Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 487: Journey to the West with Buddha

Lingfeng Peak.

under the peach tree.

Su Xuan and the Duobao Daoist who was still in the Buddha's body sat beside two tables respectively. After putting several jars of fairy wine on the table, Mo Shanshan sat beside Su Xuan.

Su Xuan uncovered a jar of immortal wine, which had been covered in dust for tens of thousands of years, exuding a strong aroma of wine, which immediately permeated the entire Lingfeng Peak.

Su Xuan said calmly: "Senior Brother Duobao, I heard that there are many more rules in the human heart, one of which is to talk about things at the wine table, since Senior Brother Duobao came here this time to talk to me about that monkey matter, then please drink these jars of immortal wine before we talk about it!"

After all, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked?

No matter how perfect the rules and regulations are, as long as someone breaks them, it will be meaningless.

Hearing that Duobao Gujing's calm face finally showed some embarrassment, he said: "Junior Brother Su, you should be clear. Among the eight hundred sects in the west, drinking immortal wine is absolutely forbidden." .

But since Junior Brother Su invited me, wouldn't it be too rude if I didn't drink. "

Seeing that Duobao's body changed, the former Buddha body was still replaced by a Taoist body, and Duobao pointed lightly towards the jar containing the immortal wine.

Dozens of jars of fairy wine turned into a wine line in an instant and fell into Duobao's mouth.

Su Xuan looked at this scene, and said: "Brother Duobao is really good at calculating. The master of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion is restricted by those vain rules and regulations and can't drink this fairy wine, but many of the disciples who have been passed down to explain the teaching Master Bao, naturally you can drink this fairy wine."

Inviting Duobao to drink this fairy wine is actually an upright conspiracy. If Duobao really doesn't drink the fairy wine, can he forcefully persuade him to drink it?

He is a practitioner of the Daluo Jinxian realm with noble virtues, so naturally he would not do such things without virtues.

His senior brother Duobao drank these dozens of jars of immortal wine in a Taoist body, which can only show that his teacher Taiqing Daodetianzun did nothing wrong, and he did not misunderstand the former great master of Jiejiao. Disciple Duobao Daoist.

Duobao asked: "The fairy wine is finished, so now, Junior Brother Su, can we talk about the monkey?"

It's so difficult!

If he hadn't reacted quickly, I'm afraid he would really be tricked by his brother Su.


"However, senior brother Duobao, if you really want to borrow that monkey, you really shouldn't come to me, after all, I don't care about anything now."

While Su Xuan was speaking, he put a drawing book on the table in front of Duobao, and he said, "Senior Brother Duobao, I know exactly why you came, but what you did is tantamount to Torn face, if Journey to the West really starts, it may not be as easy as it is written in the book."

The story written in the storybook is too light and simple. If Journey to the West is really a disaster, I am afraid that among the heavens and worlds, practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian Realm who want to get a share of it may not make it so easy to pass the disaster of Journey to the West.

Not to mention that some practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian have probably already started planning early. If there were no many plans behind them, practitioners below the realm of Daluo Jinxian would not be able to escape the catastrophe of Journey to the West.

Duobao casually flipped through the script on the desk, and said, "Who wrote this script? Oh, it was Lao Wu! Bai Ze opened the trumpet, and the story is interesting, but it's a pity , if the catastrophe of Journey to the West is really as simple as what Old Wu wrote, I guess I can wake up from my dreams with laughter."

White Pond!

According to incomplete statistics, this former Prime Minister of the Monster Clan did not know how many trumpets he had, how many squares he wrote in the Great Thousand World, and how many scriptures he wrote down, and how many Da Luo Jinxian realm cultivation bases he misled. practitioners below.

Ever since Pangu opened the sky and the ancient gods ruled the world, Shi Haigoushen, if he really thought that Bai Ze could only write scripts, he would probably be killed by Bai Ze.

Su Xuan spread his hands and said: "That's why I said that the matter of Journey to the West should not be too early, otherwise it will not be closed at that time, and I am afraid that Brother Duobao will not be able to explain it at that time!"

Practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, once certified, are true forever, and it is true that all time and space are eternally free, but among the heavens and myriad worlds, especially in the realm of conferred gods, practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian are really Too much.

Therefore, in a catastrophe that engulfed the heavens, practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm also had difficulty moving an inch.

Compared with the catastrophe of conferring gods, most of the participating immortal families are immortal families within the three religions, and at most they are Xuanmen casual cultivators in twos and threes. Practitioners in the fairyland.

"It's hard to explain?"

"It's hard to explain, so don't explain. I only know that the disaster of Journey to the West is inevitable, so I have to use Monkey King."

"Don't worry, when the time comes, the seat of the Buddha will be indispensable to that monkey. At that time, Junior Brother Su will be able to give an explanation to Empress Nuwa."

Duobao put down the old Wu in his hand, that is, the book written by the former Prime Minister of the Monster Race Tianting Bai Ze.

Su Xuan on the side frowned tightly. He looked at the monkey hitting the wall in a certain and said: "Uncle Nuwa doesn't seem to need me to explain anything, on the contrary, Senior Brother Duobao , although Sun Wukong belongs to the monkey family, in fact, the main body of Sun Wukong is a piece of sky-repairing stone left by the nuwa master who used to mend the sky in the past. People who used the Wa Palace, Brother Duobao, you should go to the Wa Palace and give our Nuwa Uncle Master, an explanation."

However, it seems that their Uncle Nuwa may not be waiting to see him, the master of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion.

At this time, Mo Shanshan also said: "Sun Wukong is the disciple of Patriarch Bodhi. If Brother Duobao wants to use Sun Wukong to go on a journey to the West, it is better to talk to Senior Bodhi."

Seeing Duobao's reluctance, Mo Shanshan said the same thing.

Duobao nodded and said, "I'll go to Empress Nuwa to give an explanation, and I'll also go to Patriarch Bodhi to talk about it, but in Chang'an City, I still need the help of Junior Brother Su. After all, the emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty, I'm on my way to visit you."

Even if he is the master of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, he may not be able to act recklessly in the imperial capital of the human race. Otherwise, the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect will still need to rely on the disaster of Journey to the West.

Su Xuan looked at Duobao on the opposite side, and said: "Then what kind of remuneration do you plan to give, senior brother? After all, as a direct disciple of the Renjiao, and a practitioner of the Da Luo Jinxian realm, he also has the title of little moral master." , we need to add a few innate spirit treasures."

According to the rumors, the biggest reason why his senior brother Duobao has the name Duobao is that Duobao really has a lot of treasures. At least among practitioners of the same generation, there is hardly any practitioner who is more valuable than him. Duobao Daoist has many congenital spirit treasures.



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