The golden crow hangs high, the bullock cart is sideways and the sword is flying across the sky. There are only a few pages left in the Luozi scroll in Su Xuan's hand. Compared with the previous Luozi scroll, which is full of pages, the current Luozi scroll , It's really pitiful.

Putting the index and middle fingers of Su Xuan's right hand together, he pointed at the dozen or so pages floating in the air, the pages of the Scroll of Heaven, and said, "Go!"

The pages of the Luozi Juan Tianshu flew, and with Su Xuan's sound, the disguise of the pages was hidden, and the original appearance appeared, and one page after another, they flew into the horizontal sword.

At this time, the Dao Sword kept trembling, and the original texture of the Dao Sword's blade disappeared, and a dazzling blue light appeared instead.

At this moment, the carriage door was opened, and Mo Shanshan jumped out of the bullock cart, looking at Daojian Hengkong, with many doubts on her face, she asked, "Mr. Su, did something happen?"

She was about to step into the realm of knowing fate, so she naturally sensed the aura as vast as the ocean on the sword, but she still couldn't figure out who could make a practitioner at the peak of knowing the fate use such a sword.

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan's slightly round face, and calmly replied: "Someone is engaged in a meaningless battle, so it is natural to stop it with a sword."

In a sense, the battle that took place on that nameless hill in the northern outskirts of Chang'an City was indeed a meaningless battle for Su Xuan.

Without waiting for Mo Shanshan to ask any more questions, Su Xuan waved his sleeves, the sleeves fluttered and the sword turned into a streamer, and went straight to the direction of Tang.

Although Liu Guang's speed is not as fast as Wu Mo's, it is much faster than Zong Jian Wan Li.

Mo Shanshan looked at Dao Jian, who had disappeared from perception in an instant, and said, "It's just that I don't know who is fighting, and it needs such a means to stop it."

There is no doubt that Su Xuan's sword is already comparable to the sword sage Liu Bai's Dahe Sword Intent. How many practitioners in the realm of knowing fate in the world can block this sword? Mo Shanshan is very worried now. Su Xuan, who swung such a sword, doesn't know where the worry comes from, but worry is just worry.

Su Xuan said with some helplessness: "Yan Se, the most skilled talisman master in the world, and Wei Guangming, the former great priest of light, and as a disciple of the Taoist sect Zhishouguan, I will not allow such a battle to happen. Jianbei is going to stop fighting."

Regardless of what his sword Zhige is, whether it is bright or dark, his reasons are bright enough, and the world will believe this reason. It is reasonable and reasonable that no one can pick out the flaws if the sleeves send out such a piece.

Mo Shanshan nodded slightly, and didn't ask any more questions, because she knew that this was a family matter of the Daoist sect, so she naturally didn't need to ask any more.

Then the two stepped into the bullock cart one after the other. Under Qingniu's extremely reluctant eyes, they continued to walk to the thousand-year-old temple, Lanke Temple, to meet a highly respected old monk, and talk about it by the way, The great event of eternal night.


On the top of the steep cliff above the huge tiankeng, the chief lecturer holding a Zen stick, looked at the fleeting light from under his eyelids, looked at Qi Nian standing aside, and said: "Qi Nian, The son of Hades descended into the world, and the letter sent by Xiling a few days ago confirmed the existence of the son of Hades. Su Xuan, a disciple of the Taoist sect, has already started, and you should go to Chang'an to see the son of Hades."

The son of Pluto came to the world, and eternal night came!

This is the greatest fear in the world. The common people are about to die, so how can he stay out of it?

Listening to the sound echoing in his ears, after Qi Nian saluted, he turned around and walked towards the distant plain. After just a moment, Qi Nian's figure disappeared on the plain.

It must be a big event for a Buddhist sect who has practiced closed-mouth meditation to walk around the world once he reappears in the world.

Under the sky, the dao sword that turned into a stream of light traveled through many places in the world, and finally arrived at the destination, the nameless hill in the northern suburb of Chang'an City.

The bluish-glowing dao sword calmly stopped on the top of the tic-tac-toe talisman, on the side of the sky-reaching beam of light.

"The decree of the Taoist sect, stop fighting!"

The majestic sound of heaven and earth resounded on this hill in the northern suburbs of Chang'an City. Even if it was shrouded by the Shocking God Formation, practitioners in Chang'an City could clearly hear the sound of Zhige.

On the hill!

Yan Se listened to the somewhat familiar voice of heaven and earth, and said with a heavy face: "Brother, so this is your self-confidence, I seem to understand, but for the sake of Tang Guo, for my poor apprentice, you must go back today .”

Before, he was still wondering where Wei Guangming's self-confidence came from, but now he finally understood that all these things were planned by his good nephew Su Xuan, all for the illusory Yongye.

Wei Guangming looked at Yan Se, and said with a distressed smile, "The decree of the Taoist sect is to stop the sword with a sword from the north. Junior brother, do you think that Nephew Su will let us continue to fight?"

Yan Se said firmly: "If you can't fight anymore, you will fight. I am a practitioner from the South Gate of Haotian Dao, and you are a traitor from Xiling. It is too much for Su Xuan to stop fighting in the name of Dao Sect."

He waved his sleeves, and the talismans accumulated for half a lifetime were scattered between the heaven and the earth in an instant, even if someone stopped him, he would send Wei Guangming back.

Wei Guangming said: "But Su Xuan's sword, you and I can't stop it now, and the sword melted by the book of heaven, probably only those few can stop it."

He knew very well that Su Xuan, who was at the pinnacle of Fate, would naturally be unable to use this sword, but Su Xuan, who had the Heavenly Book, would naturally not find it difficult to use this sword. Probably from the moment he saw Su Xuan in You Pavilion, Today's ending is already doomed.


The sound of heaven and earth sounded again, and the bluish radiant Dao sword began to fall rapidly from under the sky. The extremely powerful well character disappeared between heaven and earth in just a moment.

After the well characters dissipated, the Dao sword immediately slashed towards the sky-reaching beam of light, and amidst the vertical and horizontal lines of the sword light, the sky-reaching beam of light scattered into thousands of lights, which drifted into the city of Chang'an with the wind.

Yan Se looked at the ruined hill, looked at Wei Guangming angrily, and said, "Senior brother, don't be too happy, that **** umbrella belongs to your apprentice, don't be fooled. "

Wei Guangming retorted: "I am the great priest of Guangming, and Sangsang is the successor of Guangming. Even if the priest is here, he can't question my choice."

Maybe he was wrong in the first year of the apocalypse, but now he will definitely not be wrong. Sangsang has the ultimate bright aptitude, even he is far behind. How can such a Sangsang get involved with the **** umbrella? What about the relationship?

Soon after the wind and snow gradually subsided, the two old men walked down the mountain stepping on the white snow, but Yan Se went straight away after getting into the carriage, ignoring Wei Guangming who was cursing behind the carriage.

Then a strange sight appeared on the road leading to the north gate of Chang'an City!



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