Journey to the West: I cultivate through adding stat points

Chapter 145: Raising an army to investigate, greedy for merit and advancing rashly, trip to Beihai!

Your Majesty!

At the top of Taiping Mountain and Taiping Peak, all the monsters bowed and saluted.

Lu Wufei looked at the familiar monsters around him. Except for the second brother, the crow monster, they were all still there.

His cold eyes glanced at all the monsters around him.

That heavy oppressive force, as if it had substance, enveloped all the monsters.

this moment.

Any monster with a little bit of intelligence could sense the King's displeasure.

He stood there hunched over, not daring to move at all, let alone stand up straight.

Lu Wufei said nothing and just looked at him.

He wanted to yell, why are you all still alive when the second brother is dead?

But he can't. He is now the Lord of Taiping Mountain, with tens of thousands of little demons under his command.

It's not good to be too emotional, and he doesn't like it either.

However, they must all be responsible for the death of the second crow monster.

Lu Wufei said nothing.

His eyes became colder and heavier.

His cultivation was low, his mind was unstable, and his will was not strong enough. At this time, his body began to tremble and his feet began to swing.

at this time.




Outside the square, several demon generals couldn't bear the suffocating and terrifying atmosphere around them, and couldn't bear Lu Wufei's heavier gaze. Finally, they couldn't stand any longer and fell to their knees one after another.

even so.

No monster dared to make a sound.

The demon general fell to his knees and did not dare to say a word. He continued to kneel even though he was still kneeling. He did not dare to stand up and could not stand up.



At this time, two more demon generals couldn't bear it and knelt down directly.


When Lu Wufei saw this, he snorted coldly, then put away his magical power, flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked towards the Taiping Palace.

Until Lu Wufei walked far away, left the square and walked towards the Taiping Palace.

The monsters headed by Bai Yunxiao then dared to stand up slowly and breathed a sigh of relief.


Finally passed the test...

General Bai Yunxiao's assistant, the newly promoted Black Wolf General Heiyan stood up and exhaled loudly, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said with fear.

As for Wang Gang's gaze, if he continued, he would be unable to bear it even if he was a demon commander. It was no wonder that those demon generals were directly suppressed and fell to the ground.

His promotion to the Demon Commander happened in the past few years. Except for the first time he broke through the Demon Commander, and when he was promoted to the General, he met the king once, but never saw him again.

I have always heard rumors that the king is extremely powerful, stronger than the neighboring territories, such as Huoguang Cave, Eagle Cliff, and several demon kings in Lishui Mansion.

But I never really felt it.

Today, within those few breaths, he really felt it.

That kind of power made him clearly feel that the king could kill him even with just his gaze.


Heiyan took a deep breath, still feeling uneasy in his heart.

When Bai Yunxiao heard the sound, he shook his head and said, I'm afraid the king already knows that something happened to the black leader...

Let's go, the next step is the difficulty, we have to face the wrath of the king!

Bai Yunxiao said and immediately stepped forward.

On the side, Hongpi looked at his elder brother's leaving figure without saying a word.

Of course he heard what General Bai said.

I also realized that the eldest brother should know that something happened to the second brother.

The eldest brother's attitude was clearly revealed just now, he was very angry.

This also made him react and realize why his elder brother was angry.

If something happens to his second brother, he is also responsible.

The eldest brother had long given him the task of taking care of the brothers after he left. Why didn't he take good care of the second brother?

Third brother...

Watching Bai Yunxiao leave towards the Taiping Palace.

Huang Gui looked at Hong Pi and didn't respond, and immediately asked.

Let's go...

The red skin was not in a daze, he was blaming himself and walked forward after hearing the sound.

Huang Gui and Wandashan followed immediately.

Your Majesty...

Lu Wufei walked into the Taiping Palace and waited in front of the palace gate. He was wearing a plain blue dress, fair complexion, and a well-behaved human maid Lingshan immediately saluted.

Since she was successfully promoted from a maid to a maid who warms the king's bed and attends his bed.

Lingshan's status in the Taiping Palace suddenly became second only to Wandashan, the general manager of the Taiping Palace.


Lu Wufei nodded expressionlessly and walked into the hall.

Your Majesty...

Entering the main hall, a group of demon maids lined up and stood together immediately saluted.

Lu Wufei walked straight to the throne on the high platform of the main hall: a large, thick wooden chair with the body carved with dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other auspicious animal patterns.

