ps: I haven’t thought about the chapter name yet, it won’t affect the main text~

North Sea Crystal Palace.

Inside the main hall.

The report of the little demon from the gatekeeper sea tribe immediately made all the Dragon Palace ministers in the entire hall stunned.

On top of the luxurious main seat.

Dragon King Ao Shun, who was holding the dragon's head, didn't seem to hear clearly and immediately shouted to the musician who was still playing: Stop!

The musician stopped.

The dancing in the hall also stopped.

Dragon King Ao Shun immediately waved his hand.

A group of women in long gauze skirts immediately bowed and left.

Ao Shun then looked at the shrimp demon in the distance and asked, What did you just say? Who is visiting? Say it again?

Hearing the sound, the shrimp demon knelt down and said: King Qi, there is a Taoist coming from outside. He claims to be a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain, and he wants to visit the Dragon King!

No more music interference.

Now, in the entire hall, not only the Dragon King, but also all the other ministers present heard clearly.

Where is Wanshou Mountain?

At this time, the young sea tribesman with a young face and a long beard on his face. Although he was in human form, the scales on his body were obvious and he couldn't help but ask: Where is Wuzhuang Temple?

No rudeness!

On the left side of the throne, the head of the ministers was a man of short stature, wearing a robe, with an old look, white beard and hair, but very bright eyes. The old man immediately scolded the young Hai clan, and then said: Wanshou Mountain is a blessed place on earth. , Wuzhuang Temple is even more like a fairy cave.

The master of Wuzhuang Temple is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, and his holy name is Yushi Tongjun Zhen Yuanzi Great Immortal.

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan was born with the heaven and the earth, and was a contemporary of the Sanqing Dynasty. He saw the spiritual root of one day: the ginseng fruit tree. The fruit tree blooms once every three thousand years, bears fruit once every three thousand years, takes another three thousand years to mature, and only takes ten thousand years before it can be eaten. The fruit is called Cao Huan Dan, also known as ginseng fruit. If a person is destined to smell the fruit, he can live 360 ​​years; if he eats one, he can live 47,000 years. That is as good as the Queen Mother of the Heavenly Palace peach garden. A rarity comparable to...

The Immortal Zhenyuan does not grant heavenly duties and lives permanently in Wuzhuang Guandongtian. This is why he is not easily known to the outside world.

You don't know, so don't talk nonsense...

Having said this, the old man looked at the Dragon King on the throne and said, Your Majesty, that is a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple. You must not neglect...

What the Prime Minister said is true...

On the throne, Dragon King Ao Shun nodded and said: Go, welcome that Taoist into the palace, don't neglect...


Just when he opened his mouth, Ao Shun immediately said: This is the first time for a Wuzhuang Temple disciple to visit our Dragon Palace. It would be better if I go there in person, and you guys come with me...

Ao Shun looked at the ministers and finished.

Zi Gu stood up, stepped off the throne, and strode towards the main door.

All the ministers immediately followed.

Prime Minister, that Wuzhuang Temple is extraordinary, but it is just a disciple. King Laolong and I personally greet you, isn't it a bit too much...

It's not an exaggeration at all. Don't look at the low profile of Wuzhuang Temple, and the reputation of Immortal Zhenyuan. That's not something we can offend...

If you are confused, go back and find out for yourself. When you go back and think about it, once you meet that person, don't open your mouth and bring trouble to the king...

Seeing how serious the Prime Minister's words were, the minister who asked the question immediately apologized and said, What the Prime Minister taught me is that I understand...

When Dragon King Ao Shun led a group of ministers to welcome him out of the gate.

Outside the gates of the Crystal Palace.

Lu Wufei was leisurely looking at the scenery outside Beihai Dragon Palace.

Looking at the large group of buildings in the distance, covering a vast area and spreading across the seabed, they seem to be quite loose, but in fact they feel somewhat integrated.

Lu Wufei knew in his heart that this huge Beihai Dragon Palace was probably a treasure.

And looking at this huge building, sitting quietly on the bottom of the deep sea, it is transparent, bright, and extremely beautiful. It is surrounded by corals of various colors and surrounded by various schools of fish, like a dreamlike Crystal Palace.

Lu Wufei's horizons were opened again.

This sea view is much more magnificent than the Ocean Park he visited in his previous life.

Southeast and northwest seas.

The East China Sea is the largest and the North Sea is the smallest.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is also the eldest brother among the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas.

The old dragon that Lu Wufei saw last time at the Heavenly Queen Mother Pantao Club was the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The sea view of Beihai Dragon Palace is so beautiful.

I think the East China Sea Dragon Palace must be even better. You should definitely go and see it if you have the chance.

Lu Wufei was admiring the scenery outside the Crystal Palace while his thoughts were swirling.

Dragon King Ao Shunzheng and a group of water palace ministers quickly came to the gate of the Crystal Palace. Looking at the slender figure in green robes with extraordinary temperament outside the palace, he became more and more afraid to look down upon him and hurriedly stepped forward and said: I Tell me why the flowers in the palace are in bloom today. It turns out that distinguished guests are visiting...

