Fellow Daoist Lu is a demon clan, right...?

Niu Shiheng suddenly interrupted and asked in a cold tone.

The words fell.

The newly heated atmosphere in the waterside pavilion suddenly dropped.

Why did fellow Taoist Niu say this?

Lu Wufei looked at Niu Shiheng and said quietly.

If the other person just spoke normally, he wouldn't feel anything. He is a demon.

But the other party's disgusting look made him feel very unhappy.

I have a way to identify monsters no matter how hidden they are, even though I can't tell what kind of monster you are.

but now...

The other party's reaction confirmed Niu Shiheng's judgment, and he spoke in an increasingly cold tone: I just need you, fellow Daoist Lu, to tell me whether you are a demon or not?

Listen to the other person's tone.


Lu Wufei smiled.

He finally understood that the person in front of him was probably not only dissatisfied with him as a demon clan, but also dissatisfied with all demon clans.

That being the case.

Then he no longer needs to be hypocritical and polite.

For this kind of guy, just attack him directly.

So he said, Fellow Taoist Niu seems to be very concerned about this issue, but so what if it is, and what if it's not?

Lu Wufei said these words.

The temperature of the atmosphere in the entire waterside pavilion dropped from the original silence and seriousness to freezing point.

A great wine party quickly goes downhill.

Mr. Liu Jing, who was in charge of pouring the wine, was dumbfounded at this time.

He didn't know why the relationship between his uncle and Lu Zhenjun quickly turned into a cold confrontation, as if they were enemies.

But he would never dare to speak.

The uncle is the master's senior brother, and there is no need to say much about the distance between them.

And Lu Zhenjun was also a real distinguished guest that he finally invited, and he was very kind to him, even to the Kunlun Sect.

How does this make him speak?

Besides, he was just pouring wine today, so how could it be his turn to speak.

So he could only look at the master on the side immediately.

Li Qing'e watched the two men quickly turn against each other after a few words, and it became like a confrontation between a needle and a wheat awn.

She was also stunned.

Just now, my senior brother suddenly asked if Fellow Daoist Lu was a demon.

She realized something was wrong.

Disciple Liu Jing doesn't know what's wrong with the demon clan mentioned by Senior Brother Niu, but can she still not know?

Because Senior Brother Niu’s wife and daughter were all killed by the demon clan.

Although the monster was killed by Senior Brother Niu who had made great progress later, and got a great revenge.

But revenge was avenged.

But his wife and daughter can no longer come back.

Therefore, Brother Niu and the demon clan have a sworn hatred.

When he meets the demon clan on weekdays, he is always the one who will kill them without mercy.

Wherever it passes, the monster disappears.

Senior Brother Niu is now the Kunlun Law Enforcement Elder.

On weekdays, I try to warn my disciples not to have contact with monsters, and to just kill monsters when they encounter them.

If any disciple in this sect gets acquainted with the demon clan, he will be severely punished by Senior Brother Niu.

The source of such hatred towards the demon clan.

But imagine how angry he would be if he knew that the person sitting opposite him, drinking and chatting with him, turned out to be a monster.

And just when Li Qing'e hadn't figured out how to speak.

Senior Brother Niu and Fellow Daoist Lu quickly evolved into such a scene.

She really didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Lu would actually be a demon clan.

Anyone who can achieve the realm of human immortality is a monk who has clearly understood his own path.

Li Qing'e didn't have any prejudice against the demon clan.

In her opinion, whether they are demons, humans, or anything else, they are just creatures in the world.

Cultivation is all about gaining immortality and freedom.

Faced with such a scene at this time, I really didn’t know how to speak.

But Niu Shiheng didn't care what his junior sister thought. He was already filled with anger. Seeing Lu Wufei's attitude, he sobered up a little and said coldly: If fellow Taoist is not a monster, I, Niu Shiheng, will kowtow to fellow Taoist to apologize. !”

But if so, please leave, fellow Daoist Lu...

As soon as Gun Zi opened his mouth, Niu Shiheng, who realized something was wrong, still swallowed the word with all his strength, took a deep breath and said, Fellow Taoist, please leave here now. You monsters are not welcome in Kunlun!


After Niu Shiheng finished speaking, Li Qing'e raised her eyebrows and shouted dissatisfied, and then said: Friend Lu, you are kind to our Kunlun. You are the distinguished guest that I finally invited. How could you do this! Reading La

Let's go, junior sister doesn't want to say anything else!

Because of Li Qing'e's strength.

Niu Shiheng sobered up a little. He knew that he was being rude, and he also knew that it was his junior sister who was trying to help him.

But his hatred and dislike for the demon clan will not change because of anything else.

After a brief silence.

Niu Shiheng raised his hand towards his junior sister Li Qing'e and said, I'm sorry, junior sister, senior brother is rude...

Say it.

Ignoring Lu Wufei beside him, he walked straight out of the pavilion.

Niu Shiheng is gone.

But inside the pavilion, the atmosphere was indeed silent and awkward.

Fortunately, Li Qing'e has a refreshing personality and speaks loudly.

