Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 160 The crow returns, where the dream begins!

Your Majesty...

Your Majesty...

On the top of Taiping Peak, there are white clouds.

The first general, Bai Yunxiao, was waiting in the square with several demons in charge, looking at the green-robed figure descending and speaking respectfully.

Lu Wufei stood down, looked at his brother Bai Yunxiao and said, Did anything happen while I was gone?

Bai Yunxiao said: Except for some normal things, everything is fine in the mountain...


Lu Wufei nodded and turned around to see his third brother Hongpi and fourth brother Huang Gui flying over quickly not far away.

Your Majesty...

Your Majesty...

The red-skinned Huang Gui quickly stepped forward and saluted.

In public, all the brothers are called kings.

Lu Wufei nodded, looked at Hongpi and asked, Hongpi, is there anything wrong with your second brother's body?

Bai Yunxiao is the number one general in Taiping Mountain, and Hongpi is the commander of the entire Taiping Peak. He manages all trivial matters on Taiping Peak.

Nothing went wrong...

Red Skin immediately replied: General Bai has found many little demons with cold magical powers. The second brother's body is well preserved.


Let's go see your second brother...

Lu Wufei said as he took a step forward and immediately flew down the mountain.

A group of monsters immediately flew up to catch up.

Hong Pi and Huang Gui followed behind. They both wanted to know whether the elder brother had brought back the soul of the second brother from the underworld. However, they were not the talkative second brother. They both wanted to know, but the elder brother was becoming more and more majestic. The heavier the weight, no one asked.

Bai Yunxiao felt the same in his heart. The underworld and the underworld were too far away from him. He had only heard of them before.

In his opinion, even the three demon kings of Dahuang Mountain were very far away from the underworld.

It was really unimaginable for him that the wise brother could go to the underworld and bring back the soul of the black leader who was sworn brother.

He was also very curious at this time whether Xiandi did what he said.

But he would not ask without knowledge.

It would be embarrassing if Brother Xian failed to do so.

The demons behind him all had the same idea.

Lu Wufei led a group of monsters to the foot of Taiping Peak, the cold pool he visited last time.

Compared to last time.

The caves around this cold pool have obviously expanded a lot.

The temperature of Hantan is very low, so it is good for hiding things.

Walking into a huge cave guarded by many demon generals in full armor, they walked into a spacious and separated room in the cave.

Lu Wufei saw the huge frozen monster body of the second crow monster in the middle, and around the monster body, there were three rows of little monsters with various heads on their heads.

Seeing the group of big monsters who suddenly poured into the room, especially the leader, they felt the huge and terrifying aura. The little monsters looked nervous and frightened when they saw this. They quickly knelt down and saluted: Your Majesty...

I have met the king...

I have met the king...

Lu Wufei nodded and said casually: Everyone, get up...

They are all little demons with cold magical powers...

Red Piper introduced at the right time: Since the king left last time, we have found more than thirty more ones one after another. Including the previous ones, there are a total of forty or fifty...

Lu Wufei listened in his ears and looked at the frozen second monster body. At this moment, he thought of something and said, Well done. When Heimao wakes up, don't let them go back. Just stay at Taiping Peak. , form a special team. When the weather is hot, let them be responsible for managing the storage of wine...

Since becoming the Demon King of Taiping Mountain.

The fruit wine Lu Wufei drank on Taiping Peak was all iced.

Take ice and hide it underground in winter, then take it out in spring and summer.

However, his subordinates are all monsters, and they consume an astonishing amount of alcohol. No matter how much ice they get in the winter, it is not enough.

Now that we have this group of little demons with the magical power of cold energy, we can make the best use of them, just right.


The red skin didn't follow the train of thought. He was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and nodded immediately: I will arrange it...

Lu Wufei nodded, then looked at the little demons and said, Everyone, please go out...


A group of little demons left the room.

Lu Wufei looked at the frozen demonic body of his second son and opened his mouth to take a breath.


A hot wind suddenly rose up, quickly blowing the ice on the crow monster's body and melting it at a speed that could be seen.

Soon only a thin layer of ice remained.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Wufei had a black gourd in his hand, which was exactly what he had taken from his senior brother Yu Caisheng, the underworld ghost Cao.

The soul-nourishing gourd is considered a low-grade magic weapon.

See dad take out this.

Xiaobai, who was lying on Lu Wufei's chest and took the lead, quickly slipped off his father's body with a squeak, quickly climbed onto Wandashan's body behind him, and was held in Wandashan's arms.

