thick table by a window, quietly sipping tea.

Secretly, he used his magical power to constantly eavesdrop on the conversations of several food monsters in the lobby of this inn.

At this time, he heard what the two handsome generals were talking about. As soon as the other party spoke, he was immediately attracted.

Because in the conversation between the two demon commanders, the general and demon ancestor Hu Yue involved, based on his understanding, should be the one who traded Dahuang Mountain to him nearly two years ago and made a Tao Heart Oath with him. The demon ancestor Hu Yue.

So I immediately became energetic.

He also thought that if he couldn't get any news in this city of ten thousand monsters, he would go visit Hu Yue.

I never thought that I would gain something as soon as I came here.

Not only about the yellow wind monster he was looking for, but also about Hu Yue himself.

At this time, I heard the name Ancestor Huang Feng coming from the mouths of the two handsome men.

Lu Wufei became more and more focused on listening.

Ancestor Huang Feng...which ancestor is this?

How come I've never heard of it?

Hey, what you are saying is that this world is so big and there are so many ancestors, how can it be that you and I know everything?

The Yellow Feng Ancestor must be an outsider, but no matter where the Yellow Feng Ancestor comes from, he can defeat the Yang Ancestor who seriously injured our Lion and Tuo Kingdom. His strength and cultivation are beyond what you and I can imagine. It must be the big demon king from some side, so we can just listen to it...

I heard that my friend was talking about the power of the ancestor outside.

The monster opposite said angrily: It doesn't matter how strong the ancestor Huang Feng is, he can't be stronger than our king...

Hey, that's of course. How accomplished the king is. He is in the realm of a great saint. How can he be compared to the ancestor Huang Feng...

Come, drink...


After drinking, we will go to the Fairy Residence to find some beautiful banshees and have fun together...

Hey Hey...

That's it, let's do...


No matter how much I listen, I still won't get any useful information.

Lu Wufei stopped eavesdropping on the conversation between the two handsome men.

Just put down the tea cup.

He flicked it casually.

A silver hair that was invisible to the naked eye then swayed and flew towards the two monsters.

Soon, he landed very accurately on the monster among them who said that his ears were good and told him the information about ancestor Huang Feng.

At this time.

The female fox demon came over with a large tray in her hands.

On the tray, there are plates full of delicacies from the mountains.

The delicacies here refer to various mushrooms and wild vegetables.

However, the food sold in this inn is all high-quality, including mountain delicacies and game from Lingzhu. The fresh fragrance is really tempting.

With such a weight, all kinds of mushrooms and wild vegetables can be sold.

It definitely does not grow naturally because of its large weight, but should have been sown in a special spiritual field.

Just find a place with plenty of spiritual energy and plant the spiritual plants you want.

The method is simple.

As long as there is a place with enough spiritual energy, that will be enough.

This is what Lu Wufei did with the elixirs and strains planted in Taiping Mountain under his command.

But even if you can grow it yourself, the price of this thing is not low.

The price of the table full of fresh and fragrant mountain delicacies in front of him was already far more than the cost of a few days' accommodation in the Black Cloud Cave.

Although I often eat it in Taiping Peak.

But this time it flew all the way.

I almost didn’t eat.

Moreover, this thing is very fresh when it comes to food.

Planted in a place where spiritual energy gathers, and after being tasted, it becomes even more fresh and tender.

It tastes delicious no matter how you cook or stir-fry it, but it's hard to taste it even if you want to make it taste bad.

Lu Wufei wanted to try the wine here, so he ordered another drink.

Xiaobai ate happily.

Lu Wufei continued to listen to the conversations of other monsters in the inn lobby while drinking.

Time passed slowly.

Lu Wufei drank and ate slowly.

Late afternoon.

It's time for dinner.

There were obviously a lot more monsters coming to dine.

The entire big table in the lobby was filled.

Lu Wufei was eating food and drinking wine on the surface, but his ears were very busy, listening to one table and another.

But next.

Although the eavesdropping lasted longer and there were more monsters.

But he failed to overhear any useful information.

It was getting dark.

After Lu Wufei's table full of delicacies and game was wiped out.

He did not go upstairs, but ordered a few more dishes to go with the wine and continued to eat and drink slowly.

From time to time, he looked vaguely at one corner of the lobby.

When Xiaobai was full, he lay on the window sill and watched the monsters coming and going on the street outside to pass the time.

At this time.

A corner of the spacious lobby.

The two monsters stood up staggeringly and shouted: Settling accounts...

The female fox demon with a pleasant voice who had received Lu Wufei before immediately stepped forward.

The two of them were so drunk that they were drunk. After teasing the handsome man with the fox demon, he quickly paid the bill and then walked out, supporting each other and rocking.

Two generals, move slowly...

The female demon fox sent the two handsome demons to the door, then returned to continue their work.

I saw those two monsters going out.

Lu Wufei was not in a hurry.

Continue to leisurely enjoy the wine.

After a while.

Only then did he wave to the female fox demon just now to pay the bill.

The female fox demon quoted a price with a smile on her face.

