Remember in a second【】

On the peach mountain, peach blossoms are blooming!

The black-clothed priest shuttled back and forth on Taoshan Mountain, but Taoshan Mountain was a little deserted at this time. The Guangming priest Wei Guangming had already returned, and the Guangming Temple was naturally bleak.

The great priest of Tianyu led most of the practitioners, including the vice president Cheng Lixue, to Chang'an, preparing to welcome back the descendants of the light, and investigate the son of Hades by the way.

In the majestic temple, Xiong Chumo, the head teacher of Xiling, was sitting high on the throne, his cold eyes passed through the golden face mask, and fell on several people standing in the temple.

Xiong Chumo said: "Great priest, what is the situation in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty now? How many practitioners have entered the city without Haotian belief this time?"

There have been many wars between Xiling and Tang during the millennium, so he very much hopes that when he takes the position of head teacher of Xiling, there will be a vigorous global attack on Tang, and Tang Guoqiang will be eliminated for Haotian, so that Haotian's The light shines on the land of Tang State.

Under the throne, Mo Yu, the great priest of ruling, said with a little satisfaction: "Headmaster, only in my Xiling, there is the great priest of Tianyu, the vice president of Tianyu Academy Cheng Lixue, and the chief priest of the ruling, Ye Hongyu, has arrived Chang'an.

There are also Ye Su who walks in the world of Taoism, Qi Nian in the world of Buddhism, Guan Hai, a direct disciple of Master Qishan in Lanke Temple, and Liu Bai, the sword master of the Southern Jin Dynasty, with his saber. Besides, bookworms have already entered Chang'an with Su Xuan. , The **** Lu Chenjia also went to Chang'an, and many practitioners are still on their way to Chang'an. "

He has not seen such a grand event for a long time. The last time so many practitioners gathered in a certain place was probably when Wei Guangming saw the thick night in Chang'an City of Tang Dynasty.

Now it is basically certain that Ning Que has been possessed by the devil, and he is also closely related to Hades. What is even more interesting is that Ning Que dared to challenge Xiahou. Can't say anything either.

Xiong Chumo laughed and said: "Very good, Su Xuan, a disciple of Taoist Guanshanmen, has done a good job, but this is not enough, Luo Kedi quickly sent people to send orders to all countries in the world, asking them to send troops and practitioner Chen Bing On the frontier of the Tang Kingdom."

Luo Kedi looked at the head teacher on the throne full of doubts, and then looked at the great priest who ruled beside him, he tentatively said: "Master head teacher, it is now time for spring plowing, and the master is still here, so Chen Bing Tang Guo Borderlands, what if the Tang Kingdom attacks us?"

He felt that Master Zhangjiao was a bit overconfident recently. Among the countries in this world, except Yan Kingdom, Jinzhang Royal Court and a few small countries near Xiling, only the horse head of Xiling is the only one that looks outside. The moon wheel is the only follower of the Buddhist sect.

On the seat of God, Xiong Chumo snorted coldly: "Grand Priest of Judgment, what do you think?"

Mo Yu sneered and said, "My lord, it is probably impossible for all the countries in the world to send soldiers to the border of the Tang Kingdom, but it is possible for the world to chase and intercept the barren people, compress the living space of the barren people, and force the barren people to have to go to war with the Tang country." possible."

He understands the meaning of the head teacher, which is nothing more than that as the head teacher of Xiling, he must be bright in the eyes of all countries in the world, but all the older generation of practitioners who know the realm of fate know that their Xiling, the seemingly bright head teacher , What kind of face is it?

Xiong Chumo laughed, and said: "Then follow the meaning of the ruling. Remember to push the desolate people to the front line of Tuyang City. I want to see what choice Xiahou will make."

As Xiling Keqing, but also the general of Zhenbei in the Tang Dynasty, Xiong Chumo was very disgusted by the act of dancing on two eggs, so he sent someone to Xiahou, Tongtian Wan with some ingredients .

Ning Que had already issued a letter of war to Xiahou a few days ago, a duel is imperative, but it is not enough to kill one, it is best for both of them to die.

Mo Yu bowed slightly, and said: "Then push the barren people to the front line of Tuyang City, just to wear down the cavalry of the world's countries."

The iron cavalry of the world's countries, after years of cultivation, has once again recovered decades ago, and naturally needs to make a good contribution to the world.

Not long after, Mo Yu, the great priest of the ruling, led the cavalry commander Luo Kedi out of the hall and walked towards the temple of ruling.

At the same time, the huge Peach Mountain moved up and down following the order of the head teacher, and the Xiling cavalry guards galloped roaringly on the road to the world.

In the deserted Zhishou temple, Taoist Xichen looked at the hut where the heavenly books were enshrined. There were only three volumes left, and he sighed: "Brother, I don't know whether your choice is right or wrong, but now there are only three volumes left in the temple. There are three volumes of heavenly scriptures left, and you asked Long Qing to come here again, but Long Qing has hooked up with those people in Qingshan."

He does not agree with his senior brother Chen's choice, because Chen's choice has deviated from the Dao in his opinion. Although Long Qing, who was rescued by the method of the Demon Sect, is still alive, he has stepped into death with one foot. It is easy for a person to become obsessed after reading the heavenly scriptures.

The next moment, Chen's voice resounded in Zhishouguan, "There is never a right or wrong choice, but since I have chosen my choice, then I will not doubt such a choice, even if this choice deviates from Haotian The same is true.

The remaining three volumes of the heavenly scriptures left by the younger brother made Long Qing very impressive. I couldn't understand what Su Xuan was going to do, but Long Qing could do what the Daoists wanted to do. "

After hearing this, Xi Chen said: "Brother, those people in the green mountain seem to want to pass on their merits to Long Qing, do you need to stop them for a while, after all, once those people pass on their merits, they will not be able to live."

The people in that green mountain were also great practitioners in Zhishou Temple who surpassed the five realms in the past, but they were all killed by Ke Haoran with a single sword, and they lingered in the green mountain.

"Don't hold back

^0^Remember in one second【】

Stop They have lived long enough, living in shame, it is better to exchange for a chance of revenge, Ke Haoran is gone, they naturally want to overthrow the academy, so Long Qing must be strong enough. "

In the South China Sea, ever since he entered the Realm of Xiantian Primordial Spirit, he has sensed the illusory luck in the world. Although Xiling's luck is strong, it is like cooking oil with a fire. That's why he chose Longqing again, hoping that Longqing can be able to survive before his master leaves. Disturb this pool of stagnant water in the world.

The master will inevitably leave the world, this is an inevitable choice, if Haotian wants to eat the master, how can the master let Haotian eat it?

Haotian is such a simple existence. Haotian supports the practitioners in the world, and he has already stood at the top of the practitioners. If Haotian is in the Kingdom of God, who can be in the Kingdom of God, but Haotian is willing to be happy for a while If you insist on coming to this wonderful world, then you can't blame him.




Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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