Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 184: Naked Transaction, Dao Heart Oath!

Outside the Bamboo House.

The wind and snow howled.

Inside the Bamboo House.

Ancestor Hu Yue finished speaking.

Before Lu Wufei had time to think more.

Hu Meiniang's expression suddenly changed when she heard her master's words. She immediately knelt down and said in a plaintive voice: Teacher, did Meiniang do something wrong?

Meiniang doesn't want to leave the teacher...

Hu Meiniang whined and begged like a child who had done something wrong, her tone was pitiful, her peach blossom eyes were watery, and she was about to burst into tears.

The pear blossoms in the rain look extremely pitiful.

Lu Wufei stood aside.

Seeing it in his eyes, he was completely unmoved in his heart.

He was thinking rapidly in his mind about what Demon Ancestor Hu Yue meant by his words.

He gave himself the entire Great Wilderness Mountain, and even had to take his apprentice with him.

At such a price, I must have asked for it, so I didn't run away.

But as he said before.

He really wasn't very interested in Dahuang Mountain.

He is different from other big monsters.

His concern for the territory is not as urgent as that of other great demons.

Having the current territory of Daping Mountain is enough for him for the time being.

What's more, he picked out the remaining monsters in Dahuang Mountain, and he doesn't like them very much.

What's more, as the territory becomes larger, there will definitely be more and more complicated things.

This can be seen from the moment he came back at noon today, until before the banquet in the evening, he was busy with various things brought by his brother Bai Yunxiao.

After he decentralized his powers, these were the remaining issues that required his signature after being handled by Bai Yunxiao.

Mainly in terms of wealth, elixirs, etc.

He couldn't help but look at it.

As the territory expands and there are more monsters under his command, there will definitely be more and more things happening. This is inevitable.

As for Hu Yue's plan to catch up with his apprentice Hu Meiniang.

Lu Wufei wasn't very interested.

Of course, all of the above is trouble.

As for the benefits, there are definitely some.

First of all, Dahuangshan is very large, even bigger than his current Taipingshan.

Because he was the one who divided it in the first place.

The spiritual energy of the land occupied by Taipingshan is richer and better, but the territory area is relatively smaller.

If he takes the Dahuang Mountain again,...

Then he would truly unify the previous Great Wilderness Mountain.

The symbolism is great.

The territory is bigger, there are more monsters, there are more things to do, and the momentum is stronger.


Then, the larger the territory, the greater his profits.

This income does not refer to gold, silver and jewelry, but to elixirs and strains of various years.

Given Lu Wufei's current state.

Spiritual plants that were one or two hundred years old were basically of no use to him.

It will take more years.

He has been taking corresponding spiritual strains during his practice.

The larger the territory, the more spiritual plants that can be collected, and the more spiritual plants that can be used for his practice.

There is no doubt about it.

Then, as Hu Yuegang said, he can always leave Taiping Mountain to his brother Bai Yunxiao to take care of, and the Dahuang Mountain territory can also be left to Hu Meiniang to take care of.

Hu Meiniang's ability has been proven over the years.

Not only is she good-looking and good-looking, she also has good management skills.

If she were here.

Lu Wufei could indeed not worry too much about the monsters in Dahuang Mountain.

Think of it this way.

The benefits of taking over the Dahuangshan site seem to be greater.

But there is one most important question.

What was the purpose of Demon Ancestor Hu Yue giving him everything in Dahuang Mountain?

What are the requirements?

He wouldn't think that the other party would give it to him for free.

In terms of relationship, the Lord of Eagle Cliff, the Silver Eyed Demon King, was her subordinate, and their relationship was much closer to her than Lu Wufei's.

If the other party's request is simple, it's not impossible to have this deserted mountain.

If it's too difficult, drop it.

After running through my mind quickly.

Lu Wufei made a decision quickly.

At this time, she was not in a hurry to speak, but watched Hu Meiniang's performance.

Demon Ancestor Hu Yue's words that he wanted to give Hu Meiniang to him also contained meaning. He did not simply allow Hu Meiniang to serve in his hands.

It was more like giving Hu Meiniang to him like a maid.

The status of a maid is self-evident.

Regardless of Hu Meiniang's true thoughts, she would definitely be struggling and inseparable at this time.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be obvious that she was unfilial?

However, the other party's current reaction is probably based on her thoughts at this time.

After all, it was only because of her teacher that she was where she is today.

Apart from the teacher, she is just a handsome general. She is still very beautiful, rare, and easy to get into trouble.

After all, if there is no strength, too much beauty is likely to be a disaster.

She was originally a teacher at the level of Demon Ancestor and controlled the vast wilderness of the mountains. She had a noble status.

When she learned that she was going to be given away by her teacher, her life changed drastically in the blink of an eye. How could she accept it?