Lu Wufei didn't bargain and handed over the storage bag.

The female fox demon took it and immediately took away the elixir in the storage bag. Then she returned the storage bag to Lu Wufei, her smile becoming more and more enthusiastic.

The female fox demon was sent away.

Lu Wufei took Xiaobai out.

He left a mark on one of the two monsters from before.

The opponent can't run away.

However, the two monsters were indeed enjoying their drunkenness. They were walking arm-in-arm on the street, looking extremely agitated.

Lu Wufei wanted to catch one of the monsters and ask him about the Yellow Wind Demon Ancestor.

But this way on the street.

He's a little awkward.

There are too many monsters in this lion camel city.

On the way out, he saw two demon king level monsters.

It is never wise to act hastily.

So I could only continue to follow behind.

The two monsters staggered and bumped into passing monsters from time to time. Most monsters did not dare to say anything.

Monsters of the level of Demon Commander and General are in this city of monsters, and their status is not too low.

There are more monsters at the level of monster generals here.

There are also lower-level demon soldiers, but there are relatively few of them, and they all do the lowest level of work.

It was getting dark.

The streets were lined with lights and streamers, which made it really bright.

If it weren't for the heads of various monsters on the street.

Lu Wufei mistakenly thought that he was in the human city.

He continued to walk forward behind the two monsters.

Far ahead, beside the street.

A three-story building appeared.

The lights in the small building are particularly beautiful and bright.

On the second-floor platform, there are various kinds of banshees wearing tulle and sparse fabrics. They may look innocent and beautiful, or they may be charming and enchanting. They are posing on it.

The banshee may have some of its own characteristics on its face, head, or head.

For example, cat ears, fox tail, etc.

It is used to enhance the allure and lure some street monsters who are not strong enough in their own desire and perseverance to come in and play.

If the free control in future generations comes here, they will go crazy.

Therefore, there are a lot of monsters wandering on the street where this small building is located.

Many want to go there, but the male demons with empty pockets can only make fun and talk dirty with a group of beautiful female demons on the street, making it extremely noisy.

And above the spacious door of this three-story building, there is a plaque with the words: The Residence of Immortals written on it.

Since it is a city of monsters.

Naturally, the security aspect will not be very good.

Fights broke out in the streets.

As for the place of fireworks, it is easier to attract monsters and make monsters excited.

Security protection is a top priority.

You can tell just by looking at the row of tall and sturdy six handsome generals guarding them on both sides of the gate.

And there is another person sitting on the second floor platform, beside a group of beautiful banshees, a short figure who is drinking in the corner. The aura on his body is at the level of a demon king, and he is still in the middle stage of the demon king. This is also a large number of demons on the street. Drink too much. There was a lot of drinking, and there were fights, but they didn't dare to attack the Shenxian Residence.

The Immortal Residence...

It is really disrespectful to have this name hanging in a place like Demon City Brothel.

But who cares.

Lu Wufei felt a little headache as he watched the two monsters in front of him continue to stagger towards the Immortal Residence.

He has no interest in entering the fairy abode.

The first two guys are really going in.

He could only turn around and go back first.

Anyway, he left a mark on the other party, and he can find it tomorrow.

at this time.

I saw the two guys suddenly turned around and headed to the side alley.

Lu Wufei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn't the opportunity here?

He took a step forward and his figure disappeared instantly.

The next second.

The two drunkards were each standing by the wall, about to release the water.

Suddenly I felt like I couldn't move my whole body.

The two demons suddenly looked shocked.


They saw an ordinary-looking figure wearing a black robe appearing in front of them.

I asked, I answered...

Lu Wufei stepped forward, looked at the previously marked monster and said, Understood?

I understand, I understand!

Looking at the figure appearing in front of them, the two demons nodded immediately after hearing the sound.

The one who could restrain them instantly was at least a demon king level boss. How could they dare to resist?

What did you mean by Huang Feng Ancestor before?

Lu Wufei immediately said, Where did you hear this name?

The monster being questioned was a pigeon monster. When he heard this, he didn't dare to ask more questions. He knew that the other party knew it, so he had to speak immediately: Your Majesty, I heard this occasionally... I have magical powers on my head. , no, in the ears, so the ears usually work better and can hear farther. A month ago, when I was drinking in the Black Cloud Cave inn, I heard the name Huang Feng Patriarch. It comes from a I heard it from the rat demon, but I don’t know the little rat demon...

Just when he said this, the pigeon demon saw that Lu Wufei's eyes suddenly turned cold and his face changed drastically, and he immediately shouted: Big king, I will never dare to lie. The little demon doesn't know the monster who is talking. He just heard them. It’s just what you said, little demon dares to swear!”

Looking at the expression of the pigeon demon in front of him, Lu Wufei's eyes softened a little and continued: What else did you hear? Tell them all...

The pigeon demon's mood eased as he saw the figure opposite him, his expression became slightly more stable, and he immediately replied: Yes, yes, the little demon heard the rat demon say that Ancestor Yang had a fight with Ancestor Huang Feng in Wuling Mountain. Ancestor Yang was defeated and returned to our Lion and Camel Kingdom half a year ago after being seriously injured!

