Remember in a second【】

Outside the palace gate!

Xu Shi walked out with the imperial decree in one hand. He looked at Ning Que who was standing at the head of the stone bridge. He raised the imperial decree in his hand and said, "Mr. Thirteen, this is His Majesty's imperial edict to vindicate General Xuanwei's mansion. Your father Sixteen Years of grievances have finally been rehabilitated today, Mr. Shisan has accepted the order."

Regarding the unjust case sixteen years ago, he has read the files these days and can be considered to have some understanding. Judged by Tang Lu, not by Ning Que.

Blood flowed continuously from the palm of Ning Que's left hand. He accepted the imperial decree to rehabilitate the general, and he said mockingly: "Why do you think I am the son of General Xuanwei? Could it be that only the son of a general can become the master's direct disciple?" , can only the son of a general be the apprentice of Master Yan Se?"

This is an idiotic idea, but most idiots agree with this idea!

Xu Shi asked with a serious face, "Then who are you?"

If Ning Que wasn't the son of Xuanwei General Lin Guangyuan, who should he be?

Ning Que said frankly: "I am the son of the concierge. My father's name is Lin Tao, the second concierge of the general's mansion, and my mother's name is Li Sanniang, the cook of the general's mansion. It's a pity that there is no I'm really disappointed that they all have names, but it's reasonable, you big people, how can you pay attention to a few small people?"

Tang Guoman's civil and military officials were speechless because they always thought that Ning Que was the son of Xuanwei General Lin Guangyuan.

Li Peiyan asked: "What about the son of Xuanwei General Lin Guangyuan? Why didn't he come today?"

Ning Que, the son of a servant, was still alive, so the son of General Xuanwei should also be alive.

Ning Que looked at Prince Li Peiyan with the eyes of an idiot, and he snorted coldly: "The son of General Xuanwei, according to what my hometown said, he will return to this world in about two years."

Outside the palace gate, Tang Guowen and Wu looked at each other, not knowing what this meant. Even Zeng Jing, the most knowledgeable bachelor, really couldn't figure out what this Mr. Thirteen meant.

Zeng Jing looked at Ning Que and asked, "Mr. Thirteen's words are very mysterious, why do you dare to ask?"

Ning Que sneered and said, "The general's steward wants to kill me and let the general's son escape. What do you think I can do, so only the general's son dies, and the servant's son can live, so I choose to kill the general's son .”

Before General Xuanwei's mansion was ransacked, because his mother was the nanny of the general's son, he was considered the playmate of the general's son, but everything changed one night, but he never regretted it. Given a chance, he would still choose that way, he would still kill the general's son, and he would still come to the palace gate to fight.

Immediately, the people present understood what Ning Que said. It turned out that the son of General Xuanwei Lin Guangyuan had died sixteen years ago. A young man who wanted to live killed the housekeeper of the general's mansion, killed the general's son and left Chang'an.

At this moment, Xia Hou suddenly smiled and said, "Ning Que, you really surprised me. The location and time of the duel is up to you. Let me know when you think it over."

Why can't the servant's son live? Since the servant's son can live, then her sister can live in peace.

Ning Que said, "Okay!"

Then the master and servant held umbrellas and disappeared into the increasingly violent snowstorm. Tang Guowen and Wu watched the master and servant leave before they dispersed.

Those who should go home and kneel on the washboard go home and kneel on the washboard, those who should go to Hongxiu Zhao go to Hongxiu Zhao to listen to the music, only Zeng Jing has been watching the direction where Ning Que's master and servant are leaving, unwilling to leave.

Zeng Jing knew very well that the little maid next to Ning Que was her own daughter, but her relatives didn't know each other when they met face to face, how sad it was.


By the riverside of the palace moat, Su Xuan, who had already collected his fishing rods, put the bucket containing more than a dozen carp onto the bullock cart, and said, "Interesting, a person who has been dead for sixteen years will be eighteen years in two years. Eighteen years later, he is a hero again!"

It is very interesting for such a common saying to appear in this world, but Su Xuan is very curious, will anyone really understand it?

Mo Shanshan looked at the deserted streets across the moat, and asked, "If Ning Que is not a direct disciple of Master, nor is he a successor of Master Yan Se, the talisman teacher, what about the case of General Xuanwei's mansion being ransacked?" Will it still be overturned?"

People don't sue, officials don't raise!

This has become a secret rule in the world. If the sufferer does not go to the Yamen to sue, the Yamen will naturally not pursue it. What's more, it is the removal of a prince and a great general who has made great achievements in the war.

Su Xuan wiped the river water from his hands, and said, "Probably won't be rehabilitated!"

To be honest, he didn't know if Ning Que was not so famous, whether the case of General Xuanwei's Mansion would be vindicated, and even if it would be vindicated, it would be many years later.

At this moment Tang Emperor Li Zhongyi came over from not far away, and behind Li Zhongyi, the right hand of the commander of the guard Xu Chongshan had already grasped the handle of the knife.

Xu Chongshan knew how terrifying the cultivation of the person in front of him was, but if His Majesty was threatened, he would still draw his sword and slash at Su Xuan.

Li Zhongyi said slowly: "Mr. Su, you are wrong. Even if Ning Que is not the master's direct disciple, nor the successor of Master Yan Se, I will still vindicate General Xuanwei, regardless of the status of the person who did this matter." No matter how high you are, I will still give an explanation to the people of Tang Kingdom."

Hearing this, Su Xuan asked with a smile: "But in the imperial decree of His Majesty, there is no mention of the ordinary people who died in the tragedy in General Xuanwei's Mansion. Could it be that those tragic

^0^Remember in one second【】

Isn't the dead servant a Tang country citizen? "

What the Tang emperor said reminded him of some past events, those past events were extremely cruel even for him who lived two lives, but luckily he came out and took revenge.

After a moment of silence, Li Zhongyi said: "Whether they are servants or generals, they are all the people of the Tang Kingdom and my subjects, and I will protect their safety."

After Su Xuan first let Mo Shanshan board the bullock cart, he said: "That is your business, Your Majesty. In fact, we all know that there is no absolute fairness in this world, only relative fairness. Ning Que was born out of this relative fairness." Just imagine how long it would take for Ning Que to take revenge if there were no practitioners in the world?"

After hearing this, Li Zhongyi replied: "It will probably take a long time, and maybe he will not be able to take revenge in his whole life, but practice is a gift from Haotian, so what Mr. Su said is just an if."

How long has practice existed? No one knows the exact time, but judging from the clues in the classics, it appeared with the appearance of the cultivation companion.

Su Xuan smiled slightly: "But if that day really appears, what choice should you make, Your Majesty?"




Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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