This big chair was left behind by the original great demon king of the Great Wilderness Mountain, the ape demon Yuan Zhang.

The old demon has pretty good taste, and many of the decorations in the Taiping Palace are in line with Lu Wufei's aesthetics, especially the semi-open-air bath.

This big chair was just fine, and Lu Wufei didn't bother to change it.

He sat directly on the throne on the high platform and the big chair.

at the same time.

Outside the Taiping Palace.

Bai Yunxiao walked to the door and stopped.

When the red men arrived, they immediately said: The king must have known about the black leader. When he was angry, it would be bad if too many people came in. After a while, the red leader, the yellow leader, and the general manager of Wandashan...

Having said this, Bai Yunxiao paused for a moment, and then said: General Hei, please go in together. The others are waiting outside...


Bai Yunxiao then said a few words to Lingshan, the human maid in front of the palace gate.

Soon, the maid Lingshan walked quickly into the hall, walked under the throne, and said softly: Your Majesty, General Bai and Commander Hong are outside, can they come in?

They didn't dare to go in. It seemed that they had just been frightened.

Lu Wufei said: Why are you still hanging out? Come in...

The words fell.

There were footsteps immediately in front of the palace gate.

Bai Yunxiao was in front, followed by Hongpi, Huang Gui, Wandashan, and General Heiyan.

A group of monsters quickly came to the throne and were about to bow.

Lu Wufei interrupted expressionlessly: Okay, General Bai, tell me, what happened during my absence?

Also, where is the black leader?

From beginning to end, everything, five, ten, tell me clearly!

Lu Wufei's cold and majestic voice echoed throughout the Taiping Palace.

Yes, Your Majesty!

Bai Yunxiao, who was at the front under the high platform, took a deep breath and began to say: That was less than two months after the king left.

A group of sea monsters claiming to be from the North Sea appeared in the sky above our territory at the western border of Taiping Mountain and Dahuang Mountain...

The leader of the Beihai Sea Clan seems to be called the Great Governor, the Realm of the Demon Ancestor...

And, there are five sea demon kings...

The reason they came here is because the king killed the governor's son-in-law, the former three kings, Bai Mian!

Hear this.

Lu Wufei already understood.

This is the wife of the three kings who escaped from Beihai and brought the Hai people to take revenge.

Ten years ago, at that time, he divided the Great Wilderness Mountain into two, brought all the mountains with the strongest aura into the Taiping Mountains, and also brought all the managers of the three demon kings under his command.

The steward from the three kings reported the matter to his brother Bai Yunxiao.

Bai Yunxiao also told Lu Wufei.

He didn't let his guard down about this.

Otherwise, he would not have been sitting in Taipingshan for ten years and waiting for ten years.

The results of it.

Hearing what his brother meant, as soon as he left, the Beihai Sea Clan came.

Senior Brother Qingfeng always said that he was lucky.

When I returned to the mountain, I met an angel who came to invite the teacher to a banquet. I was really lucky to catch up with him.

But what should he say if his home was stolen?

Ancestor of Dahuang Mountain will come out soon...

Also coming out are the two demon kings from Huoguang Cave and the demon king from Eagle Cliff...

The Grand Governor of the Sea Clan wanted to seek revenge on the king, but the ancestor of Dahuang Mountain ignored him...

It seems that seeing our strength, the Sea Clan is thinking of retreating...

But the ancestor still rushed forward, and he was the first to rush forward...

Then, we fought with the monsters from the Great Wilderness Mountain, Huoguang Cave, and Eagle Cliff, and the Beihai Monster Clan, just to the west of our Taiping Mountain...

In that battle, most of the demon clan in the North Sea were killed or injured, but we don't know the situation of those demon kings and the great governor...

Finally, I heard what the Demon King of Huoguang Cave said, saying that the Governor of Beihai escaped with serious injuries. He brought five Demon Kings with him. One of them died at the hands of the ancestor of Dahuang Mountain, and the others escaped with injuries... .

Say this in one breath.

Bai Yunxiao paused for a moment and took a breath. Seeing that the king did not speak, he continued: Although those sea tribes are good in strength, they are obviously no match for us in the mountains and forests. Therefore, we lost two thousand little demons in this battle, which is more than Huoguang. The cave has fewer casualties, similar to Eagle Cliff...

As for the black leader...

Speaking of the most serious matter this time, Bai Yunxiao sighed in his heart and was about to speak.

The red skin behind him suddenly interjected: Brother, I know more about the second brother than General Bai. Why don't you let me speak?