That's all Xiaoyao has heard, Xiaoyao can swear!

The pigeon demon finished speaking in one breath, looking extremely nervous.

Looking at the other party's eyes, Lu Wufei's small magical power also revealed that the monster in front of him was indeed not lying. As for continuing, Do you know where Wuling Mountain is?

Wulin Mountain...

The pigeon demon heard the sound and quickly shook his head: Little demon, I don't know where Wuling Mountain is. It was the first time I heard about it at that time. I hope your Majesty will spare my life.

Hear this.

Lu Wufei, who used his lie-detection power throughout the whole process, knew that the little demon couldn't ask anything. Then he looked at the wild duck demon who had been as quiet as a chicken and asked, What about you, do you know where Wuling Mountain is?

The wild duck demon who originally thought he had nothing to do with him suddenly changed his expression when he heard this. He shook his head like a rattle and said nervously: Wulin Mountain... The little demon doesn't know where Wuling Mountain is. Please forgive me...

It seems that Wuling Mountain should not be nearby...

Lu Wufei knew what was going on and was too lazy to do anything more.

He just stared coldly at the two monsters in front of him.

The figure instantly disappeared in front of the two demons.

In the alley.

The night grew darker.

A good while.

A voice came.

I can move my body now. Is the king gone?

I don't know, I should go...

Then let's go, quickly...

The two demons quickly rushed to the side street, feeling relieved immediately and breathing heavily.

Yi Yao said: Are we still going to the Immortal Residence now? We were so frightened by the wine that we woke up...

Yi Yao replied: Of course I want to go, just drink more. Damn it, I was scared to death just now, so I just want to go and drink some wine to calm down the shock!

The immortal is here to be an immortal, I want to have a good time this time!

Let's go, let's go...

On the street in the opposite direction.

Lu Wufei was walking steadily towards the inn ahead.

Not long.

Black Cloud Cave Inn.

In front of a guest room on the second floor.

Lu Wufei looked at the female fox demon and asked, Do you know Wuling Mountain?

Wulin Mountain...

The female fox demon's smart eyes rolled for a while, then she shook her head and said: I don't know, but we have a knowledgeable person. I can ask him to help the guests, but I heard that the guests need to pay. I don't know. Can the guests accept it?”

Lu Wufei felt happy and said, Just ask...

Okay, I'll go right away...

The female fox demon looked happy and left immediately.

Lu Wufei entered the room, not meditating, but quietly drinking tea.

The Wuling Mountain was just the place where the Yellow Wind Monster had a fight with the Demon Ancestor of the Lion and Camel Kingdom.

Even if you go there, you may not be able to find the other party.

But having a clue is better than having nothing at all.

Lu Wufei drank tea and waited quietly.

Xiaobai curled up on the tea table next to him and slept.

A pot of tea and a half.

Suddenly there were footsteps outside, and then there was a knock on the door.

Lu Wufei stood up and opened the door. Looking at the expression on the female fox demon's face, he knew something was going to happen.

After some conversation.

The female fox demon left satisfied.

Lu Wufei returned to the tea table, the news he just heard from the female fox demon still echoing in his mind:

The Wuling Mountain is in the northwest of the Shitu Kingdom. When you go straight past it, you can see large tracts of ebony forest, and then you arrive at the Wuling Mountain. Because the ebony forest is foggy all year round, the entire mountain range is often shrouded in thick fog. That’s why it’s called Wuling Mountain, because ebony absorbs spiritual energy from heaven and earth and stores it in the body. Therefore, the huge ebony forest is a place rich in spiritual energy, and the monsters that can live there are extremely powerful...

This news was much better than he had thought before.

The ebony forest that can absorb spiritual energy...

Since it is a place full of spiritual energy...

I can't tell. If you look for Shuyuan, the yellow wind monster might be there...

This is the thought.

Lu Wufei's eyes were bright.

Now that we know the location of Wuling Mountain.

Lu Wufei didn't think too much.

Finished a pot of tea.

Go to bed and meditate.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning.

Lu Wufei went out after eating breakfast.

He did not go out to find the yellow wind monster immediately, but planned to stay in the lion and camel country for a while.

I guess the yellow wind monster wouldn't leave so easily.

But this demon city is the perfect place for him to find the spiritual transformation grass that Xiaobai needs.

He would have to inquire carefully.

One month later.

Lu Wufei stood in front of the gate of Shituo Inland City, a high-gate courtyard with a majestic plaque of General's Mansion.

Who are you?

What are you doing here!?

Several demon generals wearing armor and holding weapons stood in front of the majestic gate. The first one asked sharply when he saw Lu Wufei's figure.

I have been with the general for a long time, so please report that an old friend from Dahuang is visiting...

Lu Wufei didn't care, he just relaxed his breath slightly and said, The general will know...

Sensing the majestic aura of the man in front of him, the leader's expression immediately changed, and his attitude immediately improved. He raised his hands and said, Please wait a moment, I will report it to the general!

After speaking, he quickly walked towards the mansion.

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