Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 694: Returning to Jiejiao, Zhao Gongming, who has faced the wall for thousands of yea

Flying to the mountain, there is a Taoist temple.

In the main hall.

Many fairy families have already arrived, Su Xuan looked at the visitors with a blank face, and he had some plans in his heart, and fortunately his second uncle didn't let Guang Chengzi bring some difficult decrees, otherwise this time It's really not easy to clean up.

Su Xuan looked at Empress Nuwa who was sitting on the main seat, got up and looked at Zhao Gongming who was sitting at the end, he said calmly: "Brother Zhao Gongming, you and Daobao Daoist, the current leader of the eight hundred sects of Western Sect, are together I don’t know if there is such a thing as snatching Hongjun’s decree located in the main hall of Youjian Dao Temple?”

For a while, the eyes of many immortal families also fell on Zhao Gongming. Zhao Gongming, who was a little scared, immediately got up and said: "There is such a thing, but it is for repaying kindness. After all, Senior Brother Duobao treated me back then. Great grace."

He didn't listen to what his sister said about being bewitched by senior brother Duobao, he knew very well that he hadn't been bewitched by anything.

Listening to Zhao Gongming's answer, Yun Xiao was in a daze for a while.

The Madonna of Wudang, sitting on the right, looked at Zhao Gongming with a helpless smile. When she came, the Madonna of Wudang thought that this Zhao Gongming might cheat people. I didn't expect that this was not possible, and Zhao Gongming cheated again. people.

Guang Chengzi was quite helpless when he heard the words. His teacher had already given him an explanation when he came. If Zhao Gongming directly admitted the matter without any excuses, then he would also stand up and say something.

"Report to Master Su, my teacher Yuanshi Tianzun said that in this matter, I hope Master Su can be fair and just."

At this moment, Guang Chengzi did not have a relationship with Su Xuan, but directly called Su Xuan's current identity as the acting leader of Xuanmen.

After hearing this, Su Xuan also understood what his second senior uncle wanted to do. Originally, he thought that his Senior Brother Zhao could turn this matter into five?

Instead of pushing it to the 800 sects of the Western Sect, he had to shoulder it by himself, which somewhat puzzled him.

Su Xuan said indifferently: "Then Master Zhao once knew about my Taoism's laws and the restrictions on snatching Hongjun's decree!"

He knew very well that even if Zhao Gongming's crime could not be settled, Zhao Gongming was not suitable to stay in Feilai Mountain Youjian Taoist Temple anymore.

All the immortals present were old foxes who were hundreds of millions of years old, so they naturally didn't want to risk offending Yun Xiao by telling the passage about snatching Hongjun's decree from the Taoist law.

For a moment, the entire main hall of Youjian Taoist Temple fell into silence.

After a long time, Zhao Gongming said righteously: "According to the laws of Taoism, snatching Hongjun's decree is almost regarded as deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, and should be severely punished."

If he made a mistake, he should be punished. He is not the kind of fairy who relies on prevarication to get rid of the crime.

Su Xuan said calmly: "Zhao Zhenren said well, to cooperate with outsiders to rob Hongjun's decree, if you hand me a fairy family of Jian Taoist Temple, I will deal with it according to Taoist laws, but Zhao Zhenren, as a disciple of Jiejiao, then It should be handled by Uncle Tongtian himself, and before Uncle Tongtian returns, Zhenren Zhao will return to the Shangqing Heaven Realm and face the wall for ten thousand years!"

It is not that simple to deal with a Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioner who has cut off the teaching, and it is rare to be able to do this step.

After hearing Su Xuan's words, both the Holy Mother of Wudang, who stopped the teaching, and Guang Chengzi, who explained the teaching, were quite shocked, because the punishment was indeed a bit light.

But only Yunxiao knew that her elder brother might really be on the list of gods, and after all these years of going around, it was still unavoidable.

Nu Wa, who was sitting on the main seat, said flatly: "The matter is not bad, the leader of Tongtian is in the long river of time and space. Since Tongtian should make a decision on this matter, then Zhao Gongming should be sent to time and space." The long river has gone."

In her opinion, her nephew Su's punishment for Zhao Gongming was obviously a little light. If she teamed up with the leader of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect to **** Hongjun's decree, would it be worth it?

The long river of time and space came across the sky. After Zhao Gongming glanced at his younger sister Yun Xiao, he walked straight out of the main hall of Youjian Taoist Temple and stepped into the long river of time and space.

After a long time, Nuwa sneered and said, "Guangchengzi, you can go back and return to your life. It's still useless. Do your little cleverness really think that this palace doesn't know? Why don't you think about how to eliminate the aftermath of this incident! "

She is very clear about the reason why Our Lady of Wudang came here. If she hadn't been here today, I'm afraid there must be a lot of fighting before the final conclusion can be made. If Zhao Gongming really shirks, that's probably the biggest hidden danger.

The disciples of Jujiao will definitely use their power to overwhelm others and give Zhao Gongming an innocence, but it is a pity that she is in Youjian Taoist temple.

Guang Chengzi shook his head and smiled wryly: "Disciple, please follow the edict of Nuwa Empress!"

Then Guang Chengzi left.

The Holy Mother of Wudang said with some trepidation: "Disciple, please follow the edict of Empress Nuwa."

Su Xuan naturally knew all of this clearly, otherwise, how could he have completely kicked the matter of Zhao Gongming back into the hands of Interceptor, and his punishment for Zhao Gongming's matter would be ten thousand years.

As for how his third uncle dealt with Zhao Gongming, it was a matter of cutting off the teaching. Under the pressure of cutting off the teaching, it was already rare and rare to be able to do so.

At this moment, Yun Xiao came over and said, "Thank you Junior Brother Su this time. If it wasn't for Junior Brother Su, I'm afraid my elder brother would really die this time."

This matter itself can be big or small, if her brother Su really wants to go online, I am afraid that her elder brother will not have any good fruit to eat.

Su Xuan said calmly: "Everything is for the Taoist sect, and it's all for the Daoism. It's just that Senior Sister Yunxiao and Fellow Daoist Zhao Gongming have caused quite a lot of trouble this time. If there is a slight mistake, Second Senior Uncle may directly Let's do it, protect the Taoism of the Xuanmen."

Is there such a good way to rob the court?

If her nuwa uncle is not there, and the disciple of Jiejiao uses force to force him to release him, his second uncle will definitely be attracted. UU Reading When that time comes, it will really be over .

Under Pan Gu's banner, no matter how quickly his Third Martial Uncle came, it would be useless.

Yun Xiao said calmly: "That's why I would like to thank Junior Brother Su even more. If Junior Brother Su hadn't invited Uncle Nuwa, I'm afraid these cut-off teachings will inevitably fall into turmoil because of my brother's affairs."

If she hadn't been able to stop her brother a little more, perhaps the situation would not be like it is today.

But it was too late to remedy the situation.

It's too late to say anything now.

At this time, Empress Nuwa came over, and she said: "Master Nephew Su, this palace has helped you a lot in this incident, you should use your seals for these Hongjun decrees."

I saw that in the main hall of Jiandao Temple, there are thousands of blank Hongjun decrees waiting to be sealed at this moment.



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