Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 80: That 1 conversation in the palace

The evening drum is heavy, and the sunset is almost dusk!

In Chang'an City, however, the wind and snow are still there. The flowers and plants outside the Royal Study Room of the Tang Dynasty Palace are shivering in the cold wind. In the Charcoal Basin in the Royal Study Room, carefully selected charcoal makes the entire Royal Study Room warm like spring.

Li Zhongyi, Emperor of the Tang Dynasty on the throne, was reviewing the memorials during the day, when suddenly the door of the imperial study room was pushed open, and the wind and snow poured into the imperial study room.

The wind disperses the snow and the snow turns into puddles of snow water. As soon as the servants entered the imperial study room, they fell to their knees in fear. Behind the servants, the national teacher Li Qingshan, whose hair was full of snowflakes, walked into the imperial study room.

Li Zhongyi frowned and said, "It's so late, and it's snowing so heavily. Why did you come here this time? Is it because you want to transfer the practitioners of the Dongxuan realm from the frontier army back to the capital?"

In the early morning of the court today, the young and old men of the six departments and the generals in the army had already discussed this matter. Although the ministers wanted to transfer the practitioners from the frontier army back to the capital, he knew in his heart the practice of the border army in the Tang Dynasty. cannot be easily mobilized.

This is where the Tang State has the confidence to deter other countries in the world. Besides mobilizing the practitioners in the frontier army, many things can happen once and for all. Therefore, for the safety of the Tang State, the practitioners in the frontier army should not move lightly.

In this warm spring-like imperial study room, the snowflakes on Li Qingshan's body have melted, and the snow soaked his thin clothes. He looked at the Emperor of Tang Dynasty on the throne, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty just received the news that Taoism is walking around the world." Ye Su, the Buddhist sect walks the world with seven thoughts, and the demon sect walks the world Tang is already on the way to Chang'an.

Secondly, Ye Hongyu, the Grand Master of the Xiling Judgment Temple, entered the city yesterday. There is even more news that Guan Hai, a direct disciple of Master Qishan, has borrowed Yu Lanling and has arrived in Qinghe County. The Holy Saber beheaded the priest of Zhiming Realm in Qinghe County outside Chang'an City. The situation is in dire straits, so please make a decision early. "

Counting from the day he stayed in the Tang Kingdom, Li Qingshan has never seen such a crisis situation for so many years. Even in the first year of Tianqi, the former Guangming priest of Xiling caused a **** storm in Chang'an City, and the situation is not as dangerous as it is today.

Li Zhongyi on the throne, listening to Li Qingshan's narration, he said calmly: "Master, you are too worried. There is an array of shocking gods in Chang'an city, and there is an academy sitting in it. Who dares to stir up the wind and rain in Chang'an? Tian Qiyuan The matter of the year, it was because I was not in Chang'an at the time, if I was in Chang'an with Xuanwei's generals, how could I be copied and beheaded?"

The Tang Kingdom has been established for thousands of years, and it is true that Xuanjia heavy cavalry is unparalleled in the world, but for the Tang royal family, the master is the real magic needle of the Tang Dynasty. It is because of the master that the Tang Dynasty will exist, but many people still don't understand this point.


A Buddhist word came from outside the imperial study room, and Master Huang Yang pushed the door in. He persuaded: "Your Majesty's situation is indeed as the national teacher said, and the situation is already in jeopardy."

Li Zhongyi asked: "Why did the master say that?"

Huang Yang clasped his hands together and said, "Because Guan Hai borrowed it, the Yu Lanling, a treasure left by the Buddha!"

From the moment he heard the Yulan bell, Huang Yang knew that this time, there might really be a son of Pluto. Although he did not agree with the concept of hanging in the sky, the Yulan bell made of copper collected by the Buddha in countless Yulan flower fields was In the records of Buddhist sects, it does have the function of distinguishing the king of the underworld.

Li Zhongyi had heard Li Qingshan mention the Yulan bell before, and now he heard Huang Yang mention it, so he asked: "Master Huang Yang is just a bell, can it really change the situation?"

Before Huang Yang could open his mouth, Li Qingshan said first: "Your Majesty's Yulan bell, indeed, has the great function of distinguishing the king of the underworld. There is also a record about this bell in the classics of Taoism. It can be regarded as the most mysterious treasure under the heavenly scriptures."

This is also one of the reasons why he mobilizes so many people. Master Lanke Terasakishan has long ignored worldly affairs, but now he sends his own disciples to bring Yu Lanling to Chang'an. This makes Li Qingshan feel very frightened. Perhaps in the sky, with Pluto, who Haotian is fighting against, really has sons and daughters, and maybe they are left behind in Haotian's world.

"What Master Guoshi said is true!" After Huang Yang sighed, he said, "Your Majesty, I also received a letter from Master Qishan. Guan Hai came here with Yu Lanling, just to honor the promise of Su Xuan, a disciple of Guanshan Gate who is the guardian of Taoism. Promise, if the Yulan bell rings and the son of Pluto appears, what choice should Tang Guo make?"

The coming of Eternal Night and the coming of Hades have become the lingering nightmare in the hearts of most practitioners. If the children of Hades are in the Tang Kingdom and they happen to be from the Tang Kingdom, then what choice should the Tang Kingdom make.

Li Zhongyi got up slowly, looked at the two of them with fiery eyes, and said: "Since the ancestors rose up on the banks of Weisi, the Tang Kingdom will not give up any of the people. If the children of Hades are really Tang people, then I will definitely protect them. comprehensive."

This is the foundation of the Tang State. In the past, there were many rebellions in the Tang State, but the ancestors still sent troops to attack the Yan State for the people of the Tang State who died tragically. However, the rebels in the country did not move, so that they were all wiped out. The people of the Tang State are not afraid of death. I won't be afraid of war, so it doesn't matter if the world is an enemy.

What's more, there are laws in the Tang Dynasty, so how can arbitrarily decide the life and death of a common people because of something that didn't happen, then the laws of the Tang Dynasty will be lost.

At this moment, Li Qingshan only felt that the imperial study room was colder than the wilderness, he mourned and said: "Your Majesty, because of one person, tens of thousands of people died, and one person was innocent, so are the tens of thousands of people who died because of one person, all guilty? "

He could have expected that His Majesty would make such a choice, but when His Majesty said this choice himself, Li Qingshan still could not remain indifferent. The children of Hades may be really innocent, but if countless people died because of the children of Hades, he is Tang Guo's national teacher will never allow such a thing to happen.

The day before yesterday, he spent his life to deduce some secrets, but such secrets are not suitable for speaking out.

Li Zhongyi said with a normal face: "If the children of Hades are from the Tang Kingdom, they are naturally innocent. If they died because of the death of Prince Hades, they are also innocent. Of course I want to protect them well."

He is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so he should protect the safety of the people. If he can't protect them, how will he face his ancestors in the future?

After Huang Yang proclaimed the Buddha's name, he said: "Your Majesty, because of this, you should transfer the practitioners of the Dongxuan Realm in the army to return to Chang'an from the frontier, so that you can be safe."

No matter whether Pluto's children are Tang people or not, practitioners in the frontier army should be mobilized to return to Chang'an to deal with the possibility of Pluto's daughter appearing, although Huang Yang does not believe that there are so-called children.

After pondering for a long time, Li Zhongyi said: "Then call the practitioners of the Dongxuan Realm in the Zhennan Army and return to Chang'an."



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