Xiaolong Ao Shun, I have seen the Immortal of Wuzhuang Temple...

When Dragon King Ao Shun and a group of sea people stood in front of him and saluted.

Lu Wufei's eyes were slightly dazzled by the large formation in front of him, and he immediately understood.

This was his first time to directly visit other immortal mountains and blessed places, and it was also his first time to visit in the name of a disciple of Wuzhuang Temple.

The other party's gift was not a small one. Although it was him who was worshiping him, it was also the disciple and teacher behind him.

And looked at the posture of the Dragon King in front of him.

It also gave Lu Wufei a better understanding of his sect and his identity.

For a moment.

Lu Wufei, who had already had a clear mind, realized it clearly and immediately returned the gift and said: I don't dare to bear such a courtesy from the Dragon King. I have the temerity to come here today. The Dragon King will not mind the inconvenience of the poor Dao...

You're welcome, the Immortal. The Immortal can come because my water palace is so radiant. How can I say that I'm disturbing you...

Dragon King Ao Shun smiled immediately when he saw this, and said more politely: I will prepare some wine in my palace, please invite the immortal...

Dragon King Ao Shun stretched out his hand to ask.

Lu Wufei was not polite at this time and walked into the Beihai Dragon Palace.

Dragon King Ao Shun then turned to look at a minister beside him. Seeing this, the minister immediately saluted the Dragon King, then turned around and walked in the other direction.

Ao Shun quickly stepped forward, walking side by side with Lu Wufei, and said, I once attended your Majesty's Danyuan Dharma Assembly many years ago...

Having said this, Ao Shun cupped his hands in the direction of Beitianmen and continued: I am fortunate enough to have met the Immortal Zhenyuan. I wonder how the Immortal is doing lately...

Hear the Dragon King's temptation.

Lu Wufei looked back and said with a smile: Thank you Dragon King for your concern. A few days ago, Pindao just attended the Queen Mother's Peach Festival with the teacher. The teacher is now practicing at the master's gate. Everything is fine...

Lu Wufei finished speaking.

Hearing about the Peach Festival...

I heard that this person had just participated in the Peach Festival...

Many of the ministers following behind him immediately showed shocked expressions on their faces.

Peach Festival!

That was a peach event!

Why does it feel so normal to this Taoist?

No more than monsters in the mountains, even some monsters at the level of monster kings, they don’t know what the Peach Festival is.

But for everyone in the system, especially the ministers in the Dragon Palace who have a low status in the lower realm.

The name of Peach Peach Festival is so famous that it can be heard like thunder.

After all, the Peach Festival invited Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats from the West, Guanyin from the South and Antarctica, Saint Emperor Chong'en from the East, Immortals from the Ten Continents and Three Islands, Mysterious Spirits from the North Arctic, and the Great Immortal from the Central Yellow Pole. old. There are also the Five Dou Xing Lords, the Three Pure Ones, Four Emperors, and Taiyi Celestial Immortals in the upper eight caves, the Jade Emperor, Jiu Lei, and Haiyue Immortals in the middle eight caves, the Nether Cult leader in the lower eight caves, and the earthly immortals who inject the world...

Even their own Dragon King is not qualified to go to heaven to attend the banquet.

How could we not be shocked when we heard that this Taoist priest, who seemed to be relatively young, casually said that he had just attended the Peach Festival.

Dragon King Ao Shun, who was standing next to Lu Wufei, also looked stunned and was shocked when he heard these words.

But I immediately thought of the status of Zhenyuan Immortal.

It seems like I feel normal again.

However, this Taoist was able to be brought to the Heavenly Court for the banquet by the Immortal Zhenyuan, so his status in Wuzhuang Temple was obviously not low.

Moreover, the peach event had just ended not long ago.

This man didn't seem to be lying, and his tone sounded polite, but his arrogance was hidden underneath, similar to the disciples of the Immortal Mountain Blessed Land he had seen before.

The other party should be from Wuzhuang Temple, it doesn't seem to be a fake...

Dragon King Ao Shun was thinking quickly in his mind, but at this moment he only heard the other party continue: By the way, Pindao met Brother Dragon King at the Peach Festival...

Ao Shun paused when he heard the sound. He was completely suspicious of the Taoist next to him because his elder brother, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was the only dragon clan qualified to be invited to the Dragon King of the Four Seas. He also knew that the eldest brother had just returned from a banquet in heaven. .

Thinking of this, Ao Shun became more polite and said: I have never participated in a peach festival, and I really envy the Immortal... I wonder what the Immortal is called?

Lu Wufei said: Ignorant Lu Wufei...

Ao Shun smiled and said: It turns out it's the Land Immortal... The Immortal invites you. I've been envious of the Peach Festival for a long time.

This time, the Immortal will definitely tell me about the grand event...

Dragon King Ao Shun said and stretched out his hand to lead Lu Wufei straight towards the main hall.

