Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 562: A guide who wants to go back to Mount Sumeru

【Journey to the heavens starting from Jiangye】【】

Naturally, the big moves in the Heavenly Demon Realm couldn't be concealed from the practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian Realm, or in other words, the Heavenly Demon didn't intend to hide it at all this time.

This time, the Heavenly Demon Realm is a change from the previous style, after passing the Five Villas of Longevity Mountain.

The army of the Heavenly Demon Realm, led by Demon Ancestor Luohu, directly showed the chariots and horses, and told the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect that a catastrophe was imminent.

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for a while.

Practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian can use the cloud mirror to see a vast expanse of darkness, covering the sky and covering the sun. Practitioners in the realm of heaven and demons will separate many practitioners from time to time to go to Dangqing Road The disciples of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion that I met.

Such an action in the Heavenly Demon Realm really made the heavens and myriad worlds boil. The previous battle of Da Luo that broke out in the world was no more than dozens of practitioners in the Da Luo Jinxian realm. But it's like not fighting at that level.

Looking at the former Demon Ancestor Luohu, his attack can be described as endless like a torrential river.

After the practitioners from the Heavenly Demon Realm entered the Western Realm, apart from encountering a few hard stumbles at the beginning, some of the disciples of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect later fled because of the wind, but more of them fled because of the wind.

In just a few hours, the entire western world has returned to the embrace of the demon ancestor Rahu. Although this western land belongs to the eight hundred sects of the Western religion, at the beginning, together with The western land boundary including Mount Sumeru is all the territory of Demon Ancestor Rahu.

East Kunlun Mountains.

Inside Yuxu Palace.

In the process of discussing Daoism with Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, looking at the newly arranged cloud mirror in Yuxu Palace, he frowned and said: "Daoist Yuanshi, something happened in the poor monk's house. I bid farewell first."

He is very clear about the character of Demon Ancestor Luohu, and even more clear about the fate of practitioners who dare to betray Demon Ancestor Luohu. Demon ancestor Luohu.

You must know that the western land has become so barren, and the contribution of Demon Ancestor Luohu is indispensible!

The most important thing is that the Four Swords of Jade Immortals have also drifted to the eastern boundary. In short, it is just a word, they can't come back!

Get up and leave.

Yuanshi Tianzun said with a smile: "Isn't it a large-scale mobilization of the Heavenly Demon Realm to guide fellow Taoists? Compared with the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect who guide fellow Taoists, what is this Heavenly Demon Realm worth? What about this time? Besides, relying on the Heavenly Demon Realm, how could it be possible to break Mount Sumeru?"

He has to drag this lead firmly to Yuxu Palace, after all, the business of Demon Ancestor Luohu hasn't started yet?

And Jieyin sighed even more, but when he saw a very familiar figure on the cloud mirror, Jieyin said helplessly: "Fellow Daoist Yuanshi, Mount Sumeru was originally the ashram of the Demon Ancestor Luohu , Now the Demon Ancestor Luohu is like a duck to water when he arrives at Mount Sumeru, I really can’t stay here any longer.”

If he stays in this Yuxu Palace any longer, I am afraid that the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect will be wiped out in no time. He doesn't think that the disciples who come here on a daily basis will not run away when they face the disaster of extinction.

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【Journey to the heavens starting from Jiangye】【】

Although the western boundary has long been dilapidated, after so many years of hard work, the boundary of Mount Sumeru, which is millions of miles away, is not necessarily inferior to the blessed land of heaven and earth owned by some Taoist immortals.

"Ha ha!"

"It's really a joke to meet and lead a fellow Taoist. I'm done talking about the Tao with you, but there is an old friend who wants to explain the truth to you. I don't know how to get a friend?"

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled meaningfully, this situation is very similar to the time when Yingyin and Zhunti blocked the door.

Jieyin asked doubtfully, "I don't know which old friend it is?"

He didn't understand that in the Yuxu Palace in East Kunlun, besides the Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun in front of him, who else was qualified to reason with him.

"Fellow Daoist Yuanshi, farewell!"

He had no intention of staying any longer and walked towards the outside of Yuxu Palace.

Seeing this situation, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't stop him, but just sat quietly on the futon, looking at the far away reception.

But before being guided to open the gate of Yuxu Palace, the gate of Yuxu Palace has already opened by itself.

Outside Yuxu Palace, a large cauldron has been waiting for a long time. Under the cauldron is the blazing Liuding Divine Fire, and inside the cauldron is the Sanguang Divine Water.

At this time, Nuwa, who was dressed in a black sky robe, came to the cauldron from far and near. She looked at Jieyin who was still standing inside the gate of Yuxu Palace, and said indifferently: "The way of Jieyin Friends, I remember that when the Lich was in disaster, you and your younger brother Zhun mentioned that when you blocked the gate of Wahuang Palace, I once said that I can block you in the future. Now I come here with the Qiankun Cauldron, and I don’t know how to lead it. Do you dare to enter this Qiankun cauldron and go through fire and water?"

She doesn't have a good impression of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, whether it was the Lich catastrophe, when she was rushing to the battlefield to rescue her dying brother, she would pick up and guide her and go to the Wa Palace to block the door in advance, or the Fengshen not long ago During the catastrophe, Zhunti lured King Zhou to write poems in Nuwa Palace.

These things are the reasons that drove her to come to Yuxu Palace to intercept Jieyin, not to mention that since the time when the ancient gods ruled the world, she has disliked Jieyin and Zhunti.

"The Universe Cauldron!"

After seeing clearly which innate spiritual treasure this big cauldron Jieyin's already suffering face became even uglier. He looked at the already boiled Sanguang Shenshui, helplessly He said: "Fellow Daoist Nuwa, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed since then, why did you come to this?"

Can't delay!

If it drags on any longer, I'm afraid that his western land will be misfortune again by the Demon Ancestor Rahu, but now the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect can't afford another misfortune from the Demon Ancestor Luohu.

Nuwa sneered and said, "Hmph, it's easy to talk about welcoming you. When the Lich was in disaster, if you and Zhun hadn't gone to Wa Palace to block the door in advance, how could my brother be reincarnated?"

The Human Sovereign position looks very good, but she would rather her brother not reincarnate to achieve that Human Sovereign position.

Jieyin was also a little sullen at the moment, he said: "Then we have to fight."

Take a step forward and arrive at Yuxuwai.


Yuanshi Tianzun, who was sitting on the futon, also held a Pangu flag, walked out of Yuxu Palace, and said: "Receive and guide fellow Taoists, as the former leader of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, you want to stand in front of my Yuxu Palace." , do something to my junior sister, and lead you, do you look down on me?"

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【Journey to the heavens starting from Jiangye】【】

I saw the Pangu flag unfolding slowly, exuding infinite coercion. As one of the innate treasures transformed by the Pangu axe, the innate spiritual treasure in Jieyin's hand seemed much thinner.

Seeing this recitation, he proclaimed the Buddha's words, and sat on the ground outside Yuxu Palace, several people in his heart were restlessly waiting for the revelation of Mount Sumeru.



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