Redskin's voice was heard.

On the high platform, Lu Wufei nodded and closed his eyes: Tell me...

Hongspi said at this time: In the beginning, my second brother and my fourth brother were all on the top of Wanda Mountain. At that time, I was fighting with a sea monster...

When I killed the sea monster, the sea monsters were completely defeated, and the little monsters were furious...

After the war, I found my fourth brother and Wanda Mountain, but I didn't see my second brother, so I asked all the little demons to find...

Finally, it was Wandashan who told me that a sparrow demon under his command discovered the second brother...

When we arrived, the second brother was seriously injured on his chest. He was already...

At this point, Red Skin said in a low voice: Already dead...

Red Skin finished speaking.

No words were spoken.

The hall immediately became quiet.

Apart from the breathing of the monsters, the only sound that could be heard was the whistling wind blowing in along the palace door.

On the high platform.

Lu Wufei closed his eyes and sat back, digesting the news told by his elder brother Bai Yunxiao and his second brother Hongpi.

It's just like what Bai Yunxiao said.

The North Sea monster came for me, and the monster ancestor Hu Yue, who had received a heavy gift from me, stood up and fulfilled her promise.

As for what his brother said, the Beihai Demon Clan finally showed a retreating attitude, but Demon Ancestor Hu Yue was the first to rush out and take action.

Although this triggered a battle with the Beihai Sea Tribe, it indirectly led to the death of the second child.

But it’s hard to blame the other party for this.

First of all, Demon Ancestor Hu Yue fulfilled his promise and stood up to block the Beihai Demon Clan, especially since this incident was caused by himself.

Moreover, the opponent is a demon ancestor, not an ordinary demon ancestor, he is very powerful.

She was only entrusted by herself, and she would not obey her orders. She had ideas and Lu Wufei couldn't stop her.

And this time she attacked the sea tribe, showing off the majesty of land monsters and frightening the sea tribe.

After this battle in Taiping Mountain, they did not pay much in casualties, but they seized a large number of Sea Clan corpses, weapons, armor and other materials, making a profit no matter what.

If nothing happens to the second child, this will be a great harvest.

No matter how Lu Wufei tried to find excuses, he couldn't blame the Demon Ancestor Hu Yue.

On the contrary, when he came back this time, he had to pay a visit to express his gratitude.

As for the death of the second crow monster.

Listen to what the third child, Red Skin, has to say.

The second child's own fault was the biggest, mainly because he was greedy for power, broke away from the demon group, and pursued the Sea Clan alone.

No wonder others.

But even so.

Bai Yunxiao and Hongpi still have to bear the responsibility.

Because Lu Wufei left Taipingshan in charge of Bai Yunxiao;

The responsibility of taking care of the brothers was given to the red skin.

If something happens to the second child, they are the leaders and they are responsible if they fail to fulfill their duty of protection.

But they are also brothers.

Being able to take good care of Taipingshan is also a credit.

How could Lu Wufei punish them?

My anger and attitude are just to make them realize their responsibility and mistake.

A good while.

Lu Wufei opened his eyes and said, Where is the second brother's body now?

I heard the king's tone soften a little.

The demons below the high platform breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Yunxiao then answered: I'm telling you, Your Majesty, we didn't bury the black leader's body, but placed it next to a cold pool under our Taiping Peak, and let the little demon breathe out cold air to freeze it and seal it. Every day Blessings, waiting for the king to come back and deal with it...

Lu Wufei was relieved when he heard this.

It's a good thing the body was preserved.

If the body dies and he recovers the soul of the second child, he will have to find a new body for him, which will be detrimental to his future practice.

Take me to see...

Lu Wufei stood up and appeared in front of the palace gate. Bai Yunxiao and the monsters immediately caught up with him.

Not long after.

At the foot of the huge Taiping Peak, next to a deep pool, a large space has been dug out of the mountain.

Lu Wufei, along with Bai Yunxiao and the red-skinned demons, appeared in front of the corpse of a huge crow demon that was seven or eight meters in length and was frozen in ice.

On the side, more than a dozen little demons with cold energy were breathing cold air at the crow demon's body to keep the crow demon's body in a frozen state.

Lu Wufei also saw clearly from the side that there was a terrifying wound the size of a bowl on the chest of the second demon body.

It was the same as what he had dreamed about while meditating that day.

It looks like the dick is well preserved.