Mei Niang will definitely be more filial to the teacher in the future...

Seeing that the teacher didn't reply, Hu Meiniang burst into tears and kept saying like rain: I beg the teacher not to drive Meiniang away...

Meiniang will definitely be better behaved...

Faced with the disciple's pleading, Demon Ancestor Hu Yue just looked at Hu Meiniang who was kneeling in front of her and said with an expressionless expression: Shu Cang, shut up!

The words fell.

Hu Meiniang's voice stopped suddenly.

It was as if someone had suddenly strangled his neck. His body was twitching from crying, but he didn't dare to make a single sound.

Lu Wufei, who saw everything in his eyes, was a little surprised by Demon Ancestor Hu Yue's attitude.

The other party seemed to be okay with Hu Meiniang before.

Now that she was thrown away so simply, it only meant that something was indeed wrong with her, and it was not a small matter.

The most important thing is that what Hu Yue wants may be quite demanding.

Lu Wufei quickly analyzed what the other party said and did.

Hu Yue shut up the crying Hu Meiniang, then continued to look at Lu Wufei and said: How about it, with Meiniang here, you can be the hands-off shopkeeper, just like you are now, and you can also control the entire Great Wilderness Mountain...

Facing Hu Yue's question, Lu Wufei, who had already made up his mind, smiled and said: What the ancestor said makes sense, and I am indeed a little moved, but what does the ancestor want when he gives up the Great Wilderness Mountain to us?

You might as well say it clearly, so that I can better measure...

Hearing Lu Wufei speak so directly, Hu Yue smiled and said, Bailang, I just admire your character...

But the words just started. .

When she looked at Lu Wufei, she suddenly discovered that his aura was obviously stronger than last time before returning to the mountain, and it was restrained and hidden.

She couldn't even notice it at first.

The cultivation level has climbed so quickly to the late human immortal stage...

With such power, the immortal realm will definitely not be able to stop this kid. It is probably only a matter of time before he is promoted...

At this moment, it was discovered that Hu Yue's original evaluation of Lu Wufei's status in front of him could not help but become heavier.

They also have more trust in each other’s abilities.

Then he continued: I will give you everything in Dahuang Mountain, as long as you make a promise...


After being guessed by himself, Lu Wufei smiled and said: What kind of promise can exchange for the entire Great Wilderness Mountain and General Hu? Grandpa might as well say it clearly?

Hu Yue: Since you can bring your brother back from the underworld, the promise I want is that one day, you will help me bring back a soul from the underworld. You can't refuse...


Lu Wufei was a little surprised when he heard Hu Yue's words.

However, harvesting souls from the underworld is a bit unbelievable for a group of monsters who are naturally on the opposite side of heaven.

Thinking about his own experience and those difficult brats, it was indeed the case.

There is no strong back.

Not to mention the big monsters in this monster clan, even the gods in heaven may not be able to do it.

After all, the systems are different.

After some thinking.

Lu Wufei finally understood.

He continued to listen.

Hu Yue continued: That soul may be other monsters, or it may be myself, what do you think?

Maybe it's me...

After Hu Yue finished speaking, Lu Wufei immediately understood the meaning of her words.

Lu Wufei definitely didn't believe that the demon who had been his apprentice for many years could be discarded at will, and he was asked to use his precious Huan Yang quota to save others.

He instantly understood that the previous words were just foreshadowing, and she was mainly trying to save himself.

But to obtain the souls of fairy-level monsters, a large barren mountain is not enough.

Quickly understanding Hu Yue's true thoughts, Lu Wufei immediately shook his head: I can indeed retrieve the soul from the underworld. Even if the body is missing, as long as the soul is immortal, I can be reborn...

But, the Great Wilderness Mountain alone is not enough?

not enough!?

Hu Yue's face suddenly darkened, and she immediately said: Bailang, you are really powerful in being able to fish out the souls from the underworld, but with the vastness of the Dahuang Mountain territory, and a beautiful monster like my disciple Mei Niang, you can't There are so few of them, so why can’t they be replaced?”


Hearing Hu Yue's words, he knew that she was using her apprentice as a commodity, and she smiled and said: If the ancestor wants to fish for the soul, like my previous brother, that is indeed enough.

However, given the ancestor's immortal state and the strict supervision of the underworld, it will definitely cost more to bring him out...

Lu Wufei continued to shake his head: So, although Dahuang Mountain is not light, it is not enough!

He really wasn't lying.

Under the cultivation of human immortals during life, even if it is a golden elixir, once the soul is seduced after death, the soul will be no different from that of ordinary people.

However, the souls of those who have surpassed human immortality during their lifetime, that is, those who have become immortals, are definitely different from the ordinary souls of ordinary people.

The stronger you are, the more famous you are, the more famous you are, the more you are noticed, the higher the price is.