Not long after.

Lu Wufei followed Dragon King Ao Shun to the Dragon Palace.

In the spacious hall, a long table has been set up. The table is full of delicacies, wine and delicacies...

What a delicacy.

Lu Wufei saw birds on land and seafood under water.

Guests do as they please.

Lu Wufei was invited to sit in the chief position below the Dragon King.

Lu Wufei didn't delay either.

Take your seat generously. He sits here, not only on behalf of himself, but also on behalf of the masters behind him. He will not be polite.

Wait for everyone to take their seats.

Dragon King Ao Shun sat on the main seat.

He clapped his hands.

Immediately afterwards.

A row of beautiful women wearing long gauze skirts and musicians came out of the side hall.


Melodious music sounded.

The dancer dances.

Dragon King Ao Shun raised his glass and looked at Lu Wufei, who was standing aside, and said: This is the first time that Immortal Wu Zhuang Guan has come to visit me in this palace. Immortal Lu Shang is here today. He is so radiant and has some wine. I would like to ask Immortal Lu not to take offense. ...

Lu Wufei smiled, raised his glass and said, It's so kind, the Dragon King is so polite...

A group of Beihai Dragon Palace ministers also spoke at this time: This is the first time that the Land Immortal comes to our Beihai. He still needs to drink a few more drinks...

That's it, drink it before you can tell us about the grand peach festival...

The banquet is in progress.

North Sea Dragon King Ao Shun and a group of ministers held it politely.

Lu Wufei also knows how to be polite.

This cocktail party is a feast for the guests and the host.

Halfway through the banquet.

Dragon King Ao Shun put down his wine glass and asked Lu Wufei aside: I wonder if Lu Shangxian came to my palace this time for something?

Lu Wufei nodded and said, It's just something...

Dragon King Ao Shun was not surprised. After all, the North Sea is far away and Wanshou Mountain is thousands of miles away from here. It is impossible for the other party to come to the North Sea for no reason. Then he heard the voice and asked, I don't know what it is. Feel free to tell me, Land Immortal.

Lu Wufei put down the wine glass in his hand and said seriously: This matter is a bit dirty, please don't take offense to the Dragon King...


Dragon King Ao Shun was surprised when he heard the sound. From the tone of the other party, it was obvious that something was wrong, but he and Wuzhuang Temple were incompatible with each other, so what could happen?

Ao Shun quickly thought about it in his mind, confirmed that nothing happened, and immediately said: Lu Shangxian said, if there is any offense in my palace, I will give an explanation to the Supreme Immortal.

No matter how enthusiastic the Dragon King of Beihai is, Lu Wufei will not forget why he came and said, I believe the Dragon King and everyone can see Pindao's origin?

Dragon King Ao Shun nodded. The land immortal in front of him could not reach the realm of human immortality.

Of course he could tell whether the other party was a wolf demon or a white wolf.

Lu Wufei continued: Pindao was born in the far north of Xiniu Hezhou, a barbaric land...

After joining the master's sect, I found a territory in the wilderness to protect my clan from wind and rain...

Before August, I returned to Shanmen and went to heaven with my teacher to attend the peach festival...

Unexpectedly, a sea army suddenly appeared in the wilderness and attacked the territory I left behind...

They took advantage of my absence to kill my brothers and destroy my territory...

Lu Wufei said it lightly, but in the ears of the Dragon King and the ministers, it felt a little bad.

Immediately afterwards. Find Shuyuan

Then I heard the voice of Lu Shangxian continued to come: They claim to be from Beihai Dragon Palace...

So, I came here today to ask who is so hostile to me?

The words fell.

In the ears of Dragon King Ao Shun and all the ministers, it was like thunder.

This is impossible!

The first person to speak out was the elegant old man sitting opposite.

Lu Wufei knew that the other party was the Prime Minister of Beihai Dragon Palace.

I saw the other party continue to say: If we in Beihai mobilized troops, I would definitely know about it, so why would I send a large army all the way to the wilderness of Hezhou, Xiniu...


Just talking.

The Prime Minister seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stopped as he spoke.

This time.

Dragon King Ao Shun, who was sitting on the main seat, immediately saw it and immediately frowned and said: Prime Minister, in front of Lu Shangxian, if you have anything to say, just say it.

The Prime Minister nodded when he heard this, and then slowly said: About half a year ago, Governor Bai Jianbai seemed to have said that he would go to Xihai to visit relatives, and even took away his subordinates...

When Ao Shun heard this, his expression suddenly darkened, and he asked coldly: Why didn't I know about this...?

The Prime Minister saluted and said: Your Majesty happened to go to the East China Sea at that time, so I didn't know...

Ao Shun's face became more and more gloomy. He was about to ask the prime minister why he didn't report the incident, but he immediately thought of the bad relationship between the prime minister and his own lieutenant.

I already have the answer in my heart.

Ao Shun looked at the prime minister who had a low eyebrow and the ministers who dared not say a word. He slammed the table and said, Come on, bring Bai Jian up here!

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