Then he looked at the twelve little demons who looked a little sluggish after breathing out the cold air.

Lu Wufei looked at his brother Bai Yunxiao and said, Well done! Find more little monsters with similar magical powers, the more the better...

Although I don’t know why Brother Xian didn’t bury the black leader.

But the wise brother had instructions, so Bai Yunxiao just obeyed, nodded and said: Well, I will arrange it as soon as possible...

Lu Wufei turned around and exited the deep pool cave.

Red Skin followed behind, unable to bear it any longer, he stepped forward and asked, Brother, aren't we going to bury our second brother?


of course not...

When Hongpi asked, Lu Wufei shook his head and said slowly: I'm going to go to the underworld to see if I can bring my dick back!


Lu Wufei walked straight forward.


Not only Hongpi, but also Bai Yunxiao, Huang Gui, Wandashan, General Heiyan and other demons who were qualified to follow were stunned.

Go to the underworld and bring back the black tie...

When one's strength reaches the level of a demon general, one basically knows that death does not end completely, but that one will be taken away by the seductress from the underworld.

The king said these words so calmly and calmly that he was going to the underworld to ask for someone.

To their ears, it was more deafening, more coercive and domineering than thunder in the clear sky!

Did I hear correctly just now...

General Heiyan, the black wolf demon, was a little disbelieving and asked: The king said he was going to the underworld to save the black leader?

Bai Yunxiao also felt a little unbelievable, took a deep breath, nodded and said: You heard it right, that's what the king said!


Finished watching the second child, Crow Monster.

After returning to the Taiping Palace, Lu Wufei gave some instructions and without any delay, he took a step towards the sky and flew towards the north.

Demon Ancestor Hu Yue fulfilled her promise.

Taipingshan has been well preserved.

Of course Lu Wufei needed to come and thank him.

Even if it was just a transaction, he paid a high price.

But the other party was willing to help and helped very well, so Lu Wufei had to come.

Apart from him, there is no second demon king in Taiping Mountain now.

From time to time, he has to travel back and forth between Shimen Wuzhuang Temple and Taiping Mountain.

As long as there is no second demon king in Taipingshan.

He needs to make good friends with Demon Ancestor Hu Yue.

Not long after.

Lu Wufei appeared in the sky on a steep cliff with a depth of thousands of feet.

Then, from a distance, I saw the rabbit demon Hu Meiniang in a pale pink dress coming forward again.

Lu Wufei and Hu Meiniang were somewhat destined, after some pleasantries.

Lu Wufei followed Hu Meiniang to the place where the demon ancestor Hu Yue lived.

When walking into a simple attic built among the bamboo forests on the top of the mountain.

Lu Wufei saw Demon Ancestor Hu Yue lying on the bamboo bed, and two handsome male demons were carefully squeezing her tender white feet.

Beside, looking for the book garden also sat a young man wearing a black gold robe, with a stern appearance, silver light shining in his eyes from time to time, and a sharp aura all over his body.

Hey, King Bai is back...

It's really fast this time...

Seeing Lu Wufei in green robe approaching, Demon Ancestor Hu Yue's eyes lit up and he spoke.

I've seen my ancestor...

Having interacted with Hu Yue more than once, Lu Wufei was quite familiar with Hu Yue and said without restraint: I'd like to thank you ancestor this time...

It's a small matter, we'll talk about it later...

Hu Yue said, motioning to the young man beside him: Let me introduce you, he is Yinmu, the Lord of Eagle Cliff...


Half an hour later.

Lu Wufei appeared high in the sky again, flying towards his own territory.

The Taipingshan incident has been resolved for the time being.


Just deal with the matter between Lao Er and Bei Hai.

The second child, the crow monster, did not remember his repeated warnings. He was greedy for success and rushed forward, leading to his own death. It was really annoying.

Anyway, his body is fine now, so it would be better to let him suffer in the underworld for a few more days.

Let him sharpen his memory.

The trip to the underworld can be postponed.

On the other hand, the Beihai Sea Clan dared to attack Taiping Mountain with great fanfare this time.

If this revenge is not avenged, Lu Wufei will not be able to swallow this breath.

I heard that there are many treasures in the Dragon Palace, and there is also the hatred of the second child, so I just want to calculate it together!

This is the thought.

Lu Wufei had already made a decision. After arranging the Taiping Mountain, he would go to Beihai first, talk to the Dragon King of Beihai, and ask him if he had any dissatisfaction with Wuzhuang Temple.

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