To get this kind of money, the price will naturally be higher.

Hearing this, Hu Yue immediately frowned and said, Then what do you want?

Lu Wufei said at this time: I still want my ancestor to owe me three times...

He couldn't see Hu Yue's cultivation level, but he had dealt with the Demon Ancestor a lot, and he could detect that they were at least in the middle stage of the Demon Ancestor. Compared with the one he encountered last time at Shituo Ridge, he used the Heavenly Elephant Earth Body. The Demon Ancestor who hit the ground with a stick was obviously much stronger.

Moreover, he already knew the identity of the other party. He was a general under the command of the Golden Winged Dapeng King of the Lion and Camel Kingdom. This status was not low.

Just in case it can be used someday.

Since she owes three favors, it will be much safer next time she goes to the Lion and Camel Country.

Hearing Lu Wufei's request.

Demon Ancestor Hu Yue frowned even more. It is the hardest thing to repay a debt of gratitude. With Lu Wufei’s status and strength at this time, once he comes to the door, the matter will definitely not be trivial, let alone three times. How can he agree to this? He immediately shook his head and said: no!

It seemed that his refusal was too much, so he immediately added: One time at most!

just one time!

Hu Yue said in a deep voice: As long as it's not too much, I can agree to it now, how about it?

Just once?

Once is not enough...

Lu Wufei shook his head again.

After several experiences in the underworld, and what I learned from Senior Brother Yu, Demon Ancestor Hu Yue died before his eyes.

As long as the other party doesn't do anything too outrageous, such as going against heaven.

Not being watched from the sky.

No matter how much he kills and commits crimes among the demon clan.

As Senior Brother Yu, it is equally easy to get her soul out.


Although he has never thought about relying on his status as a senior brother to do something to gain profits and souls.

Neither he nor his senior brother looked down upon this.

But someone came to the door, especially when Hu Yue, who was of high status and strength, came to her.

He wouldn't say no.

The benefits must be maximized.

How about twice?!

Lu Wufei spoke again, with a thoughtful look on his face: Let's each take a step back!

Although I have some connections in the underworld, the matter of harvesting souls is against the laws of heaven and the underworld, and the punishment is severe!

This is my final bottom line. If it's less, the ancestor will ask someone else to do it!

Lu Wufei spoke.

Hu Yue was overjoyed and knew that she had reached her limit. She nodded with a solemn look on her face and said, Twice then!


No better than the two previous transactions.

This transaction is important, involving both the underworld and human debts.

Just talking about it won't do.

Hu Yue has the cold nature to throw away his apprentice for decades and trade them as goods at will.

A casual promise is probably not much lighter than air.

As for Lu Wufei, it was the same. He had climbed up from the lowest level of the Monster Clan, talking nonsense to everyone, flattering others, flattering others... When necessary, he had done nothing.

For example, if the person opposite is Sha Monk, he is a brother from his own sect.

His words and promises are worth a thousand pieces of gold.

But facing a cold monster like Hu Yue, he could just say it and forget it.

Therefore, it is very appropriate and common behavior to use oaths to bind words and deeds.

The higher your cultivation level, the more you pay attention to the cultivation of your original mind and Tao mind.

Swear with your soul and your own path, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. co Unless you don't want to go any further.

Otherwise, fulfill your oath obediently.

Soon, Lu Wufei and Hu Yue swore to each other on the terms they had agreed upon before.

When the oath falls.

Hu Yue's face suddenly became much more relaxed, as if she had put down some burden, and a smile appeared on her face. She looked at Lu Wufei and said, To celebrate your and my successful vows, how about a drink?

While talking.

As Hu Yue waved her hand, a jar of wine and two crystal clear wine glasses immediately appeared on the bamboo table.

As soon as the plain altar appeared, a strange fragrance immediately filled the air.

Lu Wufei was very familiar with this scent. It was the scent of the wine brewed by Blood Bodhi.

Sold Dahuangshan and his apprentice.

Lu Wufei estimated that Hu Yue was about to leave this wild area.

If we look for her again, we will probably have to go to the lion and camel country in the north.

Blood Bodhi is rare and almost priceless.

He had used up all the blood bodhi on his body, so he happened to ask Hu Yue to buy some more, so as not to have trouble with them in the future.

When he heard Hu Yue's words, Lu Wufei smiled and said, That's exactly what I meant...


Looking at Hu Meiniang, who was still kneeling on the ground and did not dare to get up, her face was pale, her face was stained with tears, and she looked fragile and pitiful.

Hu Yue, who was walking to the bamboo table, paid no attention to his apprentice.

Lu Wufei said quietly: Get up and follow me from now on. I can't help but...

Thank you, Your Majesty...

Hu Meiniang spoke in a trembling voice, then slowly stood up and stood beside Lu Wufei.

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