Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 520: The monster cultivators fled, Kunpeng Baize stopped the emperor

Outside Chang'an City.

The monster cultivators who fled from the city of Chang'an, under the siege and interception of the sixteen guards of the Tang Dynasty, had already lost their morale.

Of the hundreds of thousands of monster cultivators, only 30,000 to 40,000 have escaped now, and this is still the case that many cultivating sects have not done anything.

If those cultivating sects with the Da Luo Jinxian realm standing behind them do something, then these monster cultivators who have disrupted Chang'an will inevitably destroy their entire army in the Weng City of Chang'an City.

For these monster cultivators who escaped from Chang'an City, the Emperor of Tang personally led the Xuanjia Army, led the Sixteen Guards General, and many young generals in the army to pursue and suppress them.

The intention is to cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, but all monster cultivators who enter Chang'an City are not allowed to leave Chang'an.

After several hours.

The monster cultivators who had run for an unknown distance stopped, and the spiritual armor of the leading woman in the Golden Immortal Realm was already broken.

The woman looked at the two people standing on the hilltop in the distance, bowed respectfully and said: "My subordinate Qingluan, I have seen Lord Demon Master and Lord Prime Minister."

She had thought that this time the situation would be one of death and no life, but she didn't expect to encounter a glimmer of life near this desperate place.

On the hills in the distance!

The demon master Kunpeng and the demon prime minister Bai Ze looked at each other and sighed helplessly, then went to the main road.

at the same time.

The Great Tang Renhuang and his party, who were chasing and suppressing these monster cultivators, stopped more than a hundred thousand people.

In an instant, the sky was full of smoke and dust, and the flying birds thousands of miles away were startled.

"Qingluan, haven't you received the military order from me and the Prime Minister? Why do you have to make trouble in Chang'an City!"

Kunpeng remembered that his military order with Bai Ze was to let Qingluan and his party quickly withdraw from Chang'an City, after all, Qing Emperor Fuxi was still watching Chang'an City.

Watching is like watching!

Qingluan said with a troubled face: "But His Majesty Dijun's decree be in Chang'an City, in Chang'an City!"

"Hutu!" Before Qingluan could finish speaking, Bai Ze interrupted Qingluan, and Bai Ze said with a cold look on his face: "The Emperor Jun has now been reincarnated in the human royal family, I think you should be very clear about this. What does it mean, here I will block it for you with the demon master, you go to Beiming immediately and stay there, nothing else will happen."

Knew it!

The decree of the Yaozu Heavenly Emperor is better than the order of the Yaozu Prime Minister, but the current Emperor Jun can still be regarded as the Heavenly Emperor of the Yaozu?

Kunpeng threw out a token, threw it to Qingluan, and said: "If it weren't for your grandmother, who used to be the same as me as a minister, I would not save you today."

"Hurry up, don't you want to wait here to die?"

"Thank you, Lord Demon Master, thank you, Lord Prime Minister, Qingluan will take them to Beiming now."

After Qingluan took the token, he led the remaining 30,000 monster cultivators, took the token given by the monster master Kunpeng, and rushed towards Beiming.

"Finally relieved. You say Suzaku's junior, why are you so worried? At that time, Suzaku was not that loyal to Di Jun, so why is Qingluan so loyal?"

Bai Ze took a look, Qingluan and his party of more than 30,000 people who were about to disappear, complained to themselves.

You must know that back then, there were not a few fairy families who pursued Suzaku. If it weren't for that year, he was already in a high position, and he couldn't save face by pursuing his subordinates hastily. There would be no such thing as Qingluan being chased by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty today.

Kunpeng was in charge of the pass, and Wan Fumo blocked the only way that the emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty must pass through to pursue and suppress the army. He said indifferently: "Whoever comes, stop, and whoever crosses this line will be killed without mercy!"

The voice of the demon master Kunpeng spread in all directions, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

In an instant, whether it is the absolute elite Xuanjia army under the command of Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty who came to chase after him, or the practitioner who intends to fish in troubled waters and hide in the dark.

After hearing that the newcomer stopped, they all stopped. The soldiers of the Great Tang Dynasty were better, the practitioners who hid themselves and dared not see others, and the descendants of the Taiyi Golden Immortal were all shaken by their souls. What's more, Daoji has already appeared extremely fine cracks.

Li Shimin, Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, looked at the middle-aged man standing in front of the army, and asked his eldest grandson Wuji, "Wuji, who is this?"

Although I don't know who came, but it must be inextricably linked with the Yaozu, otherwise it would be impossible to stop the Great Tang Dynasty's encirclement and suppression army for the remnants of the Yaozu.

Changsun Wuji was also extremely suspicious of this middle-aged man who stood in front of them. After all, the information about those famous and respectable demon kings in the Tang Dynasty was already under their control with the help of the sages of the human race. But who is this one?

Changsun Wuji was still watching, but Yuchi Gong couldn't wait and see any longer. Yuchi Gong just wanted to order someone to go to test it out, but before the practitioners in the Yuanshen realm under his command could be killed, he was killed by the sages of the human race who came with the army. stopped.

After the sage of the human race slightly bowed his hands towards the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he said: "His Majesty, the person standing in front of the army is His Majesty the Demon Master of the Heavenly Court of the Demon Race, and the one standing on the top of the mountain is the former Bai Ze, the Prime Minister of the Yaozu Heavenly Court."

Listening to the sages of the human race, telling the origins of the two people in the distance, the civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty, including the Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, all gasped. The fleeing monster cultivators actually attracted these two great gods.

Bai Ze looked at this very familiar human sage, and said with a smile: "Who am I? It turned out to be you, Lu Yu! It's a pity that His Majesty the Eastern Emperor admired you very much, but it's a pity that you still chose the human race~www.wuxiamtl .com~ Lu Yu was also a chic figure when the monster clan ruled the world. The cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian was already considered very good in the Xuanmen. His Majesty the Eastern Emperor also thought about recruiting Lu Yu at that time, but it was a pity This Lu Yu finally chose the human race, which was still extremely weak at that time.

Now it seems that this step of Lu Yu is really right!

Lu Yu smiled slightly, and said: "Oh, there is another matter, then I really have to thank His Majesty Donghuang, but today I still ask the demon master to make way for the prime minister."

A large number of cultivators from the Yaozu messed up Chang'an City. If those cultivators from the Yaozu ran back to Beiming from Chang'an City without incident, wouldn't that be telling the heavens and the world that those who wanted to To be honored as the ancestor, is the Emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty weak and easy to bully?

"Lu Yu, do you really think that you are still the Xuanmen Lu Yu?" The demon master Kunpeng said flatly: "Today's incident is indeed the fault of my demon clan, but Lu Yu, you really want me to say that the demon clan messed up Chang'an. The reason? Or do you dare to let me say it?"

Those who don't know the inside story of this matter will naturally only regard it as a riot planned by the monster cultivators.

But for those cultivators who knew the inside story, would they still foolishly run to that His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and tell the cause and effect of this matter?

This is undoubtedly Wang Zha, he and Bai Ze can't do anything here because Emperor Qing is still there, once they do something, they will break the rules.

Without Lu Yu, he and Bai Ze could easily scare off the army of Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, but now that Lu Yu came out, they could only use this king bomb.



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