"Hey, this kid's skills are not bad!"

Li Jing and others watched this 1v1 solo in the platform room.

The layman looks at the bustle, and the insider looks at the doorway.

These immortals, who are determined to win the championship of next year's DOTA, are naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

For Nezha's game strength, everyone knows it.

And what really surprised them was that this child with the ID of the 'Holy Child King', within a few minutes of the opening scene, was able to fight with Nezha on the same footing!

This point was first seen from the opening card soldiers.

Nezha chose the butcher at the beginning, and Red Boy chose the popular shadow demon of solo.

Nezha's side obviously stuck the line very seriously, and the process was perfect.

But in the end, the position of the troop line is also worthy of being in the middle of the river, which shows that the opposite troop line card is also very good.

But then everyone clicked on the equipment on the Shadow Demon's body, and they were a little speechless.

Shadow Demon Solo, go out with attributes to support the attack power, otherwise it is extremely difficult to make up for the knife at the beginning.

And this shadow demon actually brought three groups of eating trees and three groups of big medicine out of the house, and he didn't add any attributes, this outfit is really flattering.

Shadow Demon against the line butcher, overall Shadow Demon Xiaoyou.

However, due to the existence of three skills, Shadow Demon belongs to the type that gets stronger and stronger the more you fight, so you must limit the opponent's mending knife in front.

Nezha did the same, and at the beginning, he controlled the butcher to twist his fat body, rubbed against the natural disaster heights, and drove away the shadow demon in various positions.

The impact of this interference on the mending knife is quite large, especially when the Red Child's Shadow Fiend does not have any attributes, and the replenishment is almost a luxury.

However, the next performance of the red boy was quite unexpected.

While dodging the butcher, he took the lead in grabbing two positives and one negative, and his attack power instantly soared.

"Huh, it seems pretty good..."


"I have a strong sense of rhythm..."

Li Jing and the others were surprised.

There are some things that are really born with games.

In the past few days, their Heavenly Court has been recruiting people on a large scale.

Every player who comes to apply has to go through a professional test, and one of the tests is to make up the knife.

The standard of the Heavenly Court is that in the case of no interference, the mending knife must be fully collected, and when there is interference, the positive and negative compensation rate must reach 60% to be considered qualified.

This standard may seem like nothing, but when you actually operate it, you can see that very few people can meet it.

Even Li Jing and others may not be able to meet this condition.

And this child's performance clearly exceeded this standard.

Of course, the mending is only one factor.

In general, Nezha is more experienced, and while mending the knife, he also controls the line very steadily.

The handover between the two armies is always kept downhill from the guard, causing Shadow Fiend to lose from time to time.

Then Nezha took advantage of a wave of vision suppression from the Qing soldiers, and threw out a yin hook, pulling the shadow demon who could not retreat directly to his own tower.

Immediately open the corrosive sticky, and with the help of the defense tower, easily take a blood.

The whole killing process is smooth, and it can be called a model of a butcher's single kill.

"Li Aiqing, what do you think?"

After this kill, the Jade Emperor looked at Li Jing and asked.

Since the two shameful battles against Mu You that day, the Jade Emperor has been practicing the hero of the Shadow Demon frantically recently.

Now his shadow demon has played with a clear eye and has a lot of his own experience.

At this time, watching the battle between the Shadow Demon and the Butcher on the field, I couldn't help but substitute into the perspective of the Shadow Demon.

"I still lack some experience, but I have the foundation and the talent is very good. "

Li Jing replied, and was suddenly stunned after speaking, and looked at the Jade Emperor in surprise.

"Your Majesty is trying to absorb him into our team?"

The biggest problem of Heavenly Court now is that the player base is too small, resulting in too few players who are really powerful.

Their goal is to win the title.

And now in the team, there is actually only Nezha who meets the requirements of the champion team.

If they want to win the championship consistently, they will have to find ways to recruit high-end talent.

It's just that the kid on the other side seems to be a demon clan.

It seems that there is something wrong with the inclusion of a demon clan in the heavenly court.

The Jade Emperor shook his head noncommittally: "Let's watch the game first, if the situation is really good, you can contact it first when you go back." "


As soon as the two finished speaking, the form on the field changed a little.

The advantage in solo is that it is very easy to snowball.

After getting one blood, plus receiving two batches of troops in a row, the butcher successfully reached six.

And with the butcher of the ultimate, it is easier and more comfortable to kill people.

Hiding at the mouth of the river, taking advantage of the gap between the opponent's TP landing, a blind hook was thrown.

Quickly and ruthlessly, he hooked the shadow demon who landed from the lieutenant general of the army, and then the butcher opened it up, rotted, and took it away in one set.


The poor Shadow Fiend had just been resurrected, and before he had time to eat the slightest bit of experience, he was sent back to the spring.

This was not over, and then the butcher quickly cleared the line and pushed down a tower in the middle of the natural disaster.

Lose two heads, plus a defense tower, even the level is eight to five, and the equipment is even more crushing the gap...

Red Boy was undoubtedly cornered at this point.

At this time, Nezha even deliberately bought the fog of trickery, but he didn't use it in a hurry, but hid the props on the side of the hillside, and he continued to wander around the line as if nothing happened.

It wasn't until the Shadow Demon was resurrected and came to the front line again that Nezha quietly retreated, knocked through the fog of trickery, and hid in the woods on the side of the middle lane, preparing to wait for the line of troops to come, and then throw the hook and kill people.

"Damn, sinister!"

The barefoot immortal scolded secretly.

"For a child, it's not like that..."

"It's too brutal..."

"Bullying children!"

The others were a little overwhelmed.

"What insidious, this is called experience!"

Nezha smiled, not caring at all.

As a natural executioner, the butcher originally played like this, if it was a decent fight, what kind of butcher would he play?

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