Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 465: South China War


In Chang'an City, the sound of the morning bell kept coming.

The crisp sound of the bell spread throughout Chang'an City.


In the past, the capital of the Great Han Immortal Dynasty, even if the Great Han Immortal Dynasty no longer uses Chang'an City as its capital, there are still a large number of human cultivators or immortal families in Chang'an City.

The mausoleums of several majesties of the Great Han Xian Dynasty are here, and the dragon veins of the Great Han are also preserved here.

As far as His Majesty of the Great Han Xian Dynasty is concerned, except for the Bingjia and Dragon Vein Luck, one should not leave it to others.

Outside the former imperial city, there was a red-hot practitioner standing about a hundred feet away from the imperial city.

"How can such a weak body bear the weight of humanity?"

"My family has planned for hundreds of millions of years, and even an ordinary person dares to use the luck of the Red Emperor."

"But it's okay, now it's time to recover some interest."

I saw the cultivator who was as red as the true fire of samadhi shouted softly: "In the name of the Red Emperor, follow the way of the human race, return to the throne!"

The city of Chang'an, which was personally refined and arranged by the practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian realm of the human race in the past, seemed to come alive in an instant.

Thousands of fortunes gathered in front of the imperial city along the formations laid down in the past, and thousands of wide cracks appeared in all the several imperial tombs of the Great Han Dynasty.

There was also an ancient sword, which flew from hundreds of millions of miles away, and fell into the hands of the red-haired practitioner.


In the city of Chang'an, a fairy family belonging to the Great Han Dynasty shouted loudly, but then it dissipated like a gust of wind between the heaven and the earth.

"A group of ants also want to block our family's plan, it's ridiculous."

With red hair, the Daluo Jinxian from the five-color human race roared filial piety in high spirits.

Their five-color human race was so tyrannical back then, but because of trumped-up charges, they were fatally attacked by ancient gods and Taoism.

But today is different from the past, and their five-color human race will definitely occupy the great prehistoric world that has been shattered into the heavens and worlds again.

The Thirty-Third Heaven was shaken, and then Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Tota, took the Four Heavenly Kings, Jiuyao Yuanchen, and led one hundred thousand soldiers, out of the Thirty-Three Heaven, and went to the world.

"Fellow Daoist, this era doesn't belong to you anymore, why bother making trouble here?"

Nan Hua, who stepped out of the imperial city of Chang'an City, looked at the red-haired Da Luo Jinxian practitioner in front of him and said calmly.

Because a big battle is about to happen, it is very calm.

As a cultivator of Daluo Jinxian Realm who has been famous for a long time in Taoism, when Nanhua makes a move, it is a means to replace time and space.

Although still outside the imperial city of Chang'an City, Nan Hua still relied on the name of Zixiao Palace to go against the long river of time and space and go to the era of the five-color human race.

Although that past has been buried in the long river of time and space, but after all, he also studied in Zixiao Palace, so he can naturally pass the ax of Pangu Great God.

As for the red-haired Da Luo Jinxian practitioner in front of Nanhua, as long as he dares to go against the long river of time and space, he must face Pan Gu's God of Opening God's Axe. No practitioner of Da Luo Jinxian realm has ever dared to challenge Pangu The mouth of the great **** opened the **** axe.

Nanhua looked at the big red-haired Luo in front of him, and said very calmly: "Fellow Daoist, I have reached your era, so your name is Rong."

This name is very interesting. After all, there was also an ancestor witch named Zhu Rong among the witch clan in the past. Unfortunately, the Rong who was born in the five-color human race in front of him has nothing to do with the former witch clan ancestor Zhu Rong. It should even be said that the two , once they meet, only one will survive.

Rong Chunfeng's complacent face suddenly collapsed. He looked at the Xuanmen Daluo in front of him and said, "Impossible. In the past, the Great God Pan Gu suppressed the long river of time and space. How could you pass by? You can't dodge the Heavenly God Axe."

In his opinion, no one dares to step into the long river of time and space, not even their former Emperor, His Majesty.

Nanhua looked at Rong's expression, and said with a smile: "That's because you are too proud. The times are developing and the rules are changing. Of course, you don't know that there is Zixiao Palace preaching, and you naturally don't know how to flow steadily against the long river of time and space. , although it will be useless to kill you in the past, but how long can practitioners in the Da Luo Jin Immortal realm who have no past survive this calamity?"

Rong sneered, "Then you don't have to worry about it."

"Let's look at this magic weapon."

I saw a flame flying out of Rong Rong's hand, and the flames spread out under the blue sky. The inside and outside of Chang'an City were like a furnace. Fortunately, before Nan Hua entered Chang'an, he used his supernatural powers to kill all the people in Chang'an City. Moved to another place, otherwise there would be no living person in Chang'an City at this moment.

The scorching flames were burning, and even the formations arranged by the practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian realm in the past began to collapse at this moment, and even the Dao Law replaced by Nanhua also began to burn.

The celestial troops who were watching the battle under the blue sky couldn't avoid the flames, and they retreated to the 33rd layer of heaven before giving up.

Outside Chang'an.

Su Xuan looked at the blazing Chang'an City, and said: "The fight has already started. I didn't expect that the cultivator of the Daluo Jinxian realm of the five-color human race would use such a ruthless After this battle I'm afraid there will no longer be people living here, and there will no longer be practitioners who can practice here."

Use your own avenue as fire to ignite the time and space of the entire Chang'an City, cut off the past and future of this Chang'an City, and make this Chang'an City a veritable Jedi.

It is enough to see how ruthless this Daluo Jinxian realm practitioner who was born in the five-color human race is. The ending of this city is like this, let alone Nanhua who is actually in the city and in the fire.

Mo Shanshan said: "At this time, the ancient god's method, but the ancient **** did not dare to use it so recklessly, but the practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm have no such concerns."

Because for practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, such loss is almost negligible, but for ancient gods, it is a traumatic injury.

This is also the reason why those ancient gods who had the foresight reincarnated one after another to rebuild the way of Taoism in the end.

Xuanmen prospered because of Patriarch Hongjun, but it was not only because of Patriarch Hongjun that Xuanmen was able to prosper so much that it even surpassed the ancient gods of the year.

Su Xuan nodded and said: "Practitioners in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian really don't have such worries, but this Da Luo Jinxian of the five-color human race has committed a taboo. The Realm of the Gods unreservedly showed its own cultivation realm. Even the time when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was not in the human world. He was expelled for too long. After all, it is not a good thing. I can't figure it out."

Rules are very important, especially for immortals who don't have the realm of cultivation to ignore the rules.

Practitioners in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian may be able to ignore the rules on the surface, but practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian absolutely do not have such strength.



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