Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 496: Journey to the West started, Demon Ape!

【Journey to the heavens starting from Jiangye】【】

The shocking meeting of the two Hunyuan Xianjia lasted only for a moment, and then disappeared quietly.

But at this moment, Monkey King at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain was already frightened, knowing what happened but not knowing why.

Sun Wukong never thought that in this world, there are practitioners with such a powerful cultivation base and realm. The man in black robe who appeared just now is much stronger than his teacher, Patriarch Bodhi.

A wave of evil thoughts rose from Sun Wukong's heart and went straight to the Niwan Palace, polluting the already immortal soul.

The primordial spirit is ignorant, and the Dao heart is out of balance.

It can be said that Sun Wukong has already stepped half of his foot into the realm of the Heavenly Demon, so the trick of the Demon King Chaos has not completely failed. It can even be said that the ugly trick of the Demon King Chaos has already succeeded for the most part.

Duobao walked to the foot of the mountain, looked at Sun Wukong, and said, "After years of planning, how can it be abolished because of being possessed by demons? Let me draw out your demonic thoughts!"

Dao sound bursts.

Buddha sound bird sounded.

Sun Wukong wailed, and saw a series of dense demonic energy, which was removed from the primordial spirit of Sun Wukong under Duobao's supernatural power.

Not long after.

A demonic ape with six ears has already appeared in Duobao's hands. The newly born six-eared ape, with seven dissatisfied and eight watching, is only three inches long and rolls over in his hand. The demon ape from the past said calmly: "Six-eared demon ape, six-eared macaque, demon ape! Heart demon!"

But all practitioners will encounter a test of inner demons, no matter how high their cultivation level is, but most of them can get rid of inner demons by themselves.

But Sun Wukong didn't take any serious training path, but in just a few decades, he had already stepped into the realm of the peak of the Golden Immortal.

Even in the heavens and worlds, such an existence, except for the existence of the ancient gods and the early days of Xuanmen's rule of the world, can be found like Sun Wukong.

Even now, Su Xuan, the little moral mage who is walking faster on the road of cultivation, has not just stepped into the realm of primordial spirit.

So this Monkey King can't get rid of his demons at all.

Immediately afterwards.

Duobao Tathagata spread his hands and threw the six-eared demon ape into the distance. He looked at the unconscious Monkey King and said, "It seems that you still want to join the eight hundred sects of my Western Sect. If you can’t get past the real Heavenly Demon’s Questioning Heart, if you can’t get past the Heavenly Demon’s Questioning Your Heart, you will inevitably be attached to certain desires in the long river of time and space, and naturally you will not be able to enter the realm of Da Luo.”

He knew very well that Sun Wukong had a slight chance of entering the realm of Da Luo Jinxian in the original time, but since he encountered many hardships, the possibility of Sun Wukong entering the realm of Da Luo Jinxian was less than one in a billion.


After Duobao sighed, it turned into rainbow light and headed towards the western boundary.

Journey to the West started, and the six-eared macaque should also have a big dream. Among the heavens and myriad worlds, except for Xuanmen Zhuangzhou, only the great leader of the Western religion led the Buddha, who has such a cultivator. For the realm, let the six-eared macaque sleep for a while, and wake up with the cultivation realm of the peak of Taiyi.


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【Journey to the heavens starting from Jiangye】【】

Under the Five Elements Mountain.

After confirming that the real Duobao has left.

Ancestor Bodhi stepped out to the foot of the Five Elements Mountain just now. Ancestor Bodhi looked at his apprentice and felt very helpless in his heart. His apprentice's heart demon was kicked out by Duobao with his great supernatural power.

It seems that this is also a good thing, but in fact, his apprentice is completely abolished, and there is no hope of entering the realm of Daluo Jinxian, unless there is a Hunyuan fairy family who is willing to help this Monkey King and find his own origin .

But among the vast heavens and worlds, which Hunyuan immortal family is willing to pay a high price to help his apprentice?

Such a big cause and effect, his disciple Sun Wukong couldn't bear it, so naturally he couldn't bear it either.

"Fool, wake up quickly."

"Don't sleep anymore."

Patriarch Bodhi took the ruler and tapped Sun Wukong's head three times before saying.


Sun Wukong, who was in a daze, woke up leisurely. Sun Wukong looked at his teacher in front of him and said, "Teacher, I know I was wrong. I hope the teacher can give me a way to save my grandson's life."

He didn't fall asleep just now, he fell asleep in a daze after Duobao Huahong left, so he heard what Duobao said clearly.

The inner demons produced by his obsession were taken away by Duobao, and he would even be replaced one day in the future, which made him very panicked.

Patriarch Bodhi looked at Sun Wukong, and laughed angrily: "You hozen, did my teacher teach you to rob other people's spiritual treasures, did my teacher teach you to guard and steal from yourself, why might I have taught you to be opportunistic?" act like this?"

At the beginning, Zhuang Zhou had a big dream that covered half of the East China Sea, so besides Sun Wukong, he also taught several disciples. Compared with Sun Wukong who likes to make trouble, those disciples who were born in the dragon clan and the human race, although they are now the tallest, are just the best. The cultivation base of the peak of the immortal is in the realm, but the advantage is that he likes to live a stable life.

Sun Wukong lowered his head amid the rebukes of the ancestor Zao Bodhi. He said: "The teacher never taught that. All of this is the fault of the disciple. I hope the teacher will save the disciple."

He is very flustered Even when he was burned by the Liuding Divine Fire in the Bagua Furnace, he was not as flustered as he is now.

Patriarch Bodhi took out a bead from his bosom and handed it to Sun Wukong, and said solemnly: "This is a one-off congenital treasure that I obtained from fellow Taoist Yun Zhongzi for my master. , directly greet you with this bead, don’t talk nonsense, your inner demon knows everything about what you do, but you have no way of knowing what your inner demon does.”

He knew very well now that Duobao had given up on his apprentice, if not, why didn't he just suppress his apprentice's inner demons?

On the contrary, he directly eliminated it, and even molded his spirit, so that the inner demon had the ability to kill his apprentice?


Sun Wukong was also shocked in his heart. If his teacher said it was true, I am afraid that his every move now would be known by the heart demon, so Sun Wukong asked: "Teacher, what about this one-time innate treasure? The demon wouldn't know, would it?"

Patriarch Bodhi smiled calmly: "Naturally, I know that you are the heart demon, and the heart demon is you. How can we hide it from the fact that we are all one?"

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【Journey to the heavens starting from Jiangye】【】

Sun Wukong asked: "Teacher, if I meet that demon in the future, where should I go?"

If you really meet that demon, there must be a place to go to distinguish who is the real Monkey King and who is the real demon.

Patriarch Bodhi said solemnly: "Go to Tushiita Palace in the 33rd Heaven Realm! No one can save you except Tushiita Palace."



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