Lu Wufei is also sensible. He always knows his grudges clearly and will not accommodate others without reason.

Without mentioning the disappointing Niu Shiheng just now, after talking about some light-hearted topics, Daoist Liu Jing intervened and the atmosphere relaxed a lot.

I had a drink with Li Qing'e and drank it all.

Lu Wufei moved his chopsticks to pick up the food.

But I only heard Li Qing'e on the opposite side say: Fellow Daoist Lu, my senior brother was rude just now. I would like to apologize to you on behalf of my senior brother...

When Lu Wufei heard the sound, he immediately stopped using the chopsticks in his hand, raised his hand to stop him and said, Don't...

Fellow Daoist Niu has a deep opinion against me. This is a matter between me and him. It is up to Daoist Niu to apologize and has nothing to do with Daoist Li...

Fellow Daoist Li is like a hibiscus out of water. He has a refreshing personality. I admire him very much...

Speaking of which, Lu Wufei looked at the wind and snow outside the pavilion and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist, you see, on such a windy and snowy day, among the pavilions and pavilions in the lake, it is the most wonderful and enjoyable time to invite a few close friends and have a drink. Let’s talk about spoilers…”

In response to Lu Wufei's compliment, Li Qing'e smiled and said without any hesitation: Fellow Taoist Lu is so complimentary. I also hit it off right away...

But no matter what, I, Kunlun, am rude and I have to apologize to fellow Taoist...

Fellow Taoist Lu's words about enjoying wine on a snowy day were very popular with me. I will follow my friend Lu and not let things spoil the fun...

With that said, Li Qing'e raised the wine glass in her hand, touched it with Fellow Daoist Lu across from him, and drank it all in one gulp.

There was Niu Shiheng's fuss.

After all, the welcome reception didn't last long.

When the sky gets a little dark.

Lu Wufei used rest as an excuse to end the cocktail party, and Liu Jinglaodao led him out of the waterside pavilion and headed towards the rest room.

Looking at the disappearing figure in the green robe.

Li Qing'e drank the wine in one gulp.

She sighed in her heart, and she understood that Senior Brother Niu had completely offended Fellow Daoist Lu with his commotion just now.

No matter how hard she tried to calm down, fellow Daoist Lu immediately pushed the topic away, to no avail.

If that fellow Daoist Lu was just a member of a few other immortal sects, this time it wouldn't be anything.

After all, my senior brother was killed by the demon clan, and his wife and daughter came first. Anyone who knows this can understand.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand him. As senior brother is in the late stage of human immortality, he is only one step away from being a god.

Ordinary people can't help but wonder what happened to the senior brother.

What's more, there is still a sect, and the mistakes made by senior brothers are just inappropriate words.

It's not a big mistake. No senior from the Immortal Sect will do anything to it.

However, that fellow Daoist Lu was a disciple of Zhenyuan Immortal of Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain.

Great Immortal Zhenyuan...

That level of seniority is extremely high.

Even the Patriarch must respect and perform the courtesy of a junior in front of the Great Immortal.

I heard that Immortal Zhenyuan is particularly good at training his disciples.

His disciples are all over the three realms.

At first glance, the Wuzhuang Temple looks really low-key.

But in fact, even in the Three Realms, the Wuzhuang Temple is truly a behemoth.

Anyone with a clear mind in the spiritual world knows this very well.

That Wuzhuang Temple.

Don’t talk about Brother Niu, you can’t afford to offend him;

Even the Patriarch of his own sect, who is currently serving under the Jade Emperor in Heaven, cannot afford to offend him.

Although Senior Brother Niu only offended a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple this time.

But it concerns the Great Immortal Zhenyuan.

Don't dare to take any chances.

This is the thought.

Li Qing'e picked up the wine bottle, drank the wine in one gulp, then stood up and walked out.

She didn't know why Senior Brother Niu suddenly acted like this.

But Senior Brother Niu is not a reckless person. He would not say such things even though he knew that fellow Daoist Lu was a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple.

He must have been distracted before.

He didn't even pay attention to what he said to fellow Daoist Lu.

Although she felt a little bit guilty about her senior brother this time.

Fellow Daoist Lu saved the Jinhua Mansion and was kind to Kunlun, so he came here at his own invitation this time.

Even if Senior Brother Niu has hatred towards the demon clan, he should still be more cautious.

But things have happened.

No more thinking would help.

It's better to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

Li Qing'e left the waterside pavilion in a hurry.

Not long after.

She appeared in front of a mansion.

Li Qing'e strode into the mansion and met a monk in white robes. She immediately asked: Is Master You at home?

The white-robed monk immediately saluted and said: Uncle Master, Master has just come back and should be fishing in the backyard at this time...

What time of year are you still fishing!

Li Qing'e snorted lightly, ignored the junior, and immediately walked quickly towards the backyard.


In front of a deep dark pool in the backyard of the mansion.

A figure was fishing, holding a wine bottle in his hand, drinking while fishing.

Junior sister is here...

Niu Shiheng turned to look at Li Qing'e and said with a smile: It was my fault, senior brother. I apologize to my junior sister...

