Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 538: Duobao is defeated and retreats

In the void of chaos.

The seventy-six thousand realms of the heavens and ten thousand realms are wandering in it, but at this moment, those near the place where the Wudang Virgin Mary and Duobao fought in the seventy-six thousand realms have the cultivation of the Daluo Jinxian realm The Great Thousand World where those who are in battle are inevitably being affected.

If it weren't for the fast running of those great thousand worlds, it would have turned into ashes now, and it wasn't for the lack of strength of the Daluo Jinxian realm practitioners sitting in those few great thousand worlds. The Qingping Sword is too tyrannical.

And that piece of chaotic void is also a mess, all the places where the Wudang Virgin and Duobao fought have fallen into a state of returning to ruins, and the law of the great way has returned to silence.

Facing the Wudang Holy Mother holding the Tongtian Sect Master's Proving Spirit Treasure, even Duobao seemed a little powerless, and both pairs of cuffs were pulverized by Qingping's sword energy.

Seeing this, Yun Xiao couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Eldest brother is really worthy of the knowledge of many treasures, but once the Qingping sword is released, what can the elder brother do?"


So what?

Not to mention the many treasures, even the best practitioners of the older generation of Daluo Jinxian Realm, and those who have touched the side of the Hunyuan road, facing the Hunyuan sage's Dao Proving Spirit Treasure, they have to Be extremely cautious.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will end up seriously injured.

"The victory and defeat have already been decided, but this time, senior brother, he lost all face!"

Bi Xiao looked at the distance without joy or sorrow, and said to Duobao, who had fallen into a disadvantage.


"Brother Duobao, dare to ask me how is my swordsmanship?"

The Holy Mother of Wudang, holding the Qingping sword in her hand, said calmly after stirring billions of miles of chaotic energy.

Duobao is indeed unfathomable, but what she holds in her hand is the Qingping Sword!

far away.

Duobao with a disheveled bun said calmly: "Junior Sister Wudang, your swordsmanship may not be very good, but Teacher's Qingping Sword is indeed capable of breaking all Tao with one stroke."

His junior sister's swordsmanship was not very good either before or now, if he hadn't relied on the strength of the Qingping sword, he might not have fallen into a disadvantage.

After the Wudang Holy Mother broke through several innate spiritual treasures in front of her with a sword, she said, "Senior Brother Duobao, as the leader of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, do you really want to lose your face under this Qingping sword?" Lost? You must know the extraterrestrial demons, but they have always wanted to return to Mount Sumeru."

It seems that in the battle with Duobao this time, with the help of the Qingping sword, she gained the upper hand for a short time, but she knew very well that if it was really a life-and-death battle at the Daluo level, then she must be the one who lost in the end , it's better to accept it now while it's good.

I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!

After Duobao heard the words, he was slightly stunned, and said: "I didn't expect that several demon kings would cross the boundary between heaven and man and reach the vicinity of Mount Sumeru. Junior sister Wudang didn't expect that you would invite those demon kings. It really is a trick. "

He thought that there would be a lot of things planned by Taoist Temple to stop him, but what he didn't expect was that when the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm also colluded with the Demon Realm.

When the Heavenly Demon King from the Heavenly Demon Realm descends to the human world, he will be restricted by the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm, but the Heavenly Demon King who exits from the Heavenly Demon Realm and descends through the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm can directly descend in full grandeur.

The Holy Mother of Wudang looked at Sanxiao behind her, then looked at Duobao who was thousands of miles away, and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Duobao, Junior Sister Sanxiao has returned, so shall we continue to fight?"

In this chaotic void, there seems to be a winding river, coming from the depths of the chaotic void, spanning most of the heavens and worlds.

Yun Xiao said: "Eldest brother, the Jiuqu Yellow River formation has been deployed, I wonder if the elder brother dares to join the battle?"

Fighting alone, she is indeed no match for Elder Brother Duobao, but now that the Nine-Twisting Yellow River Formation has been set up, even her Elder Brother may not be able to break through the formation in a short time.

Duobao looked at the Madonna of Wudang and Sanxiao, and said helplessly, "Everyone, goodbye!"

He can indeed fight four against one, but for the sake of Che Chiguo's ancient divine dao fruit, it really seems a bit worthless, maybe Wudang they wanted to fight a life-and-death battle with him .

Even if Wudang and Sanxiao were seriously injured, it would not affect Youjian Taoist Temple's next arrangement for seeking the ancient Shinto, but once he was seriously injured, all the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect would be abolished.

After all, after he became the leader of the eight hundred sects of the Western Church, he also faced the same trouble as the thirty-three heavens.

Then Duobao disappeared into the chaotic void and went straight to Mount Sumeru.

"Duobao has finally left. If there is another fight, I'm afraid I will lose."

The Holy Mother of Wudang said with a pale face.

Although holding the Qingping sword is enough to compete with Duobao, but the Qingping sword has only one mouthful, but Duobao has hundreds of innate spiritual treasures. At that time, his senior brother self-destructed several innate spiritual treasures, which triggered a great deal of chaos. The disorder of the law caused her a lot of trouble.

Yun Xiao said with a smile: "Eldest brother has already retreated, so the ownership of this ancient divine fruit of Che Chi Kingdom should naturally be settled."

Although when they intercepted Duobao, the entire Chechi Kingdom, the Xuanmen Xianjia and the eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect had already become a But only the Daoist can determine the ownership of the ancient gods. Luo Jin is a practitioner in the realm of immortality.



Che Chi is the capital of the country.

In the royal palace garden.

The heavy rain that made the whole world drunk also stopped quietly, but the rain stopped according to the law of nature.

Whether it is with Hu Li or Monkey King, it has nothing to do with it.

Hu Li stared fiercely at Sun Wukong, looked at King Chechi on the throne, and said, "My Majesty, this game can be considered a draw, and the last game was also a draw. Please continue to ask your majesty to make more questions. I'll wait to see the winner."

Now that this gambling fight is no longer a simple gambling fight, no matter what this time, they can't lose to the 800 disciples of the Western Sect.

Sun Wukong also snorted coldly: "Just compare, do you really think that my grandson is afraid of you?"

Although his cultivation has been shaved off a bit, even so, he is still a practitioner of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm. Could it be that the three-headed demon immortal can turn the sky upside down.

"Okay, since Master Guoshi and Elder Sun are going to compete again, why don't you compete in silence, whoever moves first loses, and whoever moves last wins."

The king of Che Chi said with a deep heart.

It's not that he, the king of a country, is too obedient, it's that Sun Wukong is too scary. If the three masters of his family lose, they will lose, but once Sun Wukong loses, he is really afraid of Sun Wukong. There was a lot of killing among them.

"Wukong, let me do it this time, let's compete with this master!"



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