This morning, Xiaobai got up a little earlier than usual.

After some careful grooming, she picked up her phone and started the live broadcast.

- This is her fifteenth day as a streamer.

In half a month, she has been thoroughly familiar with this profession and has accumulated more than 50,000 fans.

The number of viewers of her live broadcast hovers between 10,000 and 20,000 every day, but today, there are exceptionally large viewers in her live broadcast room.

Now that it has just started, 30,000 people have poured into the live broadcast room in an instant, and it is growing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

The reason for this is because of a pinned post posted by Mu You in the forum yesterday.

"The game hall will be in trial operation tomorrow, and users who have received the invitation letter can come to the game hall 20 meters east of the book house tomorrow to experience, and it will be officially open from the day after tomorrow, so stay tuned." Poster: Little Fool Fairy.

After the post was posted, the number of replies exceeded 5,000 in a short period of time.

Of course, the secrets about the arcade were not known yesterday.

As early as three days ago, some users of the bookstore discovered that several shops on the street in front of the bookstore were covered with cloth, and some kind of secret construction was going on inside.

It's no wonder that everyone gossips, it's really a big decoration movement, you can hear it from a few blocks, and it's hard not to notice.

From the very beginning, some people guessed that this was probably another big move by the Worry Relief Bookstore, because ordinary merchants simply did not have the financial resources to carry out such a large-scale project.

However, the Anxiety Relief Book House did not release the news for a long time, which hung everyone's curiosity for three days, and it was not until yesterday afternoon that Mu You finally announced the matter of the game hall.

Last night, someone couldn't resist his curiosity and risked his life to sneak into the isolation to take a look, but he saw a golden spot in front of him, which shook him so much that he couldn't open his eyes.

Afterwards, the infiltrator with the ID 'Only Love Kikyo' posted that inside the red cloth was a fairy palace full of gold, and insisted that he had seen a living Kikyo in it!

Of course, everyone doesn't believe the last statement, after all, from this person's name, it can be seen that this is a die-hard fan of Kikyo.

They prefer to believe that it is this fan who misses his idol and sees an illusion.

Fortunately, there will be various live broadcasts today to help everyone confirm what this mysterious game hall is like.

At this time, in the video area, there are more than 15 live broadcast rooms labeled as 'Game Hall Exploration'.

The anchors who can get the qualifications for today's experience are naturally not ordinary people, and most of the anchors already have their own fan base online.

Of course, the most popular among them is Xiaobai's live broadcast room, which almost absorbs more than 60% of the audience by one person.

"As you can see, in front of me is the 'Anxiety Relief Game Hall'!"

Xiaobai explained and pointed the camera at the huge building in front of him.

Last night, after receiving the news from Mu You and learning that the game hall was going to be broadcast live today, she immediately rushed over and visited the inside of the game hall.

However, seeing this miraculous building again today, she still couldn't hide the shock in her heart.

As the camera enters the interior of the game hall, an ultra-modern hall emerges in front of everyone.

The ground is not tiled, but some kind of silver-white square, I don't know what material it is made of, it is as comfortable to step on as if you are stepping on a carpet, and as long as you step on it, the bricks will glow.

This high-tech floor alone surprised everyone.

But what makes them more insightful is yet to come.

At this moment, the wall is also embedded with blocks of the same material, and when this kind of square is erected vertically, it directly becomes a display screen.

At this time, the walls are covered with all kinds of familiar figures, such as Boomer, Elsa, Little Master, Kikyo, Inuyasha, and so on.

The bottom line is that these characters are all dynamic and can even interact with people!

"Yesterday the boss told me that these characters are all interactive, let's try it... Looking at Miss Kikyo here, she seems to have something to say, so let's say hello to her. "

Xiaobai walked before the nearest character, and it was the popular bellflower in Inuyasha.

"Hello, Kikyo Lady!"

In the picture, Kikyo is wearing a shrine maiden costume and kneeling on a tatami mat, carefully wiping the longbow.

Hearing the voice, Kikyo stopped moving, turned his head to look at Xiaobai, got up gracefully, and bowed to her: "Hello, passing traveler." "

"Lie *, lie *, Kikyo has spoken!"

"Mother, come and see, I see the moving bellflower!"


"The sound is so good! It's better than the sound of my fantasy! "

"This is a miracle!"

"If you see it, if you see it, I'll say I saw Kikyo Adult, you still don't believe it!"


Kikyo This series of humanized behaviors, as if he was really behind this transparent wall, this scene suddenly made the barrage in the live broadcast room burst.

"Miss Xiaobai, I'll reward you with a rocket, please help me ask Kikyo a question! Just one! "

"I'll come too, I'll reward two shots, please ask me first!"

"Fuck off, I'll go first! What is Kikyo's favorite food? "


Because of the leadership of a fan, there was an instant wave of rewarding frenzy in the live broadcast room.

Countless special effects of rocket planes swiped across the screen.

"That's... Please don't be tipping... We don't have much time to stay here..."

Xiaobai couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it, and hurriedly dissuaded him.

She just had a temporary idea and wanted to introduce the functions of this virtual character, but she didn't expect the audience in the live broadcast room to be so enthusiastic.

To put it mildly, this wave of tipping frenzy has finally stopped.

Xiaobai picked a few representative questions among them and asked them to the bellflower.

"Excuse me, Miss Kikyo, you... Why did you choose to approach Naraku after being reborn? "

"Destroy Naraku, this is my fate, I will not escape, let alone hide." Kikyo said in a heroic voice.

"That's... What do you think of Inuyasha? Xiaobai asked again.


This name made the bellflower pause for a moment, and then said with some loss: "Once the red line of fate is broken, it will be difficult to continue the front edge..."

"One last question... Kikyo Lady, what do you have... What do you want to say to Inuyasha? Xiaobai continued to ask.

Kikyo looked at the Inuyasha projection not far from her, and smiled, "Don't worry, Inuyasha, I will never let another man touch a hair of me!" "

With the last affectionate line of the bellflower, the barrage flew up again.


"Kikyo's infatuation, single-mindedness, loyalty, she is the most perfect woman in the world!"

"It must be very safe to be in love with Kikyo!"

"I really envy this guy Inuyasha..."


In fact, the answers that Kikyo said here are all her lines in the comics.

However, it is the classic lines in these comics that are spoken by Kikyo himself in the real world, which is a new experience for the majority of comic fans.

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