Walking out of the Judgment Temple, he packed his bags in a hurry, and was about to walk down Taoshan Ye Hongyu. In front of the stall selling sweet potatoes, he was stopped by a practitioner who was eating roasted sweet potatoes. He was rushing back to Taoshan from the wasteland. Ye Su,

Ye Hongyu looked angrily at the practitioner who was eating roasted sweet potatoes, and asked, "What are you doing here? Didn't you go to the wasteland?"

Ye Su finished eating the roasted sweet potatoes in his hand, stood in front of Ye Hongyu, and asked: "Su Xuan's plan is shocking, this time Chang'an City must be a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. In the game with Jin Suxuan, you should know what Wei Guangming saw, and you should also know that the current Chang'an is just a whirlpool, even if I go in, I may not be able to get out, let alone you."

For this younger sister, he was very helpless. Although he had always been indifferent to Ye Hongyu because Ye Hongyu drove Chen Pipi away from the audience, he still didn't want his younger sister to get involved in Su Xuan's chess game.

With the thirteenth teacher of the Academy as the layout, to stir up the world's situation, such a chess game, if his sister enters, can he still come out? He couldn't see through Su Xuan's layout, but he could vaguely guess the danger in it.

Ye Hongyu said indifferently: "That's my business. You don't need to worry about it. Even if I die in Chang'an City, you don't need to worry about it. You should go to the academy to find that little fat man!"

Although Ye Su is her elder brother, Ye Su has not fulfilled his elder brother's duties these years. In the eyes of her elder brother, the fat little Chen Pipi who ran to the academy is more important than her younger sister, so Ye Su now And why stop her from going to Chang'an? Is it only based on one, brother's name?

Ye Su's expression was very ugly at this time, he looked at the luggage behind Ye Hongyu and said, "With your cultivation level, do you think you can leave in the face of my obstruction? "

Ye Hongyu said sullenly: "This is an official order from the Judgment God. As the head of the Judgment Department, this matter should be done by me, and as a Daoist, you walk the world and don't have any responsibilities in Xiling. duty, so why should I listen to you."

Whether she went to Chang'an to investigate, judge the **** umbrella mentioned by the great priest, or challenge Ning Que, a disciple from the back mountain of the academy, she would definitely go to Chang'an, let alone Ye Su stop her, even if the head teacher was here, she would still Go, because she is a Taoist, a Taoist who is crazy because of the Tao.

At the foot of Taoshan Mountain, there are nearly half of Taoshan Road surrounded by gurgling streams, but Ye Su's heart is really hard to calm down. He knows that Ye Hongyu took Chen Pipi away from the concept of Zhishou in the past to give him a chance to inherit in the future. Zhishou Guan's seat, but why did he care about Zhishou Guan's, Guan's position, but Ye Hongyu actually ran away the innocent Chen Pipi from Zhishou Guan for his own selfishness.

Ye Su looked at his own sister, and then persuaded: "You are the head of the Judgment Department, but you are also a disciple of Zhishouguan. In the name of Zhishouguan, I order you to do it now." Go back to know, watch, face the wall and think about your mistakes.”

Hearing Ye Su's threat, Ye Hongyu drew out his iron sword, held the sword and said, "This is the intention of the temple master. You are walking in the world as a person who knows how to guard the temple. Do you want to go against the wishes of the temple master?"

While speaking, Ye Hongyu exposed half of the Daoist scriptures in his luggage. The Daoist scriptures were very worn out and seemed to have existed for many years.

Ye Su looked at the corner of the Taoist book. It was a very familiar Taoist book. It was one of the seven volumes of heavenly scriptures enshrined in Zhishou Temple. Ye Hongyu, do you think you can fool me? How dare you take out the heavenly book without permission, you are really rebellious."

At the foot of Peach Mountain, the vitality of heaven and earth followed the fragrance of peach blossoms all over the mountain, flying towards the sword behind Ye Su, and the peach blossoms on the peach trees within a radius of about half a mile scattered all over the place in an instant.

The next moment the Dao sword was hanging in the air, pointing at Ye Hongyu, Ye Su put his hands together, and said flatly: "If I don't want you to leave from Taoshan, then you won't be able to leave Taoshan at all."

He would like to see his sister, what kind of truths have she cultivated in these years? Dao Chi is indeed a great name, but such a name as Dao Chi is useless in his eyes, a brother teaching his younger sister, even the temple master may not say much here.

Ye Hongyu's complexion was livid, and she ran forward suddenly. She opened her palm and faced Ye Su's Dao sword. In her palm, there was a page of paper, a page of the scroll.

Before the swords in their palms meet, Ye Luozijing, a certain page in the Luozi Scroll, lightly presses down on Ye Su's Dao Sword. In an instant, Dao Sword has endured the rules that it shouldn't have to bear, and Ye Su's five realms The dao sword that Fengfeng unleashed was firmly pressed down on the grass covered with mountain peach petals by a page of the scroll.

Looking at that page of the heavenly book, Ye Su said with a gloomy face, "The heavenly book falls into the scroll, which shocks the world when it falls, but how many pages can Su Xuan tear off from the scroll? You still won't be able to get down to Taoshan today~www .wuxiamtl.com~Ye Hongyu, you should immediately go back to your knowledge, face the wall and think about your mistakes, this is your only choice."

Pressing down with his palm, he comprehended the spiritual power of life and death, which spanned half of the peach mountains. The priests who were practicing on the peach mountains felt this palpitating breath, and their practice was forcibly interrupted.

"Since she wants to go, why do you stop her? Ye Hongyu is still a Taoist after all, and your sister has grown up as an elder brother."

The temple master, who is floating on the flat boat in the South China Sea, is Chuanyin Taoshan. Perhaps in the eyes of the temple master, it is also an excellent opportunity for Chen Pipi to be worshiped by the master.

Listening to the sound transmission from the temple master, Ye Su saluted slightly in the direction of the South China Sea, then withdrew his Dao sword, stepped out of the way, and said, "Go to Chang'an, take care!"

His sister has indeed grown up, and she really shouldn't be restrained by his elder brother!

"Hmph," Ye Hongyu snorted coldly, bumped past Ye Su who was blocking the way, walked up the wooden bridge with firm steps, and walked down Taoshan Mountain.

Looking at Ye Hongyuyue who had already left, Ye Su shook his head helplessly, the energy of heaven and earth gathered at the foot of the mountain burst suddenly, the peach trees on the small half of the peach mountain began to shake violently, and countless peach petals rustled down.

Ye Su turned around, stepped on the peach petals, and walked towards the most luxurious temple on Taoshan Mountain. He wanted to ask for an explanation, even if her sister Ye Hongyu didn't need such an explanation, but as Ye Hongyu's elder brother , the ruling priest had to give him an explanation.

He is not only a Daoist who knows how to walk in the world, but also Ye Hongyu's elder brother, so he has to give an explanation, if the verdict doesn't give it, then he has to explain what the concept of life and death is!



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