Nuwa's requirements for movies are very high.

Although the few movies Nuwa watched before failed to make her have any emotional fluctuations.

But those movies, at least in the process of dramatic conflict, gave her an urge to 'be interesting and want to keep watching'.

And this film, which spent a lot of space in the early stage, was used to describe the daily life of a couple of men and women, and there were almost no ups and downs in the plot.

Nuwa had already heard the yawning sound from the audience in the front row, which showed that she was not just feeling bored.

She set a ten-day deadline for Mu You, but if the other party made such a boring film to fool her, then Nuwa really had to think about whether to give this person some 'unforgettable' punishment.

However, just when Nuwa's thoughts were a little free, the plot of the film made new progress.

The flowers were born smoothly and rained, and the mother and child were safe.

With loving husband and wife and children, this should be a very happy family.

But as if to confirm the iron law of 'how sweet the front is, how cruel it is later', tragedy happened at this time.

Driven by the instinct to hunt for his wife and children who had just given birth, Dad Long went up to the mountains to hunt, but died outside in an accident.

When Hua carried her two children on her back and went out to look for her husband in the heavy rain, she only saw her husband's corpse turned back into his body from a distance, and was thrown into a sack at random and taken away, leaving only scattered chicken feathers.

Seeing that Daddy Long's body was loaded and transported away, Hua cried silently and desperately chased after him.

It's a pity that she is a weak woman, and she doesn't even have the ability to recover her husband's body.

What's more, she didn't dare to speak out.

If it is known that she and the half-demon have given birth to a child, her child will also be recognized as a youkai, and she and the child will be finished.

The words and swords of the rotten Confucians alone are enough to criticize her to death.

By the time the film was shown here, the scene was silent.

The heavy rain in the film pours down, masking all the sounds, and completely rendering the oppressive atmosphere of the film

A newly formed family, the pillars of the family are suddenly gone, for this new family, it is tantamount to a catastrophe.

Nuwa couldn't help frowning.

When she made people out of the ground, many things were designed.

The human body is too fragile for both husband and wife to bear the burden of the family at the same time for parenting to be stressful.

Even in the Xiliang Women's Country, although there are no men, when the people become adults, they will form a family relationship in pairs.

Each family can only receive two shares of the water of the mother and child, and when one person gives birth, the other person is responsible for shouldering the burden of supporting the family. In this way, the daughter country has been smoothly passed down for thousands of years.

And now, there is only one woman, or a woman who has just given birth, and it is almost impossible to raise two demon children completely independently.

So Nuwa estimates that this woman may choose to remarry, after all, she is still very young.

However, if you remarry, two half-demon children are a big problem.

Unless this woman is willing to abandon the child, it is not easy to find a family in the world that can accept the demon.

However, the development of the film still surprised Nuwa.

Hana accepts the fact that her husband has passed away and decides to raise her two children alone.

So next, she lived a life of being both a father and a mother.

The growth stage of the two half-dragon children is quite pleasing, and since they can change between humans and dragons, it makes the audience feel as if they have a child and a pet at the same time.

But cute is cute, and there are many problems.

The two children are still young, and they can't control the transformation of humans and dragons freely, and at the same time, because of the instinct of beasts, they have reached the age of dismantling the house, and every time the mother is not careful, the family will be dismantled into a mess.

In addition to this, there are problems such as grinding teeth, howling in the middle of the night and disturbing people.

The most suffocating thing is that every time the child gets sick, Hua has to struggle with whether to go to the veterinarian or the doctor.

This funny daily life finally allowed the audience to find some of the warmth when Dad Long was still there, and watching the two children grow up little by little, it has also become a big motivation to support everyone to watch it.

In a sense, this film is somewhat similar to the previous Demon Boy Descending, which is also a family-based film.

But "The Devil Boy Descends" is more inclined to the education of children, and this film is indeed about parenting itself.

For many parents who have given birth, this paragraph is really too much.

In the film, the little things of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar are truly restored, so that the audience can really feel the hard work of flowers.

Hua has to do a lot of things every day, often all night long, and will be so sleepy that she can fall asleep standing during the day.

This kind of pressure beyond the limits of human beings also made her quickly emaciated.

This paragraph made the audience feel helpless and distressed.

Nuwa nodded slightly, and the perception of this paragraph was much better.

It can be seen that the photographer is very seriously studying how to raise a half-dragon person, and depicts some points that are difficult for ordinary people to notice, which makes people feel both whimsical and reasonable.

If one day, someone in reality gives birth to half-dragon babies, maybe they can really be raised in the way in the movie.

If this film is only to illustrate the greatness of the mother, then it has been successful so far.

However, the theme that this film wants to convey is obviously not so simple, because only a third of the film has passed here.

As Hana watched the two children increasingly reveal their animal habits, she finally realized a new question: do they want to be humans or dragons in the future?

This naturally brings the story to the real theme, that is, the self-identification of the two half-demon children, whether the half-dragon belongs to a dragon or a human.

For this question, many people will subconsciously choose to become human.

Because the two children grew up in the human world, they have received human education since childhood, so they will naturally tend to be more human.

And the flowers in the film do not determine the future of the two children so simply.

In order for her children to have a choice in the future, she decided to move and live in the mountains closer to nature.

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