Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 463: Human affairs, Huang Tian should stand

After the battle between the former Great Qin Emperor and the Lord of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Realms, most of the paradises and paradises in the world were destroyed.

Thirty-three weathers also cast a canopy over the entire human world at just the right time, and the phantoms of the stars in the sky rotate continuously on the sky road, so there is a saying that one year in the world is one day in the sky.

at this time.

In the human world, outside Julu City.

Zhang Jiao, who had already picked the Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit, looked back at the hundreds of thousands of Qianshou behind him, and stepped up to the altar step by step.

I do not know how many years ago. Someone had done the same thing before, but at that time, His Majesty the Emperor of Great Qin wanted to be the Lord of the Thirty-Third Heavens.

But today, this Taoist really wants to change the world to a new sky.

The Great Qin Emperor refused to claim the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm. He was defeated and went to the heavens and ten thousand realms to cultivate his health.

Now that the years of hundreds of immortal families have passed, this world is already filthy.

Zhang Jiao boarded the altar, lit three pillars of incense and worshiped again and again.

Then Zhang Jiao raised his arms and shouted, "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky will stand; the year is Jiazi, and the world will be blessed."

Zhang Jiao's celestial realm cultivation was revealed without any danger, and within a radius of ten thousand miles of the giant deer, these words, which were somewhat heartbreaking for a big man, resounded.

under the altar.

Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang, and hundreds of thousands of Taiping Dao believers also shouted loudly together: "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky will stand; the year is Jiazi, and the world will be happy."

The devout Taiping Dao believers waved their arms and shouted words that were enough to make the governor of Julu die on the spot.

Shouting like mountains and tsunami, in exchange for the most pious belief, at this moment Zhang Jiao's cultivation base quickly climbed to the peak of the heavenly immortal, even if he was in the golden immortal realm who had comprehended a little bit of immortality, there was only one person left. between paper.

At this time on the altar.

There was a voice in Zhang Jiao's heart. The stone came from Zhang Jiao's teacher Nanhua Immortal, "Idiot, is it worth it? Is it really worth it?"

The next moment Zhang Jiao looked into the distance, as if he wanted to find his teacher in the vast crowd, but after searching for a long time, Zhang Jiao couldn't find it either.

Zhang Jiao's heart was moved, and he said in a low voice: "Teacher, this great river and mountain shouldn't be like this! Please forgive me for the crime of disrespect."

As a disciple of Xuanxiu who practiced the Dao of Xuanmen, he is now using heresy methods, which is really disrespectful. Even if his teacher wants to abolish him, he will use heresy methods to forcibly improve his cultivation level. The realm of the gods is in chaos.

"You will die, even if you may step into the Golden Immortal Realm in the future. The old Taoist will ask you one last question, is it really worth it?"

The old fairy Nanhua's words were full of vicissitudes, as if he was regretting his apprentice who was expected to be Taiyi in the future.

Zhang Jiao looked firmly at the believers of the Taiping Dao, and said, "The arrow is on the string and has to be fired, the teacher and the disciple are not filial."

This is a very big chess game, and he can only be regarded as an insignificant person in this chess game. For the future of the human race, he has to do it.

The older generation of cultivators in the Daluo Jinxian realm of the human race no longer want to change. This may be the dragon-slaying boy mentioned in the scriptures, but he has become a so-called evil dragon after all.

Zhang Jiao really likes a certain fairy's sentence, "Is there no kind for the people of Qianshou?"

Princes and generals, would you rather be kind?

Princes and generals have seeds, but is it true that the head of Guizhou has no seeds?

"It's good to do it for yourself."

"Teacher cherishes it."

Then, the cheers stopped one after another. Hundreds of thousands of Taiping Dao believers with yellow cloth strips tied on their arms, led by many leaders, scattered in Julu and headed towards the Great Han Dynasty with a territory of hundreds of millions of miles. kill.

When the sky sends murderous intentions, the stars move; when the earth sends murderous intentions, dragons and snakes start their way;

On this day Zhang Jiao said that the sky is dead, Huang Tian is in charge, the year is Jiazi, and the world is auspicious.

It directly disrupted the entire Great Han Immortal Dynasty. Although there were generals from various capitals leading troops to quell the chaos, it still had little effect.

And the killings in the human world inevitably affected the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm. The descendants of the Red Emperor of the human race in the past also kept going to the Lingxiao Palace to see the Emperor of Heaven, and wanted to persuade His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven to help Be busy and make a mess.

But Zhang Bairen, who had made up his mind a long time ago, was going to stand on the sidelines this time, and even issued a strict order. On the contrary, the gods of the thirty-three heavens, as well as the heavenly soldiers and generals, without the decree of the emperor, even if they were one **** and one fairy, one No soldier can be transferred.

In addition, Yang Jian led a series of gods who conferred the gods and inspected the thirty-three layers of heaven. Anyone who did not obey this order would go to the immortal platform and enter the eighteenth floor of **** in the underworld, where they would not be reborn forever.

At this moment, the gods of different shoots, who should have been deeply separated, actually acted together at this moment.

In the past, the Human Emperor Jiutou Clan created the five-color human race, and before Empress Nuwa wrote the soil to create humans, this descendant of the Red Emperor was naturally the descendant of the Red Emperor among the five-color human race in the past. big difference.

In other words, Emperor Yan borrowed some of the luck of the five-color human race.


Near Chang'an on earth.

Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan strolled on the Chidao outside Chang'an. The Chidao built by His Majesty the Emperor of Great Qin in the past is still functioning. This is why the Great Han Dynasty, under Zhang Jiao's fierce offensive, The reason for being able to get a The mountains and rivers inside and outside Tongguan Road, Qin and Han Palaces are all made of soil. "

Looking at this scene, Su Xuan couldn't help but think of some very interesting things, then Su Xuan looked into the distance and said: "Fellow Daoist Nanhua, since you are here, and you are also from the Taoist family, why do you need to hide?" hiding?"

"Su Zhenren, it's not that I want to hide, it's because too many things have happened recently, just now, a clone of the impoverished Tao, in the heavens and worlds, was beheaded by the descendants of the Red Emperor." Nan Hua said with a wry smile: "If Pindao hadn't needed to keep an eye on my stupid apprentice all the time, Pindao would have demolished that guy's hometown long ago."

The mud bodhisattva still has three points of anger, not to mention that he is a practitioner of the golden fairy realm of Daluo.

Su Xuan said: "The fellow Daoist Nanhua is also considered unlucky, but this human matter, why is it related to the five-color human race again."

Regarding this matter, he is indeed a little unclear. After all, the events of that era were too long ago. The Human Sovereign at that time was far from being comparable to the later Human Sovereign.

Nan Hua shook his head and said: "Su Zhenren asked the wrong person. When the Human Emperor Nine Heads ruled the heavens and worlds, the poor Daoist was just born, and his cultivation level did not even reach the level of a celestial being. How can he know the inside story? Su If a real person knows the truth, he might as well go to the Wa Palace and ask Empress Nuwa."

He is not very clear about the five-color human race. He knows that the five-color human race has been planning a big event.

And the Great Han Xian Dynasty is the key to it, no matter how many there are, he won't know.

In that era, too many things were buried, and it is difficult for practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm to know the existence.



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