Looking at Xiaobai's appearance, Lu Wufei immediately smiled.

The little guy is usually very timid, but this time he went to the underworld. He was not afraid of those solid-looking monsters like ghost soldiers, but he was afraid of those floating souls.

Even when he rescued the second uncle from the tongue-pulling hell, Xiaobai was also afraid when he looked at the crow monster's second uncle's soul.

Lu Wufei was a little confused.

Don't care either.

Lu Wufei opened the cap of the soul-nurturing gourd bottle, and the temperature in the entire room cooled down as quickly as he could see.

This made Bai Yunxiao, red-skinned Huang Gui Wandashan and others standing at the back look expectant but a little nervous.

Souls are different from ghosts.

Everyone, every monster, and every living creature in the world has a soul.

After death, the soul will appear, and then it will basically be taken away by the ghosts of the underworld and go to the underworld.

As for ghosts, they are the result of some souls mutating under special circumstances.

Then he was unable to go to the underworld for various reasons.

Generally, souls linger in the human world. If they do not understand the method of cultivation, it will not be long before the soul is gone because it is not nourished by the yin energy of the netherworld.

As for the ghosts that can linger in the human world, they generally know some cultivation methods and can cultivate through Yin Qi, so that they will not disappear.

All the monsters are highly cultivated and have strong energy and blood, so ordinary little ghosts would not dare to disturb them.

This also means that they have never seen any ghosts or souls.

Not only people are afraid of unknown things, but demons are also afraid of them. It is also natural for living creatures.

Lu Wufei just opened the mouth of the soul-nurturing gourd.

A voice quickly came out from inside.

Ouch, I'm so suffocated...

Along with the sound, there was also a black shadow.

Brother, this is...

The crow monster just got out of the soul-nurturing gourd and found that the surrounding environment was obviously not the underworld, so he immediately spoke.


He saw the body of a huge black crow nearby, and immediately asked in surprise: Hey, whose body is this?

look carefully...

Looking at the crow monster who couldn't keep his mouth shut, and changed his mind after briefly learning to shut up in the senior brother's mansion, Lu Wufei said casually: Can you recognize who it is?

Because the crow monster in the form of Yin energy could only transmit sounds into Lu Wufei's ears.

And because of the soul, under normal circumstances, Bai Yunxiao and the others behind them would not only be unable to see the crow monster, but also unable to hear what the crow monster said.

Lu Wufei could only be heard.

At this moment, Wandashan couldn't help but ask: Dad, are you talking to the second uncle? Why can't we see the second uncle?

Oh, I forgot...

Lu Wufei turned around and said, Try pouring spiritual power into your eyes...

When Bai Yunxiao heard the sound, they immediately poured spiritual power into their eyes, and then they saw a shadow with complete facial features and wearing a strange black dress floating in front of the king.

If not the crow monster, who else.

At this time, after hearing Wandashan's words, the crow monster also noticed a group of familiar figures behind his elder brother, and immediately greeted him excitedly: Hey, General Bai...

Third brother, fourth brother...

And Xiao Wandashan, Xiao Bai...

haven't seen you for a long time...

I'm coming back...

It seems that he has forgotten the experience of being bullied in the underworld, and the despair and endless pain of the tongue-pulling hell. The crow monster looks at the familiar figures in front of him, feeling extremely excited.

The red-skinned Huang Gui Wandashan group looked at the lively figure and heard the familiar voice that they had not seen for a long time, and they all felt excited, happy and complicated in their hearts.

Second brother...

Second uncle...

Wandashan and Huang Gui spoke excitedly.

After hearing this, the crow monster floated towards the familiar monsters.

Lu Wufei immediately stopped him and said: Okay, stop drifting, go in quickly, your soul body has been in the world for too long, it will affect your future cultivation, don't call it...

When I heard what my elder brother said.

As soon as the crow monster floated out, it immediately stopped, waved to everyone and said, I'll talk about it after I get better...

Say it.

The crow monster turned around and said, Brother, is this really my body?

Why do I feel smaller?

Lu Wufei: You have never been older...

Remember the spell I taught you, and don't forget it when you return to your original position...

I remember...

In front of his elder brother, the crow monster did not dare to show off. He nodded and said, stepped forward and floated over the huge black crow monster body.

Then he muttered something.

As the spell falls.

The figure of the crow monster slowly began to merge into the huge monster corpse below.

The last incantation is finished.

The crow monster's entire soul was integrated into his original body.

The whole room fell silent for a moment.

There was no movement from the corpse.