It's not me you should apologize to, but Fellow Daoist Lu!

Li Qing'e felt a little angry when she saw her senior brother's face.

Senior brother clearly knew that it was intentional just now.

Friend Lu Dao...

As soon as he heard this name, Niu Shiheng immediately sneered: He's just a monster. So what if he becomes an immortal? He's still not a monster!

All monsters deserve to die!

Junior sister, I can promise you everything else.

Niu Shiheng shook his head firmly and said, But it's impossible for me to apologize to that monster!

But he saved Jinhua Mansion twenty years ago. You know how important Jinhua Mansion is to us in Kunlun!

Li Qing'e also tried to reason, saying: Besides, I invited Fellow Daoist Lu here this time. Even if he is a demon clan, senior brother shouldn't be like this, right?

He is a monster. Monsters never deal with us humans...

Also, who knows if the monster that invaded Jinhua Mansion did it intentionally, because he wanted to get closer to Kunlun...

Niu Shiheng still said stubbornly: Just like now...

I heard what my senior brother said.

Li Qing'e finally understood.

The senior brother's hatred and prejudice against the demon clan is so deep, and he also knows that under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for him to apologize to Fellow Daoist Lu.

And if senior brother doesn't apologize in person.

Fellow Daoist Lu will definitely not expose this matter.

He has already said that he needs his senior brother to apologize in person.

So Li Qing'e had to say: What if he is a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple?


This time his mind was not distracted. Niu Shiheng's ears and eyes were clear, and he could clearly hear the three words Wuzhuang Temple in the junior sister's mouth. He also roughly understood the meaning of the junior sister's words. He immediately frowned and asked, What does the junior sister mean by this?

literal meaning...

This time, Li Qing'e said word by word: What if that fellow Daoist Lu is a disciple of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan of Wuzhuangguan?

Senior brother, aren't you still apologizing?


Niu Shiheng stood up immediately after hearing the sound, shook his head as he walked and said: How could Zhenyuan Great Immortal, the ancestor of the earth immortals, have such an identity that he would accept a monster as his disciple!

As he said that, he suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Li Qing'e and asked, Junior sister, did you disobey me? Maybe that evildoer is just pretending?

Li Qing'e, however, shook her head after hearing the sound: Senior brother, you also told me, what is the identity of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, and how bold must Fellow Daoist Lu be to pretend to be a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple?

Senior brother, you clearly already have the answer in your mind, so why pretend you don't know.

We at Wuzhuang Temple, Kunlun, cannot afford to offend us. You should know better than me!

The words fell.

Niu Shiheng was silent.

Junior sister's words were correct. He knew better than anyone that Wuzhuang Temple could not afford to offend the four great immortal sects in the human world even if they tied them together.

What's more, it's the Kunlun faction.

A good while.

Niu Shiheng's voice finally sounded again: Then junior sister, take me there, I'll go to Lu...

Having said this, Niu Shiheng took a deep breath and continued: I'm going to apologize to Fellow Daoist Lu!

This matter started because of me, and it must be ended with me. The sect cannot be implicated.

Let's go!

Seeing the appearance of senior brother.

Li Qing'e was not surprised either.

Senior brother has always been very clear about business matters.

Not to mention major events involving the entire sect.

Just now.

It's not enough to just take your senior brother to apologize.

It's your own fault first.

Without giving fellow Taoist Zu Lu face, this matter would not be easy to get over, so he said: Wait a minute...

Let's go find the headmaster first...

Hear what junior sister said.

Niu Shiheng's steps immediately stopped. Of course he understood what his junior sister meant.

He just thought that it didn't matter if he was embarrassed in front of that monster. He couldn't let the entire sect follow suit and be embarrassed by Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com.

At this time, when his junior sister named him, he could only grit his teeth and said: This is the only way...

Say it.

Niu Shiheng strode forward.

Li Qing'e sighed in her heart and followed behind.

Not long.

Deep in Kunlun Palace.

What, why didn't I know that a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple was visiting!?

Niu Shiheng, are you still awake from drinking too much wine?

How dare you mock the disciples of the Great Immortal in public!?

And Li Qing'e, are you just watching?

Watching Niu Shiheng being stupid?

Is your mouth long in vain?

Where has the usual sharp teeth and sharp mouth gone?


Roaring sounds continued to come from a tall, majestic and majestic hall.

Within the main hall.

Wearing a black robe, the middle-aged man was slender, handsome, and elegant. He looked at the two senior brothers, Li Qing'e and Niu Shiheng, drooling wildly in front of him.

It looked like the headmaster was already so angry that his face was red, and his usual elegant demeanor had long since disappeared.

Li Qing'e shrank her neck and said: Master, things have happened. Senior brother also knows that he was wrong. Please ask the master to make up his mind...


The headmaster got angry, and then he said angrily: What else can you think of? I can only apologize. That person should still be in the palace, right?

Li Qing'e: Yes...

Headmaster: That's good. If the other party doesn't leave, there is still room for maneuver. I have no choice but to sell my old face...

Let's go...

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