"Okay, you have to hurry up, the shopkeeper!"

"We're all waiting!"

Everyone said.

Although he came here today, he couldn't make Mu You change his mind and continue to serialize Dragon Ball. But I got the right to create the same thing.,And I learned the news of the new animation.,Everyone is satisfied at the moment.。

After a while, a large group of people who were still boiling just now left completely.

"It's still the stinky boss who has a way, this group of people is finally gone!"

Little Lori leaned on the window, looking at the crowd that gradually dispersed outside the door, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After sending away this group of fans, Mu You immediately returned to the study and began to make a promotional video for the new work.

The theme of this new work, he had already thought about it on the way back to Chang'an before, it was the popular shonen manga in his previous life - "Naruto".

The story of the Hokage successfully portrays the ninja who was originally hidden in the darkness and used the strongest perseverance and hardest efforts in the world to do the most unspeakable and hidden cruel things, into the proudest and brightest profession under the sun.

In the ninja world, every young ninja is trying to develop his own ninja path.

It is with this benchmark that the Hokage has successfully created a large number of flesh-and-blood characters with distinct images.

As for this promotional video, he doesn't plan to make a casual opening story introduction as usual, but plans to make a ninjutsu collection directly.

For those viewers who have never been exposed to the Hokage, the most interesting thing is naturally the wide variety and dazzling ninjutsu in the Hokage.

In this case, simply omit those background stories that no one is interested in, and directly throw the gorgeous ninjutsu one by one, which will naturally attract attention.

It took a whole afternoon for Mu You to carefully edit out a ninjutsu collection with a length of 4 minutes and 30 seconds, which contains 82 classic ninjutsu including the Five Elements Escape Technique and the Secret Ninjutsu Ninjutsu, of course, he didn't add any of those ninjutsu that would cause spoilers.

After making a video, it was almost evening, and Mu You opened the forum and took a look.

Sure enough, at this time, all kinds of Dragon Ball fandom have begun to take off.

At first glance, eight of the ten posts are serialized posts, and the titles are also very strange, what 'two or three things about me and Bulma', what 'the sequel of Majin Buu', what 'learning turtle school qigong at the beginning' and so on. Not to mention, it's a bit of a fan camp.

Of course, when I was just starting out, 99% of the people didn't dare to compliment their writing, most of them were just pure yy, and there were few articles that really had a plot and quality.

It's not just Dragon Ball that takes off, but there are also a lot of fandoms of Inuyasha and Little Master next door. It's okay for the little master.,The content of the title is normal.。

But on Inuyasha's side, it's a little strange.

Mu You glanced at it casually, and saw "The Days of Master Maitreya and the Killing Temple Travel", "Paranoid Attack", "On the Correct Posture of Eating Dogs and Wolves" and other questionable topics.

He casually opened the post with Maitreya in the title and looked at it, and the result immediately shocked his young heart, and he was defeated in just a few seconds, and he was still a little frightened.

What surprised him even more was that the popularity of this article was quite high, and in just a few hours, it had already received more than 4,000 likes.

After a little struggle, Mu You still didn't interfere too much, time will naturally help him screen out really good works, and then he only needs to refine the posts with a standard number of likes and replies.

Two minutes later, a new post appeared on the motherboard.

"Naruto's ninjutsu collection. "Poster: Little Fool Fairy.

Basically 80% of the users in the forum have little foolish fairies in their attention lists.

And since Mu You announced at noon that there would be a promotional video tonight, there are a large number of people waiting at any time.

At this moment, as soon as his post was issued, and before he even had time to top it, the number of replies in the post soared to more than 30.

"Occupy the front row!"

"Leave your name in the front row!"

"A new anime is coming!"

"I haven't seen it yet, but let's take it first!"

"It's been a long time coming!"


The first 40 floors are basically this kind of unnutritious recovery.

But if you brush it down, the style of painting suddenly changes.


"The Shopkeeper's Cattle Batch !!"

"It's really a new anime, it's amazing!"

"The music is so good! It feels more exciting than the war songs in the army!"

"Ditto, I get goosebumps when I listen to this music!"

"The shopkeeper's sincerity doesn't deceive me!"


The one-sided praise in the back made more and more people who had not had time to watch it have a strong interest, and they all hurriedly clicked on the video.

The first thing to usher in is not a picture, but a piece of passionate music.

The melodious flute solo, combined with the magnificent background harmony, makes people instinctively feel their blood boiling.

This is the Hokage's classic BGM 'Agitation', with a strong sense of rhythm, and it is a perfect match for the gorgeous ninjutsu that constantly flashes in the picture.

"The Technique of Multiple Shadow Clones!"

"Fire escape, Hao Fireball Technique!"

"Ninja, Shadow Twisting Technique!"

"Ninja, the art of heart turning!"

"Baguazhang, return to heaven!"

"Water escape, the art of the Great Waterfall!"

"Ninja, psychic!"


There are no causes and consequences, and it comes up with all kinds of dazzling ninjutsu.

While making people's blood boiling, it is inevitable that they will be more interested in the story described in this animation.

Just five minutes after the video was posted, the number of posts about the Hokage on the forums began to skyrocket.

"Naruto?ninja seems to be a completely new class, and it seems that this is another alternate world. "Poster: A person who practices martial arts.

Although there is a place in the world of Journey to the West, at this time, Dongying has not even formed a country, let alone a ninja.

So 'ninja' is a completely unfamiliar word to everyone.

"The new animation is so cool, it simply subverts my imagination, please update it as soon as possible!"

"Those ninjutsu are really dazzling, I don't know if it's possible to learn them in reality?" Poster: The first beautiful man in Datang.

"Some of the moves are somewhat similar to the Taoist Five Elements Spell, and some are a bit like the Art of War. "Poster: Lotus Boy.

"This ninja feels like he's actually a scout, but he's just a high-level scout who knows the Dao Law. "Poster: The first transmitter of the Turtle School Qigong.

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