Wandashan Huanggui from behind watched nervously.

But the king remained silent, and no one dared to speak.

Time passed slowly.

Not long.

The huge crow monster body began to move slightly.

That was the crow monster trying to regain control of its body.


The movement started to get louder.

Until the crow monster sat upright, turned its head, and looked at the monsters with extremely excited eyes: I finally came to life...

Seeing the crow monster about to get up, Lu Wufei immediately said: Wait...

As he spoke, he walked to the crow monster's chest and looked at his original huge wound.

With his order, the wound had been treated before. Now he looked a little shocked, so he asked: How does it feel here?

Crow monster: It's okay...

Lu Wufei stretched out his hand and pressed it with a little force. The crow monster shrank suddenly and said immediately: Brother, it hurts...

Lu Wufei nodded, let go of his hand, and said, It looks like there's nothing wrong...

Pay attention to your injuries in the next time...

Don't drink alcohol until you are healed...

The crow monster, who had just experienced all kinds of despair in his life and was about to celebrate and enjoy himself, heard that his elder brother was not allowed to drink, and he immediately said anxiously: Brother, this...

Do you want to put wine in your mouth and drink out here?

Lu Wufei patted the crow monster's hideous wound angrily and said.

Crow shrank in pain and said with timid eyes, I don't want to...


Lu Wufei nodded, and then said calmly: When you recover from your injury, we will talk about whether you are greedy for merit and rashly advance, or whether you are rashly advancing for the female sea tribe...

Say it.

Lu Wufei turned around and left.

The crow monster froze on the spot and looked at the familiar monsters walking towards him and asked: How did the elder brother know...?

Not only brother knows...

The red-skins came over, Huang Gui reached out and patted the second brother, and said with a smile: We all know...

Wandashan also smiled and nodded: Yes, second uncle, I know too...

The crow monster looked at the eyes of the monsters in front of him, and when he remembered his behavior, his face suddenly turned red and he felt ashamed.

Fortunately, he is in his true form now and his face cannot be seen.

The next few days.

Because of the crow monster's resurrection from the dead.

The whole Taiping Peak was a bit lively.

And the story of the great king bravely breaking into the underworld and snatching back the soul of his sworn brother, the black leader, from the Lord of Hell, quickly spread throughout the mountain, and began to spread in all directions.

Three days later.

Taiping Palace.

Ordinary dinner.

Lu Wufei sat in the main seat.

On the side, the human maid Lingshan, who looks pure and has an elegant temperament, is kneeling beside the wine table, showing off her graceful figure.

Lingshan is already practicing.

Because of Lu Wufei's super thigh, even though she started late, her cultivation speed is not slow due to the almost unlimited supply of elixir materials, and she is now at the advanced stage of Qi refining.

Lu Wufei was still very generous towards his pillow maid.

As for the qigong method, he also created it himself.

In the human world, there are many monks who dare to establish a sect in the realm of golden elixir.

The realm of immortality. Reading books

It has long been a famous town.

Lu Wufei has been able to combine his own cultivation experience and create his own cultivation techniques.

But now he has created his own technique and practiced it to the highest level, which is his own state at this time.

So I didn't want to spread it.

As for why he didn't pass on his self-created skills and let a group of brothers modify them or something.

One is because he feels that the technique is not mature enough.

The second is that modifying the exercises requires breaking up the exercises and re-cultivating them, which is dangerous and risky.

He didn't want the brothers to take risks now.

He estimated that it would take at least until he advanced to the realm of immortals and perfected the techniques he created.

Let me ask some brothers if they are willing to modify it.

Although the demon clan's breathing method is crude and slow in practice, it can be widely spread among the demon clan.

The most important reason is that it can continue to practice.

Changing the Kung Fu requires re-cultivation of the Kung Fu, which is not acceptable to ordinary monsters.

As for why Lingshan should be allowed to practice.

Because she has no cultivation base, it is easy to get started and there is no need to spread her skills.

And all she needs is to maintain her beauty and live longer.

Under the main table.

On the left sat Bai Yunxiao, and on the right sat Hongpi.

The crow monster sat next to Red Skin, eating delicious food at this time.

With the supply of high-grade elixir, the wounds on the demon body healed quickly.

Hongpi stopped while eating, looked up at the main table, and suddenly said: Brother, I want to go home...

go home...

Lu Wufei was stunned when he heard this and said with a smile, Isn't this your home?

Red Skin smiled: Of course it is here. I mean my hometown, which is also my eldest brother's hometown. The first Langlang Mountain...

Red Skin finished speaking.

Everyone present except Huang Gui and Wandashan couldn't understand it at all.

Bai Yunxiao and Crow Monster both raised their heads in surprise and confusion.

Seeing that the elder brother was a little confused.

Hongspi continued: Both the eldest brother and the second brother must know that I still have a mother and a younger brother at home. In the past few years, I have been asking the little demon below to look for our previous Langlang Mountain. Just a few days ago , the day my eldest brother came back, the little demon who happened to be sent out came back. He brought back the news I wanted and found my mother and younger brother. They are both still fine...

So, I want to go back and bring them over to live together...

The red skin just explained.

Lu Wufei reacted immediately.

Only then did he remember that the red-skinned man was different from himself and the crow monster.

He also has a family, including a mother and, it seems, a younger brother.

It was just that he rarely mentioned anything about his family, which made Lu Wufei less impressed.

At this time, I heard Hongpi mention it.

Lu Wufei immediately smiled and said, This is a good thing. Third brother, you should have told me earlier...

Hongpi smiled and said: Brother has been busy all the time. I don't want to trouble him for such a trivial matter...

No matter how busy I am, I can still find time...

Lu Wufei smiled and shook his head: Besides, this is not a trivial matter...

What eldest brother said is true...

The crow monster immediately answered and said: Third brother, your mother is also my mother. Taking care of your mother is not a trivial matter...

Now that eldest brother's reputation has spread throughout the wilderness, you and I are also leaders. It's time to bring mother over to enjoy the blessing...

Third brother is going home this time, so I will go back with him...

Lu Wufei heard what he heard and said, It's a good thing for my third brother to return to the mountain, but the journey is long and there will be danger...

In this case, let me take you on a trip...

There's no need to wait for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Let's leave after finishing this meal...

Go back quickly and don't let third brother worry...

I heard that my eldest brother was going to go in person.

The red skin immediately refused.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just that the eldest brother's status is too high.

Even if the second brother dies, the eldest brother can go to the legendary underworld to find him back.

The eldest brother is now supreme not only in his heart, but also in the ears of all Taiping Peak monsters.

When the news about the death and rebirth of the second brother spreads, not only all the monsters in Taiping Mountain, but also the monsters on the mountains of Dahuang Mountain and Huoguang Cave must have great respect for the elder brother.

Therefore, the red skin really doesn't want to trouble his elder brother with his own trivial matters.

In his opinion, only important matters such as rescuing the second brother are worthy of the eldest brother's personal action.

Okay, no more talking about this matter, it's decided!

Seeing that Hongpi was still refusing, Lu Wufei said decisively.

The eldest brother spoke like this.

What else can the red skin do?

Of course he knew that the journey back to Langlang Mountain was very dangerous, otherwise after so long, he sent out dozens of little demons and demon generals, and they would only come back as fast as one.

Although he thinks that with Taipingshan and the name of Big Brother, it shouldn't be too dangerous.

But if the eldest brother goes there in person, it will definitely be foolproof.

At this moment, Hongpi felt nothing but being more moved.

There is no need to say anything else about the feelings he had with his elder brother all the way.

There is the matter of Hongpi going back to Langlang Mountain to pick up my mother.

I didn't feel like eating this dinner.

Not long.

The dinner dispersed.

Lu Wufei took the crow monster and stood in the square in front of the Taiping Palace.

Soon, Red Skin took the crow demon and flew quickly to the top of the peak.

It was the first time to have such close contact with the king.

As soon as Fei Kuai walked in, he immediately trembled and knelt down.

Lu Wufei was not surprised.

The little demon below Taiping Peak was so excited when he saw him.

Many of the monsters on Taiping Peak are the monsters of Langlang Mountain who were under the command of his elder brother Bai Yunxiao.

Considered a direct descendant.

And when he threw the bodies of the three demon kings out of the Great Wilderness Mountain.

His reputation is already full in the eyes of all the little demons.

As for bringing this little crow demon general.

It's because of leading the way.

Lu Wufei didn't know the way back to the original place, where his dream in this world began, without adding Langlang Mountain to it.

But remember that the place is not far from human habitation, and you can think of the distance from that place to the Taiping Mountains.

So far away.

If we really want the red-skinned and crow monsters to go alone.

Lu Wufei might have to go down to the underworld to catch the crow monster.

Stand firm...

See everyone present.

Clouds and mist grew under Lu Wufei's feet, wrapping the red skin and two crow monsters in it, and then shot towards the distant horizon.


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